A/N: Last part! Thanks for all of your reviews so far :)

Little Wonders
Part 5 of 5


"Can I come in?" Mark asked quietly from the doorway of Addison's hospital room hours later.

"N…" Alex started.

"Yes" Addison said quickly, Alex looked at her with a sigh "Alex, go and get yourself some coffee, you're tired" she said squeezing his hand "We'll be fine, promise"

"I swear if he upsets you…."

"I won't" Mark said quietly "I'm not here to cause any trouble I just, wanted to, see if they were ok"

"I'll be back soon" Alex said with a sigh, he kissed Addison softly and then Sophie's forehead "I've promised her I won't start anything with you" he said quietly as he reached Mark "But I don't know how easy that's going to be if you do or say something out of line, I'll be watching you" before Mark could speak he left.

"So…." Mark breathed walking closer to the bed "This is her"

"Yeah" Addison said with a small smile "Sophie Grace Karev"

"Karev" Mark said with a raised eyebrow "You don't want her to have a billion names like you do?"

"No" Addison said with a slight laugh "And I, he kind of, sort of, asked me to marry him and I want to take his name. Mark the, the way I feel about him, it came out of nowhere, I didn't even think about him in a, romantic way until I got pregnant, she was an accident, but she's the most perfect accident I've ever seen, and I had to really think about what I felt for him, because Sophie deserves two parents who know what they are, so I thought a lot about it and, he's, everything I never knew I always wanted, he's the one" she said with a breath.

"You used to say Derek was the one" Mark said perching on the edge of the bed.

"And he used to say the same about me" Addison said with a small smile "It's not that we didn't love each other, because we did we just, I don't know, I guess maybe we were settling, we were young and, that's just what happened back then, I think if we had really thought about it, we wouldn't have gotten married, I don't regret it, I regret not leaving at the first sign of trouble, because if I had, it wouldn't have caused so much pain"

"But if you had, you might not have Sophie" Mark said softly.

"Yeah, I guess" Addison said glancing down to Sophie "Mark, I did love you but, I wasn't in love with you, and I think, if you were really honest with yourself, you'd feel exactly the same about me, I shouldn't have stayed with you, we shouldn't have, it shouldn't have happened, but all the time before that, when you were there for me, letting me cry on your shoulder, I will always be thankful for that, but we were never meant to be anything more than just friends, and deep down, I think you know that"

"I know" Mark said quietly.

"Wanna hold her?" Addison asked.

"Sure" Mark smiled, he slowly accepted Sophie into his arms "Hi Sophie" he said quietly "You are definitely your mothers daughter" he chuckled, brushing his thumb against the small tufts of red hair "She's beautiful Addie"

"Yeah" Addison said softly "She's pretty perfect"

"You're going to be a great Mom y'know" he said looking to her "And I'm sure, well, I don't really know him but, I'm sure Karev's gonna be a great Dad to her, you're happy with him, I can tell, but I swear if he makes one wrong move…."

"I know" Addison said squeezing his arm a little "I'd like you two to maybe, be friends, I mean, I'm not expecting you to be best friends but….just be civil ok?"

"I promise" Mark smiled "Y'know, apart from when we were doing residency, I think this is the first baby I've ever held, I always avoided the Shepherd babies"

"I remember" Addison chuckled "Well, you're doing great, she's not crying which is always a good sign"

"I guess" Mark said with a slight laugh "She's amazing Addie, congratulations" he said kissing her cheek as he passed Sophie back "I'll come and see you later?"

"Sure" Addison smiled "Bye Mark"

"Bye Addie" he smiled back as he left.


"Hey" Derek said popping his head into Addison's room "Is it ok to come in?"

"Yeah, sure, come on in" Addison smiled "Come and meet her"

"Where's Karev?" Derek asked as he closed the door behind him.

"We left some stuff at home so he's gone to unwillingly pick it up" she replied with a slight laugh.

"Right" Derek smirked "Well Addie, I can see why he wouldn't want to leave, she is gorgeous"

"She is huh?" Addison beamed "Here, hold her, Derek, meet Sophie Grace Karev, Sophie, meet Uncle Derek"

"Uncle Derek?" Derek said quietly.

"That's what I said" Addison smiled softly as she passed Sophie over.

"And Karev? Just Karev? I didn't think you were going with that"

"I changed my mind" Addison smiled "And, I have some other, news"


"I'm getting married"

"You are?" he asked softly "Addison that's, great"

"It is?" Addison asked warily.

"Well, you're happy right? You want to marry him? You love him?"

"Yes" Addison replied "I guess I just, I don't know, I can't quite believe this is happening"

"Me either" Derek said with a laugh "Congratulations Addie, I'm really happy for you, really"

"Thank you" Addison said softly "I had a miscarriage in New York" she said quietly after a quiet second.

"What?" Derek said looking up from Sophie.

