So...happy 2011 everyone! And I have been working very hard on preparing this fic for the new year. Surprise! It's a sequel!

There are a few things you should know about this story. This isn't a direct sequel to Yes, Sir. You don't have to read Yes, Sir first to understand this story, but I'm writing on the basis that everything that happened in Yes, Sir happened before this story begins. Also, while it is a Kristoph/Apollo story, it's less fluff, more drama, and there are plenty of other important characters that I didn't get the opportunity to include before.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Ace Attorney series or its characters.


"What's wrong?"

"Th-the guards! They're dead!"


"A prisoner escaped from solitary!"

"How the heck?"

"He killed them all! Every guard on the floor!"

"Which cell?"

"Solitary cell 13!"

"Gavin…damn…where is he?"

"There's no trace of him!"

"Bloody hell."


It was 4 am. Apollo was alone in his apartment, wide awake, practicing his "Chords of Steel." Over the past few months, his voice became legendary, and there were many people who gave them a new name – Chords of Fear – for the fact that they would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared disagree with Apollo Justice. Of course, anyone who knew Apollo knew that was pure folly, but with this newfound image to protect, Apollo couldn't help but practice.

It was during this routine that Apollo's phone rang, and Apollo jumped up, startled by the sound of his home phone. Apollo went over to answer it, not recognizing the number on the caller id.


"Good morning, Justice."

Apollo's heart jumped. He recognized that voice – a voice that oozed icy venom with every uttered syllable.

"Mr. G-Gavin, sir?"

"Now now, no need to call me 'sir' anymore."

"Wh-what the hell are you doing? You're supposed to…"

"Ah, yes. There is a place I'm SUPPOSED to be, but as you know, I don't always do as I'm told."

"I'm calling the police."

"You call the police, and I will kill the lovely lady across the way you've been admiring for years."

Apollo glared out the window. There was a woman who lived there, and of course, he'd told Kristoph about her some years ago. She wasn't awake yet, but Apollo saw something across the way that nearly made him sick. Kristoph wasn't bluffing. He was already in her apartment.

"Why are you calling me…Kristoph?" Even now, calling his former mentor "Kristoph" seemed foreign to him.

"Ah…a valid question. I actually am calling you to warn you, Mr. Justice."


"Your trial tomorrow…there's a certain witness who's testifying against your client. He's dangerous."

Apollo listened intently, while picking up his cell phone. He dialed a number and set both of his phones on speaker as Kristoph began to talk.


Klavier did NOT like getting up early. More importantly, he did not like being rudely awakened at 4:30 in the morning by his irritating alarm clock.

However, as a prosecutor, Klavier knew full well that crime didn't sleep. As his "Guitar's Serenade" ringtone kept playing, Klavier fumbled for the phone and looked at the caller ID. Why would Forehead be calling him now?


Klavier realized something was wrong. He heard Apollo's voice, but he also heard another familiar voice – a voice that should have been in prison. Klavier quickly stopped talking and began recording the conversation.

"Mr. Gavin…you didn't answer my question. Why bother calling me?"

"Call me sentimental."

"I know full well that you're not sentimental."

"Hmm…well, you would. You're going to help me, Apollo, whether you like it or not."

"You're being intentionally vague. Spit it out!"

"Volume, Justice…"

"Sorry…wait, I don't need to apologize…"

"I'm being vague, my dear boy, because someone called the police when I specifically told them not to."

"I didn't!"

"Or…you called a certain person in the prosecutor's office."

At this, Klavier mentally cursed. He tried to get to his home phone, but Kristoph said something that made Klavier stop dead.

"Klavier…you've got a crime scene…Mr. Justice can give you the address."

"No! Wait!"


Klavier heard Kristoph hang up after the gunshot, and Klavier practically shouted into the phone.

"Forehead! What the hell's going on!"

"He…he just shot her! I don't know what he wants, or why he's…he was in the apartment across the street."

"Mein Gott…meet me there, Forehead. I'll call Detective Skye."

Apollo noticed the lack of the word "Fraulein" and quickly gave the address before throwing the phone against the wall. What the hell did Kristoph want? Apollo grabbed his jacket and tried to exit the apartment. He opened the door only to be greeted by a pistol in his face.

"Ah…now I can discuss things."

"Mr. Gavin…you…"

"I'm an evil man, Justice. I do a lot of things you don't approve of."

Apollo didn't dare make any sudden movements. He raised his arms above his head and let Kristoph into the apartment.

"My my, Justice…nice Victorian furniture…even if they're knockoffs…"

"I trust you didn't come here to be my interior decorator."

