Faith- Monday

Everything is going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok. I have to think positive. If I think about anything else, I'm going to start thinkin' about Arden, the demonic God who showed up, and things will get bad. His name is a lot longer than that, we gave him a nick name of course. Anyways, emotionally I'm a… wreck; I can't go two seconds without freaking out or getting pissed at someone or something. I was researching and helping with plans. From the information I got out of the….Well I was, till I started arguing with the mini Scoobs for some dumb idea. So I guess you can say I'm a bit antsy too. I'm antsy like no other because I want is to go out and kill the mother fucker who wants my baby boy. B has been the only one able to keep me calm all afternoon, and I've been up in our room since about four; 'stewin' and being on edge all by my lonesome. I've calmed down for the most part.

"You go in there. I go, and she's going to go all primal on me," Alex assumed right outside my door. It was her I got into the argument with earlier. I feel Ken too. I hate it when they do that like I can't hear them. "Hell no, the only way we'd make it out of there safely is if we entered with a bottle of jack. Even then, I still don't think she would drink it. It's all you, I'm gone. I'm too young to die," Ken rants, and I can't help but chuckle. I know I've been ranting and raving all day, but whatever it is, I wish they would just come in here and say it.

Ken leaves and Alex just stands there, I'm half tempted to scream; 'Come in.' You'd think she'd know by now that I can tell the difference between them. Moments later, there's a faint knock on the door. If I wasn't listening for it, then I might have missed it. "Come in," I say without a warning in my tone, so I wouldn't alarm her. Alex walks in and strolls up to the bed; sitting on the edge of the end. Close enough to where she can talk to me but far enough away that she can make a mad dash for the door if she needed to.

"What's up, kid?" I try to ask light heartedly because I don't mind the company. The distraction helps. Dom snorts in his sleep, and Alex glances over to him before focusin on me for a moment. I have him surrounded by pillows just in case. Sometimes, I lay with him on my chest, but that boy turns into a human sauna while he sleeps. By the time I meet her gaze, her sight trails off and she starts playin' with some of the quilt Buffy found a few weeks ago.

"We're probably going to leave here in a about twenty minutes or so…You're going with us, right?" she questioned, and l sit up further. I take a peek at Dom then face her again. I don't want to leave him, but I want this mother fucker so bad I can taste him. "I…" I look up when I feel B approach the room. Alex feels her too, and we both gaze at the empty door frame till it's filled with B. "What's the sitch?" B inquired; all happy and cheerful. If she was another woman, I would want to smack the smile right off her lips. Instead I get this calm, tingle flowin through me. Only B would and can ever make me feel like there can be nothin' in the world that can phase me. I can't help but return the gesture. "Think I should?" I stated, knowing I could relapse like am alcoholic who missed AA last week. Those council members wouldn't know what hit em'.

"You were there, baby, you heard what Willow said. Arden could be stronger then all of us put together or he could be as strong as a average male like the rest of the council. Just a guess, but with all the access and knowledge, he's probably got a lot of tango in him," Buffy explains something new, and Alex sits there goin' back and forth between B an me. "Will isn't going because she doesn't want to risk it….Ken wanted to stay and protect Will and Dom, but Will won't let her. It's up to you. I could use you, baby, really." B sounds sincere. I'm grateful that she probably just told me everything she knew about him; which kinda makes me feel better but not by much.

B's hand rests on mine, and I feel a small wave of relief from just one touch. I know she's feeling the tingles that are now surging up my back, and I would be jumpin B if Alex wasn't in the room. Bein' on edge and pissed all day has gotten me goin'. I know that she wouldn't be on my level of craziness, but it could dull a roar that I've been feelin'. I would be able to breathe again. That's it, B is my breath of fresh air.

"I'm sure there's some more research you can be doing right now," B determined without directing her complete attention over to Alex; who was still sitting on the edge of the bed. I wonder if Alex can feel the sexual tension. By the looks of it, nope, "I think I did more research then Red this time. Did she tell you that Arden is one of twelve and also out of that twelve, he's one of six that can bring back the biggest, baddest mother fucker we've probably ever seen?" Alex describes, not getting the hint. "Whatever the hell that meant, we're only worried about the one." "No, I didn't know that. You went above and beyond good job. Now get out," B compliments before finishin with an order. Alex huffed and sighed. "The one time I research a clan of demonic gods, and I don't even get to say how the story ended," Alex bitches as she storms out of the room. My focus goes back to B as she watches Alex leave.

