Chapter 1: All Night Long

Disclaimer: I am not Brenda Hampton, nor any of the producers or writers of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager", hereby referred to as TSLOTAT. I claim no representation of any of the above people and I am not affiliated with Brenda Hampton or ABCFamily.

A/N: I just thought I would try my hand at a TSLOTAT fan fic since there aren't very many dealing with the subject material that I would like to deal with. :)

"Come on, John, let's go to Daddy's house!" I said to my son, taking his small hand into my own and shutting the door behind me, adjusted his diaper bag on my shoulder. John rubbed his eyes sleepily and sighing, I picked him up and he buried his face into my shoulder. I walked over to the SUV and opened it, putting him in his car seat. His head lolled to the side as he fell asleep. I smiled to myself and got into the driver's seat and made my way to Ricky's.

Pulling up behind the butcher shop, I sighed. This was so new to me, going to Ricky's house, taking our son to see him, being in this new relationship... Thinking of Ricky as my boyfriend was such a foreign concept. But seeing him with our son, how good he was with him and how much they loved each other only made me love him more. I wished we had gotten our heads screwed back on sooner... but all of that was behind us now.

I turned the key in the ignition and the car shuttered into silence. I grabbed John's diaper bag out of the passenger-side seat and pulled John out of his car seat. He was still asleep. I quietly shut the car doors and crept toward the butcher shop, doing my best to avoid waking him up.

I knocked on the door to Ricky's apartment and John sleepily stirred, burying his face deeper into my shoulder.

Come on, Ricky, I thought to myself.

The door slowly opened and Ricky smiled at me, his whole face lighting up. He stepped to the side and I walked into the apartment and offered him the diaper bag on my shoulder. He took it and I walked into the bedroom, putting a slumbering John into the crib beside Ricky's bed.

"Hey there," Ricky said as I re-entered the living room. "What's up?" He leaned over and kissed me, taking me by surprise.

"Same old, same old," I bit my bottom lip and smirked at him, taking a seat on the couch. I ran a hand through my hair. "I just needed to get away from the drama that is Mom and Dad and Ashley. Apparently Mom and Dad aren't getting remarried and I just didn't want to hear them discussing it again. I know they're being civil about it, but I just can't deal with it all right now."

Ricky nodded. "I understand. That has to be stressful."

I nodded.

"Maybe I can relieve that stress?" he suggested. I wasn't sure what he meant.

"I don't know if I'm ready to take that step – " I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "I mean, I remember all too well having John and that whole experience kinda – "

"Whoa, Amy," Ricky said, his eyes growing wide. "That's definitely not what I meant. I just meant that maybe I could give you a back massage or something. You know, to relieve the stress."

I blushed. "Umn, sure. That would be fine. My neck is starting to feel sort of stiff."

"Probably all that stress," he sighed, digging into my neck a bit with the tips of of his fingers. I twisted my neck a bit and moaned as I felt it pop.

"Mhmnn... that feels amazing," I sighed.

"Good. Do you want to watch a movie or something? I kinda feel bad just sitting here while you do nothing," he said, jumping up.

I pulled him back down. "I'm fine, honestly. I just wanted to sit here with you and maybe do some of this..." I leaned up and once my face was level with his, I kissed him, pushing him back onto the couch and crawling on top of him.

"Maybe I just came over here so I could cuddle with you and not have to share you with anyone else..." I teased.

"I don't have a problem with that," Ricky smirked, kissing me.

He pulled away and I smiled back up at him.

"And you haven't had to share me with someone else for some time," he said, looking at me closely. "I haven't had sex with anyone since our first date three months ago. I only want you."

I was taken aback by his sincerity.

"Really?" I asked him softly.

"Really. Look, you told me that if I let go of all the women that were in my life that there might be a chance for us. And I didn't do it just because I wanted to have sex with you... I did it because it was the best thing for us, as a family. I want you and John and I to be a family and I want you guys to live here with me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"But isn't it a bit soon for me to be moving in here?" I asked him. "I mean, even if we are in a relationship or whatever, three months in, I wouldn't be living with you."