"2 years before we left New York, I told you I had something important to tell you, I made dinner and, I had it all planned out, and then Mark called me and told me you weren't coming home, again, things had been going wrong for about 6 months, the next thing I knew, I was cramping, there was blood, I went to a different hospital where nobody knew me, and I didn't tell anyone, until I got pregnant with Sophie, I told Alex, Bailey and Callie, because I knew, when I had cramps that day I found out, it wasn't the same as when, I lost, our baby"

"Addison I, I am so sorry" Derek said softly "I'm so so sorry, you, you should've told me"

"I know" she sighed "But, in New York there, there was never a right time, and here, I didn't want you to pity me, it happened, it happened and it was horrible and I was devastated but, it doesn't matter anymore, I just, thought you should know"

"Well thank you for telling me" he said squeezing her hand a little "I'm sorry for everything Addie"

"Me too" she said sadly "For everything"

"Well this little one is what we all need to focus on now, she's going to be spoilt rotten with all her pseudo Aunts and Uncles" he said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah" Addison smiled "Probably"

"I should go, I have some patients to check up on, but I'll come and see you soon ok?"

"Ok" Addison said with a small smile, Derek kissed Sophie's forehead before putting her in Addison's arms, he kissed Addison's forehead before leaving with a small wave, a second later and Alex came back into the room.

"Hey, was that Shepherd?" he asked.

"Yeah" she smiled "Come here" she said holding out her hand and then patting the bed, Alex kicked off his shoes and climbed up onto the bed, wrapping his arm around Addison, the other crossing his body so his hand could rest with hers against Sophie.

"I love you" he whispered against her temple.

"I love you too" she said softly "Thank you"

"What for?" he asked.

"For staying" she said looking up to him.

"I'm not going anywhere" he said kissing her softly.


6 years later.

"Hey, there are my favourite girls" Meredith beamed when 6 year old Sophie and 3 year old Ella ran into her kitchen.

"Hi Aunty Meredith" they both smiled.

"Hey" Addison smiled as she walked in with 1 year old Katie on her hip, dropping 3 bags onto one of the chairs "Thank you for doing this"

"It's no problem" Meredith smiled "I love having them here, it's good practice" she said rubbing her tiny bump.

"How are you feeling?" Addison asked, Meredith rolled her eyes "I know I ask a lot but I'm your doctor, so, how are you feeling?"

"Morning sickness is completely gone now" Meredith smiled "And the second trimester has officially kicked in if you know what I mean" she said suggestively.

"Meredith, I always know what you mean" Addison smirked "Well, Katie here has just eaten so she'll just need a bottle of milk before bed, she should go straight down tonight, Alex will be over to pick them up…."

"Tomorrow at 4" Meredith finished "I know Addie, we've been over this" she said with a slight laugh "Now go" she said taking Katie from her "Have a good anniversary, go"

"Going, going" Addison said with a slight laugh "Does Mommy get a goodbye?" she said crouching down a little.

"Bye Mommy" Ella said kissing her.

"Bye Mommy, have fun with Daddy" Sophie said hugging her.

"I will sweetie" Addison said kissing her forehead before standing up and kissing Katie's "Bye baby girl, be good for Aunty Meredith"

"Ba" Katie waved, Addison kissed her forehead again "See you soon" she said with a small smile.

"Have fun" Meredith said with a slight grin, Addison laughed a little before leaving.


"This has been nice" Addison smiled as herself and Alex walked into their house late that night.

"It has" he smiled kissing her neck "We should do it more often"

"If we have friends willing to look after our 3 terrors again" she said with a slight laugh.

"Hmm, I'm sure we'll find someone" he said as he pushed her coat off her shoulders and pulled on the zip of her dress.

"Someone's impatient" she giggled.

"It's been, so long, since I got the chance, to get you naked, and not worry, about our daughters walking in" he said kissing her neck between each phrase, pulling the dress off her.

"Well, someone's still a little overdressed" she whispered, unbuttoning his shirt before taking off his belt and pushing on his pants, Alex kissed her and turned them around, pressing her against the wall, he stripped out of his pants and boxers before sitting on the stairs and pulling Addison onto his lap.

"The stairs?" she grinned.

"The stairs" Alex nodded, Addison laughed a little and pressed their lips together.


"Wow" Addison said with a content sigh as she lay in bed with Alex "That was incredible"

"Really incredible" Alex said pulling her close to him "Happy Anniversary baby"

"Happy Anniversary" Addison said softly "They're ok right?"

"They're with Aunty Meredith and Uncle Derek, they're fine" Alex said with a slight laugh "Don't worry"

"I'm a Mom, all I do is worry" Addison smirked.

"True" Alex smirked back "I was thinking, maybe we can take the girls on vacation this year, somewhere with a beach"

"Sounds nice" Addison smiled "But it has to be before or after Meredith has the baby because I can't not be there"

"Did you ever imagine that would be a sentence you'd say?" he laughed.

"Nope, never" Addison laughed back "But then, I don't think I ever imagined this would be my life now, I thought I'd still be in New York or something, I didn't ever imagine this but, this is, so much better than anything I could've ever imagined, I love you so much"

"I love you too, so much" he said brushing their lips together.

"I'm sleeping now" she yawned as she buried her head against his chest.

"Tired babe?" he asked.

"Very tired" she said with a slight laugh "You wore me out"

"Worth it though right?" he said as he caressed her body.

"So worth it" she breathed out.

"I agree" Alex smiled "Goodnight Mrs Karev"

"Goodnight Mr Karev" Addison said softly.

The End.