When I think about me and B and bein in love with her, plus admittin that I am, everythin jus goes up into a 'I don't know what the fuck I'm doin battle.', addin to my frustration. I just can't wrap my head around it. Well, I can now that she's sittin right here in front of me, less than a foot away. She makes everythin easier to deal with. I gaze into her eyes and everything just seems right. All the details sorta fall together, and I have my only moments of clarity. Those are rare for me; I'm a little crazy, remember and clarity, when it comes down to it, is rare. As of right now, the two people I love the most are right here in the room with me, and there is nothin' in the world that is going to take that away from me. Not now, not ever.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," B decides, and I peer up from her hand. I can tell she wants me to go, but she doesn't want to push it. I trust Willow. I know she won't let anythin come anywhere near Dom. So I can go. I trust this plan. "Right, and leave a bunch of teenagers to look after you. Red can handle her own against a couple of council members. I'm sure they wouldn't know what to do with a Wiccan." I'm gradually relaxin in her presence more so now than before. I know now that it could take both of us, plus all the mini Scoobs that were takin. I'm sure some of them are staying. I go back to playin with the one of the fuzzes on the quilt, and B inches her way in my direction slowly. As if I was some kind of prey she was about to take out. "I don't know why I asked. I know you wanna make sure the job gets done," she confessed, and I nodded my head; bringin my eyes back to hers.

For a second, I'm stuck and can't move like a deer in headlights. I'm baffled by the beauty of the situation I find myself in. My edge and pissed off self is gone and has been replaced by the love makin sap of a girl who can't get enough of B right now. She's turned me into a total girl, I really got to step up.

Before I could think of anythin else, B has me pressed against the head board, entangled in an anythin but gentle kiss. I guess I have to show what little assertiveness I have left for the day. As she shifts her weight, I use it against her; turning her over in my lap which separates us. She gazes up at me surprised. I hold her out to the side a little, taking as deep and steady breaths as I can because it feel like my lungs are workin against me. I don't want to wake up Dom, but I don't want B to go away either. I search her eyes for the breath of life she has given me, so I can steal more. Leanin down, I kiss her again. Slower but full of want and desire and whatever the hell else I'm feeling. B is definitely a first. I wish my heart would slow down a little.

By the time we forced ourselves to finish, there were several other slayer bodies in the house. At least four of them were turned on just as badly as B and I; which wasn't helping us out much. We had to fight against everythin we wanted to do because of them. Alex must have gotten to Chloe because of me and B.

All we got down to was light gropin and the everlastin pit of a stomach from the sexual tension she filled me with. I'm pretty sure B was feelin the same thing. Once I finished changing, B kept an eye on Dom while I set everything out for Red in Dominic's room. I tend to leave things everywhere and move things around a lot. So if it was in the big closet last week, it's probably in the little closet now. If it was under the crib, it's probably back where it should have been in the first place in the big playbox Xander made. See what she does to me. Positive ready to kick some ass Faith is back. Ok, let get this show on the road.

I stroll back over to our room. Then I strut to the bed; where B is fully dressed and watching Dom sleep. I think she does that as much as I do. The strangest thing is, he's starting to act a little like B. Makes the same facial expressions, which are always cute. So I don't mind. Maybe the fixin of his DNA did more than we thought.

She smiles as I reach the bed. "I don't wanna move him cause he'll wake up," I claimed, and she nods in agreement. "I'll go get Will," Buffy adds. As she scoots to the edge of the bed, she kisses me lightly on the lips. The electricity surges from her, and I have to keep myself from pullin her back to me and takin advantage of it. I gotta remember I got a demonic god to kill. As much as I like to take it further, I have to stay somewhat grounded.

I savor her scent as she drifts off down the hall. I know I've made wrong turns, and B was always there to catch me. I'll make a bad decision, and B is there again to tell me it's ok. That she's here and isn't going anywhere. As much as I put her through, I don't know how she does it. She's always been like that, even when she was in school, and I was causing some kind of trouble or trying to help a particular boss end the world. B always kept a positive thought of me that I could be different. It wasn't till I got to LA to the first time before I was locked up when she came to Angel. She saw me there the way that I was, even though she didn't trust me. When I saw how upset she was, I knew I fucked up. I thought I would never see her smile at me or around me again. Look at us now.