"I know," Ricky replied. "And that's not what I'm asking you to do right now. I just think that down the road, once we've been in a committed relationship for a while, that I want you and John to live here full-time, so I can be the best dad to our son that I can be. And I want to be there for you, too."

"Ricky..." I didn't know what to say.

"You look completely wiped out. I know you only came over here so we could talk, but you guys should stay. It's not like you haven't done it before and just like last time, I can sleep out here on the couch..."

"No," I found myself saying. "That bed's plenty big enough for both of us." I peered up through my eyelashes at him and saw his strength wavering.

"Are you sure?" he breathed.

"I'm positive." I got up and intertwined my hand in his his and the two of us got went back to the bedroom. He threw me one of his large T-shirts and he rummaged through his dresser. While his back was turned, I peeled off my baby doll shirt and dark wash jeans. He turned around with his sweatpants in hand and froze, locking eyes with me in shock. I just smirked at him as I stood in his bedroom in only my bra and panties.

He closed his eyes and turned around.

"What's wrong, Ricky? You've already seen me in less than this..." I trailed off, teasing.

"That's not the point. Amy, you don't want to have another kid, do you? Because if you go to sleep like that, I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep my hands off of you."

"Don't be silly," I grinned. "I'm going to wear the T-shirt."

He pulled off his pants and his T-shirt and put his sweatpants on over his boxers.

"Just the T-shirt?" he choked.

"I get hot when I'm sleeping. Besides, it's a lot more comfortable and your T-shirts are so long that they're going to cover up everything anyway."

I folded my shirt and my pants neatly and walked over and put them on top of Ricky's dresser. Then, I turned around and crawled on top of the bed to the the top of the blankets and got underneath.

Ricky followed suit, throwing his dirty clothes in his laundry hamper and checking on John next to his side of the bed. He was still fast asleep.

He crawled into bed next to me and awkwardly situated himself so he was eye-level with me.

"I'm so glad you're home," he said, leaning over to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Me, too," I replied. And I knew that this really was my home. I had known it for a while. Being here with John and Ricky as a family, I knew that this was where I belonged.

I leaned forward and kissed Ricky and suddenly, the kiss grew in intensity and his arms were around me and we were both breathing heavily as the heat enveloped us.

"Did you promise your parents we wouldn't do anything?" Ricky breathed.

"No," I murmured. "That's usually what you do, though, isn't it?"

"Hush," Ricky said, pulling me closer to him.

My hands wrapped around his strong arms and he trailed kisses down my neck and shoulder. He made his way back up and stopped by my ear.

"Should we do anything while John's in here?" he asked.

"He's a baby and he's sleeping. Even if he does wake up, he's too young to have any idea of what's going on..." I breathed.

Ricky froze.

"What?" I asked him.

"Are you giving me permission..." he trailed off.

I climbed on top of him and continued kissing him, not answering his unfinished question. He kissed me back passionately and my hips started grinding against his mid-section. We were both breathing heavily.

And suddenly, I felt it. Right beneath me. I paused.

Ricky hissed.

"Maybe we should stop," he muttered.

"Why?" I asked him, feigning innocence.

"You know exactly why," Ricky said quietly, closing his eyes.

"And what if I say I don't care?" I asked him. "What if I say that tonight, I want to share this with you. Just something between me and you, John's parents. Something that I can give my boyfriend, the father of my child."

I could feel the intensity of Ricky's gaze on me. He was judging, trying to see if I was bluffing.

"Make love to me, Ricky," I pleaded with him.

He didn't need to be asked twice.

Slowly, he peeled the T-shirt off of me, revealing my red bra and panties and he gasped, seeing me once more. I continued grinding against him, hyper aware of his stiff hardness beneath me. He put his hands around my waist, stopping me.

"Am I doing something wrong?" I asked him, feeling self-conscious.

"No," he breathed, shaking his head. "It's just... if you keep doing that, I think I'm going to come before I've even got my sweatpants off."

I blushed and he pulled me off of him and crawled on top of me, unfastening my bra. He smiled at me before leaning down and taking one of my nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue over it and latching on, sending me into bliss. He hadn't taken so much care the first time.