"Now, Justice. Whatever happened to small talk?"

"Get to the point."

Kristoph sighed and shrugged.

"I want to rekindle what we had, Apollo."

Apollo shook his head, still glaring at his former mentor.

"What we had? What we had…it was all lies. You used me…"

"And Wright did not?"


"If you don't want to listen, that's fine. But watch out for that witness who's testifying tomorrow," Kristoph said tersely. Apollo continued to glare, his face bearing no hint of the nearly familial relationship the two once shared.

"Mr. Gavin…why?"

"I'm warning you Justice…just…please…watch your back," Kristoph whispered, and Apollo couldn't help but notice a curious look in his former mentor's eyes, and despite his talent at reading people, he couldn't read the man standing before him. Kristoph smiled and, with his gun raised, exited the apartment.


Kristoph quickly escaped the building and slipped into a dark alleyway. He smiled as he made his way back to his hideout. Even he didn't know his motivations for helping Apollo. Regardless, he was out now. He had the opportunity to exact his revenge.


"You're late, Forehead."

"I…I know. I was…"

Apollo trailed off as his eyes kept focusing on the corpse of his neighbor, which was currently being photographed by a frazzled Detective Skye. Klavier took notice of the attorney's expression, and his eyes softened.

"Justice...we'll catch him. You're positive you saw Kris...I mean the criminal's face?"

"He showed me on purpose, Klavier."

Klavier nodded and walked over to where the scientific detective was still taking snapshots.

"Fraulein, I am going to excuse myself. I can call another prosecutor if…"

"Gavin, it's okay," Ema said quietly, her voice lacking her usual irritation and sarcasm when talking with the prosecutor. "Besides…the only prosecutor you could get is Payne, and that's almost like negative investigating."

Klavier smiled for the first time all morning.

"Thanks, Detective."

As Klavier left, he motioned for Apollo to follow him. Klavier left the building briskly, with Apollo hurrying on his heels.

"Forehead…what else did Kristoph say to you? And I'm not asking as a prosecutor right now, but…"

"He stopped by my apartment…"


"He came to warn me about a witness at the trial tomorrow."

"You have a trial?"

"Yeah…Payne's prosecuting. Anyway, all he told me was to watch my back."


"I don't know. But one thing's for sure...he didn't break out of prison just to tell me that."

"Ja…" Klavier trailed off, looking away.

"Hey…Prosecutor Gavin?"


"Do you…ever think that there was a mistake? Sometimes, I just think the whole thing is so impossible…"

"You mean Kristoph?"

"Yeah. I mean…he took me in. He's the reason I have a career. I just don't understand why an evil man would bother…"

"Forehead. I've spent 25 years trying to figure out my brother, and I still don't understand him. But you saw it. He murdered an innocent woman for no reason other than to drive you crazy. That's all we need to know."

"I suppose. Klavier…are you doing alright?" Apollo asked quickly, realizing how conflicted the prosecutor must be feeling.

"Nein…I'm not. But you're probably doing worse, ja? Get some sleep."


Phoenix Wright arrived at the Wright Anything Agency earlier than usual with the intention of cleaning. The place was so messy that it violated fire code, so Phoenix arrived at seven, sighing as he tossed his hoodie onto a nearby couch. Of course, being able to find any kind of cleaning supplies under all the garbage would take effort, and he really wasn't in the mood. As luck would have it, his cell phone rang before he had to scrape one speck of bunny manure from the office floor.

"Hey Mister Wright."

"Ah…Ema. How are you?"

"This isn't a social call, Phoenix."

Ema's tone was serious, so Phoenix listened intently.

"Kristoph Gavin escaped from jail earlier this morning."


"That's not the worst of it. He also murdered some woman who…"


"Yeah. He killed her while on the phone with your spiky apprentice."

"Did you catch him?"

"Would I have called you if we had? We're thinking that you, Apollo, and Klavier are all possible targets, so you need to be on your guard."

"But why now? He could have escaped months ago if revenge was his motivation."

"I have no idea. But you should watch yourself."

Phoenix hung up the phone as Apollo entered the office looking absolutely miserable. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were an absolute mess.

"Apollo, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"I heard about Kristoph."

"I said I'm fine."

Apollo turned and raced into his office, slamming the door behind him. Phoenix stared at the door, trying to figure it all out.

Phoenix could think of only one reason Kristoph would choose this morning to escape. It had something to do with the trial ahead.

I know this is a serious beginning, but trust me. More lightheartedness will slip through eventually.