I love that woman.

Buffy- Few hours later

I stared upward as the building towered over us. Camilla tracked a group back to a hotel. We all stood just outside of the escalade. Faith stood to my left, and the rest of the girls staggered to my right. I slid my hand into Faith's, she looked down. When she checked out the building, she smirked. "Let's do this," she commanded; taking her switchblade out of her pocket and twirling it till it opened. I shook my head and started the trek across the street.

The hotel was a little empty, which was good for us. We would go unnoticed by innocent people there. Ken walked ahead of us. "Are you sure? There's probably like cameras. They'll see our faces," Alex declared; worried about exposure. "That's why I'm in charge," I informed as we traveled to the back of the lobby and down the hall to the stairwell. There were two exits. The only other way he could go was through the lobby but we'd have him by that point. I don't plan on giving him that time. He should have picked a better stop to set up a pad.

As we ascend the stairs, I make my way to the front of the pack. Getting to the right floor, I cautiously approach the door leading out into the hallway. Spying through the window, I saw several council members guarding the hall. "I count seven," I told them while searching over my shoulder. We couldn't just go running out into the hall without getting noticed. A shoulder leaned in front of the window then went back to original position. "Eight," I warned, correcting myself. He would hear the door if I opened it. He would definitely hear the glass if I broke it, and so would everyone else. I gazed over at Faith. As I did, the man took a few steps away from the door. I observed as most of the rest of the men shuffled into a room.

Cracking the door, I slid through the narrow opening and slammed the man against the wall. He had no time to react as he hit the floor unconscious. One of the girls dragged his body into the stairwell. I heard zip ties get taken out and look back to see the girls fasten him to the metal banister. I moved down the hall quickly, paying attention to every door as I passed. There were two ahead of me; standing just inside a room. They haven't noticed us.

I took off in a sprint as he stepped out again. The other stood there, still oblivious to our presence. I was stealthier then I thought I would be. Faith came up next to me, and we grabbed both guys at the same time, choking them out and laying them on the floor. The men in the room didn't hear anything. I laid the man on the floor just outside the room. Faith nodded as she advanced to the door. "Frank…, did you hear that? Hunter said you're wrong," one of them called out, and I held a finger up to my mouth as I surveryed the girls behind me; who were making their way around the unconscious men. "Frank," he called out again, sounding a little worried. "Frank, quit fucking around," the man yelled, and I heard him stand and head in our direction. "I'll be right back, guys," he assured, and someone replied, but I didn't catch what was said.

Before he could react, I punched him in the face. The rest of the girls stormed past me; including Faith. If anything, the men were outnumbered as we had them subdued easily. I entered as the fight died down just as quickly as it started. "Buffy," Alex said as she dragged a still conscious man to his feet. "Where is he?" I growled as she held him up. He shook his head, not wanting to divulge any information on Arden. "Your men could just as easily be dead. Where's Arden?" I continued to interrogate. When he nodded no again, I pushed Alex to the side; fisting his sweater and slamming him into the nearest wall. Faith stood behind me, and I heard her take out her switchblade again. As I kept him there, she reached over me and held it to his neck.

I felt for vibes. I felt for the Faith I would recognize oh so easily, but there wasn't anything. As her body pressed into mine I took in her scent and everything that was Faith to give me confidence. "The lady asked you a question," Faith sneered as she pressed the knife into his neck. The man shook lightly under my grasp. I don't think he was an actual watcher like most of the men we encounter who works with the council. But he might have gotten the same training. "He's not here," he answered as he faced Faith. He's American. I don't believe him, he responded too quickly. "Where is he?" I snarled; slamming him into the wall again. He closed his eye tightly. "Why don't I believe you?" I hissed as I pressed my fist into his chest, making him as uncomfortable as possible.

