Finding the Truth in Yourself

This is the sequel to my story 'Lost but Not Forgotten', and if you haven't read that I suggest you do before reading this, so you have an idea of what's happened!

Chapter 1 – Savannah POV

It's been four amazing years since I was reunited with my family. Four amazing years since Bella and I officially became sisters. The best four years of my life without a doubt.

But, now we were eighteen and in September we'd both be off to University. Of course we'd still be family, but I'd miss coming home every evening to the re-enactments of my ten year old twin sisters' days. Jessica had finally come to accept that Bella and I were there to stay, but whilst she'd never warmed to me she had become close to Bella. I didn't mind though, I had the mad twin. The crazy, pixie like one who came home a week ago with her hair loped off at different lengths telling us she thought it was time for a change. Mum wasn't too happy: she loved the fact that all of her girls had 'Princess hair', but decided she'd rather Alice's hair looked nice and was short than like she'd been massacred by a pair of stray scissors. It wasn't boy-short, but it was just below the ears short- a spiky bob.

My mother Rosalie McCarty still owned a highly successful fashion and magazine company, whilst my dad Emmett McCarty was still a banker of sorts. None of us knew what he really did, but as long as he loved us (which he did) that was all that mattered.

"Karlie, Bella darlings there's post for you here," Mum shouted up the stairs.

I ran out of my room where I'd been trying to place together an outfit for a meeting with some agent Mum knew later that day.

On the way down I saw Bella leaving her room which was opposite mine. She smiled and I waited on the stairs so we could walk down together. When we reached the kitchen, we found Jess already looking through the pile of letters.

"Bella, there are three for you and Savannah you have three too, but also a postcard from Australia," she told us pushing my pile towards me as she handed Bella hers.

"Thanks Jess," Bella replied.

"I see your University places have been reserved providing you get the grades," my Dad said entering the room and twirling me around.

"Damn, I thought it was going to be my invitation to a Garden Party with the Queen," I joked.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, but I don't see any Royal stamps on there," he said letting go of me to hug Bella.

We had both applied to three Universities. Bella wanted to study English, but specifically Journalism so had applied to Oxford, Southampton and Leeds. I however had decided that whilst I loved modelling for my Mum and other designers, I wanted another job too. Of course I had been told many times that when she died Alice and I would together inherit the company I was hoping that would be a very long way off, so I needed another job which I was passionate about. So, I was pulling a Legally Blonde and was hoping to become a lawyer. Apparently my grandpa had also been a lawyer, so Mum had contacted a few of his old colleagues to come and talk to me about it. 'He would have loved you' they all said before they left. But I'd never met him. He died when my Mum was eleven and she'd never fully gotten over losing him. So, I was applying to Oxford too, but the Law part of it as well as Cambridge and then one in London that was close to home.

"Ok, so we open them on the count of three then Sana," Bella said bringing me back into the present.

"Right: one, two, three..."

I smiled to myself as I opened the first letter from Oxford. I'd got a place, and providing I achieved the grades I was in. It was the same with the one in London, but Cambridge had said that at the moment there were too many people applying, so until further notice I didn't have a place. But, I wasn't too bothered: Oxford had always been my first choice, followed by the London one.

"So, I got into Leeds and Southampton, but Oxford have said for the time being there isn't a space," Bella exclaimed smiling broadly.

"That's fantastic Bells!" Dad said hugging her tightly, "What about you Curley-Whirly?"

"I got into London and Oxford, but Cambridge is full or something like that," I said as he came and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm proud of you baby, it's a good thing you have your mother's brains."

"Who has their mother's brains?" my Mum asked as she came into the room, lighting it up in that way that only she could do.

"Karlie: she's been accepted into Oxford and London," my Dad announced proudly, "And of course I'd say the same about Bella, only I don't know if it was her mother or father who had brains."

I saw a brief look of hurt and sadness cross Bella's face, but before I could blink she was smiling again. Only this time, the smile looked a little forced.

"Oh girls, I'm so proud of you: we'll have to celebrate soon," she said kissing both of us on the head.

"Mummy – we haven't actually got in anyway yet: we have to get the results first," I said laughing.

"Yes but honey, you will get them I promise."

"I want a cookie too," Alice stated as she skipped into the room.