He leaned down with his free hand and stroked me evenly, feeling my growing wetness.

I hissed, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

"Shh..." he whispered, looking up at me. "Not so loud..."

I focused on staying quiet and closed my eyes and suddenly, I felt Ricky sliding down and I felt him slide my panties down and suddenly, there was warmth and heat and ohhhh...

He was doing something and I wasn't quite sure what. But it felt oh so good... I gasped and suddenly, the heat washed over me and I was shaking and moaning...

"Mhmmn... ohhhh... Ricky..."

He crawled back up to kiss me and I tasted sweetness on his lips.

"I think someone's a little overdressed," I panted, pulling down his sweatpants and his boxers all in one. His penis was freed and it didn't seem quite as foreign and strange as it did the first time.

He continued touching and caressing me and I ached for him.

"Please, Ricky..." I moaned.

"I promise, honey, it won't hurt so much as it did the first time," he murmured in my ear. "Even if it's been a while..."

I nodded.

"Are you sure?" he asked me, gauging my expression.

"Positive," I moaned.

And slowly, with the utmost care, he entered me. I felt myself stretching, but it didn't hurt anywhere near as much as I had expected it to. He thrusted back and forth and instead of letting him take control as I had our previous time together, I pushed back. Our rhythm increased, the bed squeaking in response.

"Ricky, ohhh, yes..." I moaned.

And as much as I expected him to cuss or say something vulgar while we were making love, he didn't. His eyes met mine and he wrapped his arms around me as he moved above me. And suddenly, his eyes opened wide and he shook slightly, involuntarily as he came.

"Ohhh..." he finished, his weight falling. He supported himself above me with his hands and then he fell to the side of me.

"That was amazing," I told him, cuddling up to him. "Absolutely perfect."

"I told you, Amy. I love you."

"I know," I replied. "I love you, too."

Together, we fell asleep, his arms around me, holding me next to him. And I began to dream...

"Maybe if Ben hadn't been trying to get together with you when we were having a baby things might have gone differently and maybe I would be flying in at the end of that program to be with you in New York."

"Differently how?"

"I don't know. I mean, what chance did we ever have at a relationship when he was willing to step in and come to the rescue?"

"I guess you're right. But it doesn't make any difference now. I'm coming to my own rescue."

"Hey, I've been at your house for two weeks. And I'm gonna be here for another two weeks taking care of our son. I mean, don't you think I've come to your rescue just a little? Huh?"

"You're right. John is our son and not just my son so you're not rescuing me. You're just doing your part as John's dad. Not that I don't appreciate it, but that's not coming to my rescue. Right?"

The dream faded into something else and then I heard Ricky's voice again.

"This isn't crazy. I don't think it's crazy. I think it's about time that we confronted each other, don't you? Okay, not confront each other, but... it's time we talked, Amy. We – need – to talk."

"We can talk when I get back..."

"Or we can talk this weekend."

The dream faded into my memory of me seeing Ricky in New York.

"I'm not really here to see New York. I'm just here to see you, Amy."

"I promised your parents we wouldn't do anything."

"We're not doing anything."

"Well, when could we do something? Could we do something? Could we ever have sex again?"

"Whoa, whoa, conversation took a turn here. I don't know. I don't know if we could ever have sex again. Could you ever not sleep with every girl you got the chance to sleep with?"

"I'm working on that."

"Which means you're still sleeping around."

"I'm still sleeping around."

"Well if you ever want to sleep with me again, you'll stop doing that."

"I'll stop doing that."

My dreams continued to dance around, my thoughts and memories of the two of us intermingling in my head, my mind twisting them around into vague articulations of what I had remembered and what once had been my relationship with Ricky and how it had turned into... this.

John cried in the middle of the night, waking us both up. Ricky jumped to see what was wrong and I pretended to still be asleep. But through my bleary sleep-muddled brain, I remembered something I had once said to Ricky – "We're a cute family... well, not family... whatever we are."

And his response had been, "What do you want us to be?"

I knew without a doubt exactly what I wanted us to be. I just hoped Ricky wanted the same thing.

Please review! That's the only payment I get for doing this and the more reviews I get the more likely I am to update.

Much love,