Faith got my drift and pressed the knife into his neck harder. "Ok, ok," he pleaded as a stream of blood flowed from the small cut he now had on his neck. "But you'll never get to him. He'll kill all of you," he warned, and I shifted my head slightly to Faith. "Yeah, heard that line a few times," Faith scoffed and smiled, "You guys are all the same. Just tell us where he is, so we can get this over with," I continued, and he shook his head again. I slammed him into the wall harder than I did the time before. I felt bones crack under my fist. "Stop, ok, he's on the roof…He's on the fucking roof," he confided; half crying in pain as I let go. As soon as I did, Faith clocked him; knocking him out. I took steps back, letting him fall to the floor.

As I took in my surroundings, Chow Ann came up to the man and zip tied his hands. "That's all of them," she declared as she finished and stood. The rest of the girls made their way to the door. "Ok…., let's go meet Arden," I authorized as I made my way through them and out into the hall. It was empty, thank god.

As we marched to the top floor, I followed Faith. I was going to let her have as much of this fight as I could. It was the least I could do after all the problems they caused for her. Cracking the door to the roof, I scout out to see no one, but I could hear them. They're far enough away that they wouldn't notice us but close enough for us to hear their conversations pretty well. Scanning the small space around me, I grabbed a wooden stick and situated it, so the door would stay open just in case it has auto lock.

Faith stepped in front of me again. I trailed as she stayed at a low crouch moving toward the voices. I kept the rest of the girls behind me. We crept till we came to a corner of a wall. I smelled blood, sure that the rest of the girls could smell it as well. My slayer senses kicked into full blast. I wanted this guy. I could feel him, he was close and his strength as far as I could tell was filled with the remnants of slayers and other demons. He stole their powers. That's why they were stripping slayer powers, they were giving them to him. I wanted this demon. I wanted this guy for Britta, for Tina, and all the other girls he killed to do it. I wanted him because of what he was going to do to Faith and Dominic.

Faith knelt, and I stood just above her to see Arden and several other men. Three girls knelt in front of him with a man behind each of them. Other men spread out around them watching. From what I could make out, there appeared to be another girl standing next to him; watching. Arden turned his back to them, holding a glowing jar of something. "You have contributed to a cause greater than your own," He said loudly and then turned the jar up pouring the glowing liquid into his mouth. "That's just awesome," Faith said as I glanced down. I stared up again to see the men reach around each of the girls. One by one they all fell. "Move now," Faith commanded as she took off swerving through the obstacles in front of us.

We all followed. As Faith came around the corner of the last wall, the men heard us and most of them turned around. Arden gazed up at us and smiled. I fell in behind Faith. The rest of the girls gathered behind me. Alex and Ken were the only two who stalked up by my side. Faith held out her hands palms up. "Ah it seems we have a bit of company," Arden chuckled from his perch at the end of the building. As I we wandered closer, I recognized the girl standing next to him.

Tina smiled and took steps forward towards us. "I can take her," she boasted. There was this eerie confidence that came from her. The innocence that I remembered seeing in her eyes the last time I saw her was gone. "No," Arden argued as got a grip on Tina and backed up with her in his arms. She didn't struggle against him. "One step closer and she's dead," he challenged, and the men formed into fighting positions around him over the bodies of the girls they just killed. Arden backed up to the edge of the building. Faith faced me, wanting the fight just as badly as any one of us behind her. Then her focus switced back to our foe. She took a step forward. It was enough. Arden spun, and we all took off; running towards them but we weren't quick enough. I saw Tina's eye widen as he let go of her. She stumbled back a few steps before she lost footing off the edge of the building and fell. Faith screamed in a fit of rage as the fighting broke out. Tina.

There were three men to every one of us. I watched as Faith fought her way to Arden. I trailed behind her, throwing punches and kicking at whatever came in my direction. I blocked a swinging fist that came at Faith and got caught up with him having no choice but to fight him. Faith made it through. I stayed there for the moments I had to as the other girls fought around me. Another man came out of nowhere, and I kicked back sending the one I first started fighting across the rocks landing on his back. I turned and ducked as a bat flew; whistling through the air. I came up, putting all my strength into a punch and sending him flying into another guy one of the other girls were fighting.

"Buffy," someone screamed, and I turned to see Alex drop kick another man coming in my direction. She took him on, as I shifted to a standing position for a second to scan the faces and find Faith. I heard her scream. As I turned to face where she was, I caught a leg coming in my direction and punched his chest. His other leg buckled under his weight, and he went down. I hit him again, and he fell unconscious.

