OK guys, so I did update it a few days ago, but just in case you didn't know, Two Worlds Apart is indeed up! Or Channy Falls, as fruityloops156 said, lol ;)
Anyway, that's it really. Now I wanna tell you something coz this is so short…
Me and LOLChanny819 were talking about SWAC season three, and we want it to go a little like this…
Sonny goes to Wisconsin for a little bit (she's still in the show though) and the cast of SR are one cast member short. Marshall desperate so invites none other than CDC to take Sonny's place for a while! Then if he's good, when Sonny comes back he becomes an official member of the cast! Wouldn't that be awesome? And hilarious to see all's reactions :P
Anyways, yeah, go check out Two Worlds Apart.
Stay Strong xxx Demi