So this is the last chapter…this story is over along with this season which was a good season for Ryan, a great season for Natalia but not such a good season for RaiN, but I never lose hope, RaiN heart never stops beating ;) who knows maybe we'll get lucky next season

I want to thank you all for the amazing review, and also thank you for the huge patience for my slow updating


Day 4

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I hate this sound!

Calleigh got up from her seat near Ryan's hospital bed and walked towards the window

"Sucks ha?" asked Ryan standing next to her

"Yeah you look better as a ghost" said Calleigh

"Yes being brain dead doesn't give you the best look" said Ryan looking at his body lying in the hospital bed "where is Natalia?"

"She… couldn't take it anymore" said Calleigh avoiding eye contact "I'm sorry"

"It's alright I'm not enjoying it myself"

"Ryan I…" Calleigh tried to argue

"Cal I hate to admit it but I'm in some serious pain and I'm not going to recover you heard the doctors"

"I really don't know if I can do this" mumbled Calleigh

"You have to, I don't have anybody else thank I can ask to do this" he looked at her "I'm tired Calleigh, I need to rest and you are the only one that can help me do that"

"Alright" sighed Calleigh and approached the beeping monitor "I guess this is a goodbye"

"I guess so" said Ryan and smiled lightly "take care"

Calleigh touched the button that was responsible for keeping Ryan in this world

Just one button can end someone's life

She looked at her friend for the last time and pressed the button, the beeping stopped…and Ryan disappeared

"Calleigh?" Calleigh jumped to the sound of her name, she turned her head and saw Walter watching her from the entrance "what the hell are you doing? Calleigh?"

"Calleigh? Calleigh! Calleigh! Calleigh!"

"Ah? What?" jumped Calleigh out of her sleep and Walter catch her before she fell of her seat

"Are you alright?" asked Walter

"I think so…what happened?"

"It looks like you were having nightmare"

"I…Ryan!" she jumped off her seat towards Ryan's bed "oh thank g'd" she sighed with relief when she heard the beeping of the monitor "he is alright"

"Define alright" said Walter bitterly "he looks horrible"

"But he is alive" said Calleigh

"What annoys me the most is the fact that the stupid doctors don't even have answers" grumbled Walter

"The 'stupid doctors' are not stupid Walter" said Calleigh touching Ryan's hand "they did everything they could over the night and Alexx is one of them so…be nice, where is Natalia?"

"Talking to the s… doctors" mumbled Walter

"Eric and Horatio?" asked Calleigh


"Finishing what?"

Walter gave her a look that said 'you know what'

"Oh right…finishing"

"It's my turn Calleigh you can go home and change"

"Is that your way of telling me that I look horrible" said Calleigh with a small smile

"No, that's my way of saying that you need to rest, you and Nat you look like a couple of zombies, rest Calleigh"

"I'm fine and I'm not going anywhere" said Calleigh determinately

"Well in that case go and get yourself some coffee"

"Alright" agreed Calleigh "I'll be back"

"I know you will" after she left he turned to Ryan "you better be ok or else we all gonna fall down"


"Natalia you got to understand, I can't tell anything that you don't already know" said Alexx "I was there with him all night, the only thing that is left to do is wait until he wakes up"

"Or not" mumbled Natalia

"Natalia I'm trying to stay positive you should do the same"

"It's not about not being positive it just feels that by chasing you and asking questions at least I'm doing something"

"There's nothing you can do except wait" said Alexx "sweetie you got to have faith"

"I know" mumbled Natalia with tears in her eyes "but I'm scared"

"I know baby" said Alexx bringing Natalia into a motherly hug "me too"


"Do you remember everything you need to do?" asked Eric

"Want to ask me again?" snapped Diego

"I'll ask as many times as I want, got it?" said Eric making a step towards Diego's direction

"Delko" said Frank

"What?" Eric snapped at him too

"Live the kid alone" said Frank "let's just get it over it"

"Fine" hissed Eric "but I still don't trust him"

"You don't have to, but we need to end" said Frank

They all stood in the middle of Anna's living room

"Gentlemen I believe that our guests are here" said Horatio pointing at the car that parked outside of the convo, until now he remained quiet

"Show time" said Frank "come on Delko let's go we can't blow this entire thing by letting them see us"

Eric gave Diego a look that said 'I'm watching you' then he followed Frank who followed Horatio and the three of them disappeared inside one of the rooms

Diego took a deep breath it's for my family…even if I die it's for them

He opened the door and let the two Russians in "she was a cop" mumbled Diego

"Dyrak (idiot)" said Alexander "why did you let her in?"

"She said she was her friend"

"You didn't expected her to say the truth didn't you?" asked Michael "chto mi bydem delat? (what are we going to do?)"

"Tebe cazetsa chto y nas mnogo opzii (it looks to you like we have a lot of options?)"

"Where is she?" asked Michael "where is Anna and the kid?"

"Bedroom" answered Diego shortly

"And the dead cop?"