I weaved to my right; where I last saw Faith. It took seconds for her to lose traction on the rocks. He kicked her, so I lunged to catch her as she flew through the air in my direction. Arden stood up right, wiping his lip. Faith gawked up at me then gaped in his direction as he strode towards us. "This is just what I needed," he snorted as he jerked his head to the side, cracking his neck loudly. Faith stood and ran toward him. I watched as they fought for a second, seeing a determination I hadn't seen in a while. "AHHHGGGG!" she screamed as she threw every punch in his direction.

When I whirled around, I discovered more men came running from around the corner. Where the hell are all the men coming from? I spun face them the same time Alex, Ken, and Vi did. I heard a few more bodies hit the ground, and the rest of the girls joined in a line next to me. "We got em' Buffy," Alex confirmed gazed over her shoulder as Faith still valiantly fought Arden; holding her own but not doing as much damage as she wanted. "Go help, Faith," Ken suggested, and I stomped in their direction, determined to finish this. I made a mad dash for Arden as Faith kicked him backwards several times. As I reached him, he sensed me cuz he swung a back hand in my direction. I ducked and Faith and I fell into sync. Arden was strong, I can feel it.

We swung, kicked, and punched, and he blocked everything till Faith caught him on an open side. He came back, her missing then kicked towards me; catching me off guard. I flew into the wall, feeling it cave slightly with my impact. It shook me. I scanned down as my hand landed on something metal and cold; Faith's switchblade. I wrapped my fingers around it and ran in Faith's direction as she took Arden full on.

As I attacked, Arden got a lucky swing, catching Faith off guard and hitting her several more times. "Come on," Arden bellowed as we swung with all we had. I swung the blade. He blocked one as Faith came at him. I swung upward, bringing the blade across his throat. Arden stopped moving in front of me. Faith took steps till she was at my side and observed as he fell to his knees holding onto his neck. Arden gurgled for air. We glared as Arden's eyes flashed black and he struggled for air then hit the ground face first.

My breathing clamed, I gawked over my shoulder to see all the girls trudging in our direction, bodies of men scattered about them. Adrenaline still surged through me as forced myself to think normally. "We did it," Faith gloated. I reached out for her hand. Not letting go, she knelt down next to the now dead demonic god. "Was Glory like this?" Faith asked, and I shook my head no. Glory was a little harder to beat then this. I lifted the coat, whipping blade off. "Ken, call Angel," I instructed over my shoulder and stood again. I took steps backward, something passed through me.

As I stood there, I scanned the room that was well lit. The apparent smell of fresh blood soaked the air around me. I looked down, bodies of girls laid slayed; spread out across the floor. I turned and inspected their faces but didn't recognize them. I gaped down at myself to see blood splatters covering me. All over my arms and hands; everywhere. I dropped the knife that I held in my hands and twirled to the sound of someone moving.

Faith moved backwards away from me, holding one hand over her gash in her neck that was bleeding out badly. Blood poured out of other wounds on her chest and stomach. How the fuck did this happen? She looked terrified, as she frantically backed away from me; unable to stand and run. Unable to defend herself any further. "BUFFFFY!". My love.

"BUFFFYYY!" someone yelled again, and I opened my eyes to discover Faith kneeling over me. She breathed a sigh of relief as I sat up. "What happened?" I asked; confused. "You passed out," she answered immediately; smiling trying to reassure me everything was ok. "B, let's get outta here. Angel's people are on their way," she explained, and I took her hand while standing and still in a daze. They'll clean up the mess of bodies for us. What the hell was that?

When we got back to the house, all of the girls cheered, hooted, and hollered as they stormed the house. Chloe and Alex arrived ahead of us, hand in hand as Faith and I treaded behind them. Alex twirled to face me. "Can I order pizza?" she pleadeded. When I didn't say anything, Faith spoke up. "Yeah, kid, ya'll deserve it. But this is your cheat day for the weak," faith teased, and Alex smiled as she put her arm over Chloe's shoulder and strutted inside.

Faith and I made it to the porch and stopped. The girls were all playing around inside. I was still a little on edge after we killed Arden. "What's wrong, B? We did it. Arden is dead, why are you so… down?" Faith interrogated, and I hesitated, unsure of what to say. Memories of whatever the hell I saw flashed across my eyes before I gazed at her. I couldn't look at her after thinking about it, so I avoided the eventual stare. It felt as if it was seared into my head, like a brand on cattle.