"Angel there are no cookies here," Mum told her.

"Yes, but you said to Karlie she would get them: so I want them too please."

"Ali-bee, your mother was on about grades for exams," Emmett said ruffling her short spiky hair.

"Daddy, will I get those then?"

"Yes poppet, if you work hard enough like your sisters do."

"Mama, didn't you say Uncle Edward and Auntie Tanya are coming round today?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, yes I did. Karlie sweetie, they've rescheduled your interview for Thursday, so I will meet you at school at lunchtime; leaving Bella with the other car and the twins. So, as we had the day free, I invited your cousins round," she explained.

"So are Jasper, Maria, the terrible two and baby Rachel coming as well?" Alice questioned.

Two years ago, Mum's brother Jasper and his wife had had another baby: a long awaited girl and named her Rachel Tabitha Hale. She hadn't been the prettiest baby, but she was cute. She had big chubby cheeks that were always slightly red, as well as Maria's brown hair with Jasper's blue eyes. She was a little darling, and I think both Jasper and Maria had been relieved when they found out they weren't to have another energetic son.

"No they're not – they're on holiday in Spain seeing Maria's family so it's just us and Uncle Edward's brood."

"Okay, I'll get dressed into something nice then," Alice told us before heading upstairs.

"Alice sweetie, remember its still November so don't go putting on another summer dress please," Dad reminded her.

We laughed and I turned to my postcard. It was from my boyfriend Harry. Yes, he was the same one who had lived in the home with Bella and I. Shortly after I'd left we'd gotten together and had never been apart since. He was travelling the world at the moment: on a gap year and he seemed to be having the most wonderful adventures. He was my soul-mate and I was gad he'd be home for Christmas: I couldn't wait to see him again.

Two hours later, we heard a car pull up in the drive and the twins ran out to say hello.

"My baby sister Rosie: how are you?" Edward asked hugging Mum.

"Good Edward – the girls both got into the Universities they wanted to, so this is kind of a celebration of that as well," she told him.

"Rose, lovely to see you: and you too Emmett," Tanya greeted them.

Mum had admitted to us that she didn't really like Tanya; she's always been too full on for her liking. It was a strange match really: Edward the studious, scholarly type and Tanya, who was always full of energy and dressed like she was twenty years younger. I think Mum and Nana were relieved when George and Ella both took after Edward personality wise.

"Hey, Karlie, Bella," Ella said running up to us.

In four years she'd grown taller and was about two inches smaller than me. She still had those lovely blue eyes, but last year she'd dyed her hair blonde and it had never fully recovered back to its former colour.

George was so like Edward it was actually quite terrifying. But, he loved playing with the twins so that made them happy and as far as they were concerned was all that mattered.

"Ella, hi – come in," Bella said and we wandered up the stairs into the playroom which had recently been converted into a sort of lounging about area upstairs, as opposed to the more formal living room downstairs.

"So, how are you?" I asked, sitting down on one of the fluffy sofas that were in the room.

"Good: I've got mocks next week but I'm sure they'll be fine," she answered.

"They always are. I remember Sana and I had notes everywhere, but in the end we did better than we expected," Bella reassured her.

"Karlie, can we come in too please?" Alice said, poking her head round the door.

"Of course Ali. Come and sit down next to me and show Ella your hair," I told her.

The door opened to reveal Jess and George also, but that was okay: the more the merrier.

"Ella, Ella, do you like my hair?" Alice asked dancing up to her cousin.

"Yes, it really suits you; but I can't imagine Auntie Rose was too impressed."

"She wasn't, but she'll live. I mean Uncle Edward's still alive after the way he reacted when you dyed your hair and we thought he would die," she replied and sat down next to me.

"George come and have a seat too: we won't bite: I promise," Bella told him and he cautiously sat on the edge of an armchair.

We talked and laughed like cousins should before it was time for them to leave. After we waved goodbye, Mum caught me in her arms as I turned to go upstairs.

"I'm so proud of you angel, and your granddad would be especially proud too. I love you and Bella so much, but you will always be my daughter."

I hope this is okay: I've got a few ideas about where to go with the story, but if you could give me anymore that would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you and I hope you had an amazing Christmas and New Year (if you celebrate them), XxX