"In the bathroom"

"Kineme e tyda ze gde I pervoy (we will dump her with the other one)" said Alexander "ya pouydy provery spalny a ti vannay (I'll go check the bedroom and you go check the bathroom)"

Diego looked at them nervously, the fact that he couldn't understand what they were saying didn't help and he was afraid the entire thing will blow up

At least they are safe now, but they will be safer when this two will be back in jail…better dead

When Diego saw them entering the rooms he took a few steps back, we wasn't a cop he never had anything to do with guns and shooting and at this moment he was scared


"Face down! On the ground!"

"Don't move!"

"I said don't move!"

Everything was so loud that Diego couldn't understand which voice belonged to who

"Eric let him go!"

"You almost killed my friend!"

"Eric let him go now!"

"Delko he's heading for your gun!"

The next thing that Diego heard was a gunshot, he closed his eyes, that's how things can blowup


Natalia thought that she can never get tired of watching him, she was sitting in the edge if his hospital bed one of her hands holding his and the other one caressing his cheek, when she heard somebody opening the door and entering the room she didn't turn around

"Het sweetie" came Calleigh's voice "how's our boy?"

"Same" sighed Natalia "apparently all we can do is wait…and I'm waiting"

"I can see that"

"I'm sorry that I'm not facing you" apologized Natalia "I just afraid that if I turn my head something will happen to him"

"I wish I knew what to say... except the fact that Ryan is a fighter but I'm also scared for him"

"I know and I need to apologize to you"

"Why?" asked Calleigh

"The same reason I apologized to Eric, the way I talked to you…I shouldn't" said Natalia still looking at Ryan

Calleigh shrugged "you were right"

"Like I said to Eric it's between you and Ryan, it's none of my business"

"I think that everything that happens to Ryan eventually is your business" said Calleigh

"You are always on his side and he likes it"

"Why you thing that?"

"Because he loves you" said Calleigh and smiled "and I mean he's really, really in loved with you"

"He said that?"

"Yes, he said that to me" said Calleigh "he said that to you too"

"He was drunk" said Natalia remembering the moment that shared in the bar

"He meant it, trust me I know" said Calleigh approaching Natalia

"Did they get them?" whispered Natalia

"Yes" answered Calleigh "and now Eric suspended, because he almost chocked one of them and the guy almost shot him with his own gun"

"But he's alright? Eric"

"Yeah he's fine the only thing that we be injured is his bank account at the end of the month"

"He talks to you a lot about me... Ryan"

Calleigh shrugged without answering

"That doesn't surprises me" said Natalia "he always looked up to you, like you were his big sister or something…he never got along with his actual sister you know?"

"Yeah I know" said Calleigh

"Bottom line I don't care who he loves and who he hates" said Natalia quietly "I just want him to be ok, everything else can wait"

"If you want to cry Nat…then its ok you can do it" said Calleigh

"I don't have any more tears left" murmured Natalia "now I'm just waiting"

"Alright…I'll leave you alone then" mumbled Calleigh turning to leave



"Walter told me how you reacted when he came to tell you that they found Ryan, what was that all about?"

Calleigh sighed "I just had a small nervous breakdown"

"I get that…I really do I…"

"What is it Nat?" asked Calleigh when she noticed Natalia's frozen face expression

"He…he squeezed my hand" she mumbled "I swear Calleigh, he squeezed my hand!"

Calleigh approached Ryan's bed he coughed then…

"He's opening his eyes" whispered Natalia finally releasing some tears, this time they were tears of joy

Calleigh was no different usually when she started to cry she made her best to hide the tears, she didn't like when people saw her crying but this time she didn't care, she run outside of the room and yelled "somebody bring a doctor in here! He's awake!"

Natalia grabbed Ryan's face in her hands


"N-Nat" he whispered slowly "I'm alive?"

"Of cores you are you idiot" she mumbled kissing his forehead "you really, really scared me"

"I'm s-so glad that you are here" he whispered

"I will always be where you are" she said "I love you"

"I l-love you too" he whispered

Alexx came into the room followed by a few nurses

"Nat…sweetie step aside we need to examine him" said Alexx softly

"Alright" agreed Natalia leaving his bed and making a few steps back "u can do that now"

I can do that…he's awake, he looked at me, he loves me and he's ok…he's ok


An hour later Eric found Calleigh sitting on the hospital's floor near Ryan's room

He kneeled next to her and lifted her chin so her tear covered face were facing his

"Why are you crying? Alexx told me he's going to be fine"

"But I thought that I lost him, I thought that I failed"

He wasn't sure what to answer he just kept looking into her eyes

"Calleigh?" asked Natalia stepping out of Ryan's room "he's asking for you"

Calleigh tried her best to whip the tears "I'm coming…I'm coming"


So this is the end of this story, I'm not completely happy with this ending I thought that I can do better or maybe I just don't want to let that story go

Anyway thanks again for reading and reviewing this story, now do it one more time;)