Faith wrapped her arms around my upper body, pulling me into her. "I saw something. I don't know, it just…," I started to explain but stopped. "Whatever it was, I won't let it get to you, not now," Faith demanded as she hugged me tightly. I tried to listen to her heart to calm myself down. "I don't know," I said as I buried my face into Faith's neck. "Buffy, what kind of Pizza do you want?"

I turned to see Willow standing at the door. Ken stood behind her; holding Dom. I smiled. Even though it was painted on, Will saw through it. "Just get us a pepperoni," Faith advised. Ken nodded and departed back into the house for the party that was being started without us. I watched as Chloe and Alex dodged her and high tailed it up the stairs. I should want to do the same, but I didn't. That shit freaked me out beyond belief. I just can't come to terms, but everyone is so happy. I don't want to mess this up for them.

"You ok, Buffy?" Will questioned, already knowing the answer. Faith held me tightly to her, and it was comforting to have her hugging me. Willow jogged up to me and placed a hand on the side of my head. I stared as her eyes widened then flashed white. I felt a warming sensation then nothing, "We'll take care of it later, ok, Buffy?' But you're fine. I don't sense anything. There's nothing there. You're ok," Willow comforted me, and I thought for a second. It was gone. The memory of what I saw was gone, but the feeling of it was still there. I gawked up at Faith; giving her an uneasy smile because I'm still unsure of what to say or do. Will ran her fingers down my arm. "Let's go celebrate," Willow ordered, and Faith pulled me inside. I didn't resist.

Next morning-

I woke up to a noticeably colder bed. Rolling over, I felt no Faith. I slid to the edge of the bed, walked to the dresser, and grabbed a hair tie. Putting my hair up, I exited the room. The tingles grew stronger with every step I took down the hall. A part of me couldn't believe that we did it. Part of me felt that Arden was still out there, the council was still out there and would continue doing what they were trained to do. Kill young slayers who didn't even know what they were. Without a leader, what would they do? Who do they answer to? I would hope more than anything that they would just stop, like a beast with its head cut off.

I got closer to the door, and heard giggling and laughing coming from Dominic's room. "I'm gonna get ya… I'm gonna get ya," Faith playfully taunted as I pushed open the door. Faith crawled over Dom and rolled; picking him up and rolling him onto her chest. Faith laughed as he giggled and squirmed on top of her. She gazed up and in my direction with a smile. A sense of calm filled me, and everything that could or would ever bother me went away. I wandered over to her, grinning myself and sat down next to them. Picking up Dom, I lifted him over my head. The baby boy brought his fist to his mouth, smiling and laughing as I raised and lowered him several times. "You're going to be so big and strong," I announced and smirked at Faith as I handed him back to her. She sat up, placing Dom in her lap. "All he ever wants to do is play," she groaned as she fixed his clothes. Dom clapped his hands together and then patted Faith's arms as she wrapped him into a small hug; nuzzling into him.

"Yep, won't ever be this happy ever, ever again," Faith muttered before gazing up at me. "Yeah, something like that," I mumbled as I pushed a strand of hair out of her face and sat back. I kissed her forehead. When I said before I would be content with what was us lying there, staring at each other. Just the two of us, I was wrong. I wouldn't be myself without Faith and Dominic and vice versa. Faith wouldn't be herself without Dominic. Neither of us would be able to cope without him. If that makes sense, I know were some kind of dysfunctional family, but it is what it is. I love this woman, and she loves me. We love Dom, and that's all that matters. Nothing will ever come between us.

Love isn't always perfect, it hurts. There's joy and everything else in between us. I can say now that I've never felt more alive, and I took my first breath when I acknowledged the fact that I loved her. She has every part of my being and more.

So this is it, thats the end of it or where I'm leaving it at. I figured it had a bad start off so i'll leave it to the sequel to do better. Thats why i left the ending so open. anyways major props an shouts out to my Beta- 'Twin who likes to travel' helped me out alot and helped me more then i would have expected. In working with him the story was alot better then it would have been. I even see a diffrence in my writing. Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading. review an let me know what you think, what could have been better or what you would like to see diff happen next with the girls. .. review review review.

Thanks again for reading- Ray