Kay: -furiously typing an announcement- I know Author Notes aren't allowed and I haven't updated in eons because of personal troubles, college, and a job but-

John: -appears out of nowhere and jacks the laptop- KAY'S GONNA REWRITE THE STORY-!

George: -shouts from a distance- AND TURN IT INTO A WEBCOMIC!

Kay: -shoves John off the couch and reclaims precious said laptop- Thank you much, Lennon. But yes, Flowers and Rings shall be recreated into an illustrative universe with the original storyline, though there WILL be some new improvements and the story WILL be continued.

Paul: Pfft… About time, isn't it?

Kay: -glares- Shut it. Anyway, this project WILL TAKE TIME. I'm collaborating with the greatest Beatle artist I know, the lovely Mandy (or BeatleLOVE), who will turn my shitty scribbles that are supposed to be people and Beatles into beautiful illustrations. We're still talking out the details of how exactly we're gonna make this happen, but I promise it'll be worth the wait!

Ringo: Don't take foreverrrrrrrr! –pouts-

Kay: -grins- Like I said, worth the wait! Flowers and Rings: A Beatles Webcomic will be coming soon to a Tumblr blog near you!

John: -yawns- In the meantime, I'm takin' a kitty nap.

Kay: And I'll be working my arse off! So hang in there, Beatle people. This isn't the last you'll hear from me(: