I am so sorry for how long this took! I'd love to have a good excuse, but honestly I've just been lazy on my free time. Sorry again!

Anywho, here's the next chapter. I haven't written anything in a while, so it's not very good. I think the characters went out of character more than once… I'm taking the Fiyeraba a bit slow. I don't want to rush it. But it's coming, don't worry.

I've had a semi-relevent realization. Recently I have been watching Glee, and I can't help but think the song 'True Colors' would be an amazing duet for Elphaba and Fiyero. I'd write a fic about it, but I don't actually like ones that have too many song lyrics…

Disclaimer: Wicked not mine.

Elphaba rushed down the halls to the library. So what if it was closed? The librarian could always use an extra hand in reorganizing, as she was probably doing it alone.

Approaching the sign currently outside the place, the green girl sighed. Of all ways for Fiyero to figure out, it had to be through Galinda. There was no doubt that she told him, and no doubt that he would now act like every other jerk in the school. It didn't matter if he couldn't see color; she new his type. People like him would do anything to keep their reputation.

She approached the kind librarian, who gratefully accepted her help and gave her directions as to where to move the dusty old books. She moved and sorted pile after pile of books, some of which had been shoved so far back in the corners of the large room that even the green girl hadn't known they existed.

The night grew old, but Elphaba continued working, hoping it might keep her mind busy. Even when the work was done she picked up a thick book of spells she found during her labor and set it on a wooden table, opening to the first page. Deep into the night she read by orange light, until finally chocolate eyes fluttered shut and sleep overtook her.

Fiyero escorted his girlfriend back to her room, giving her a long kiss goodnight at the door. He peeked his head in the room hoping to see Elphaba, only to find it barren. He shook his head in annoyance and confusion. Green. He didn't even know what green looked like besides the fact that it was the same color as plants. But for people to act this way… it must be bad. Really bad. He sighed, realizing he was going to have to start calling her Artichoke and such now that he knew. Or maybe he wouldn't; he couldn't decide.

Either way, he had stayed sober that night just so he could talk to her when he got back, so, heck, he was going to find her. The Prince searched the school, searching for the strange bookworm.

The library must have been the next to last place he looked, but he got around to it eventually, not even noticing the sign out front. He tiptoed in to find Elphaba asleep on her book, breathing deeply and looking more peaceful than he's ever seen her before. Hoping to get a closer look at the dozing girl the Prince attempted to use some of his hunting skills from the Vinkus to sneak up on her. But he took no more than a step when her head shot up and whipped around, long braid slapping her in her face.

"What are you doing here?" She groaned, and though her words were groggy with sleep, they still managed to hold some malice.

"I wanted to talk to you." He said honestly, as usual unable to think of a clever comeback. In response he heard the unmistakable sound of her forehead hitting the book accompanied by another groan. He held back a chuckle. She was so different when she was this tired! He walked over to where she sat in a few long strides. "Come on Elphaba. You can just ignore me." Hesitantly he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and her head shot up again as she slapped him on his arm.

"Really. Why are you here?" She asked in an emotionless voice. "Did Galinda tell you my 'secret'?" She put as much sarcasm as she could into the last word, and the Winkie felt a rush of pity.

"Yeah, actually." He said, then grinned goofily. "So you're really green?" Elphaba did not smile back as she replied.

"Yes Fiyero, green." The green girl stared at the table with such intensity that the Prince was sure it would burst in to flame any second.

"Will it offend you if I ask why?" He asked. She didn't reply, but her unwillingness to speak on the subject was obvious. "Okay, sorry… You know I don't give a crap, right? You could have rainbow skin with purple polka dots and I wouldn't notice." At that Elphaba looked up and for the first time ever, he saw something like confusion in her brown eyes.

"…What?" She asked in a guarded voice.

"What does green look like?"

"Ugly. Horrible." She replied automatically. He laughed lightly and her confusion deepened.

"Now you're just being dramatic." He chuckled. "It can't be that bad. Like I said before: You're pretty. In your own way." She just snorted.

"Now you're just making things up."

"No I'm not."

"Whatever Prince." She murmured, her eyes flittering shut again. He laughed again.

"You're tired." He stated, and waited for a smart comeback. When it didn't come, he put his hand on her shoulder. "Will you let me escort you back to your room?"

"Whatever." She repeated, still half asleep.

"Hey Elphaba." The next day Fiyero was careful to speak to her and in return he received a glare. He wondered if she actually remembered when he talked to her the night before, as she had been so out of it. But just in case, he was going to be extra nice.

"Fiyero! Why do you keep saying hello to her?" Galinda asked him sternly as they walked through the halls the next day, but he shook it off and shrugged. She frowned, but the Prince kissed her on the cheek easily and the bright smile returned.

"I suppose you could say we're friends." Of course, he wasn't so sure that Elphaba would agree with the statement.

"If you say so Fifi." The blonde replied, and though her voice was teasing, there was a hint of well-disguised anger as well.

"I've been thinking…" Fiyero started, glancing sideways at the small girl next to him.

"Oh Fiyero! Are you okay?" She asked, part mocking. He grinned childishly.

"Very clever, but while I'm completely brainless in most things, parties are an exception." She lit up the sound of 'parties'. "Since it's the first Friday of my probably short time at this school, it seems only right for me to throw one. And you are going to be my date." He touched her nose and she squealed.

"I love parties. Imagine one thrown by a Prince!" She chirped and he grinned at her enthusiasm.

"Good then. I'll pick you up around 8:00? Great. Help me spread the word, won't you darling?"

"Of course. You're perfect."

"So are you." He replied as they walked into the classroom.

The news spread like a wildfire. Though many students went to bars and clubs to party on the weekends (and other days of the week), it had been a while since a party had been thrown especially for the school. Better yet by a prince notorious for his amazing parties. So this was a big deal to them.

"You're invited too you know." Fiyero told the green girl as class started.

"To whatever it is the entire school won't shut up about?" She sent a glare towards Galinda and her friends and snorted. "I'll pass." He frowned.

"You're not in a good mood today." He stated.

"Oh really? What was your first clue?" She replied sarcastically. "I'm never in a good mood."

"You were last night." The Prince said to see what she remembered, even if it was a lie. Elphaba's eyes narrowed.

"I was much to disconcerted to be held responsible for being a good mood. Or for anything I may have said." She told him icily. "I can hardly remember it at all. All I remember is waking up in my own bed this morning rather than the library."

"I came looking for you after my date with Galinda."

"I suppose she told you after I left." The green girl sighed.

"Yes, but didn't we already have this conversation?" He asked teasingly. She hit him.

"If so, I don't remember it." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Though I vaguely remember something about 'rainbow with purple polka dots'." He blushed and she smirked.

"That was just me trying to come up with a clever way to say that I don't care what color you are." He defended, blushing still.

"So very manly. Fiyero, you are truly an idiot." She told him with mock sincerity. He faked hurt.

"That's not very nice." She rolled her eyes.

"Go away. Class is starting." He stuck out his tongue childishly.

"You're no fun Elphaba." The prince whined, getting up.

"No fun in the least." She replied smoothly.

"I hope to see you tonight."

"Don't count on it."

Okay, I need your opinions. I'm doing the ozdust next, but I'm not sure what to do about popular scene. I can either 1) not write the scene and mention it the next day while Elphie and Galinda are friends 2) write popular then have Elphie have a run- in with Fiyero when she leaves or 3) Tell the scene from an eavesdropping Fiyero's point of view.

Please tell me which you think is best… Through reviewing :D Otherwise I'll just pick one I guess…