Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the original charaters as my own. Thank you Joss for creating this universe of your own.

I'm trying to write this like anyone would write a season. so its coming to end but look out for a seaquel. I'm pretty sure i spelled that wrong. I try a put a little bit of everything in this story, action, drama, romance, domestic everyday lives and angst what ever I'm in the mood for. Its set right after the fall of sunnydale mostly in Cleaveland, throw a couple of teenage slayer sand a couple young adult slayer in a house what do you get? This somewhat entertaining or whatever. I'm going to stop talking out of my ass now. So enjoy the story. For thoes of you who are just now reading this. Its starts off sketchy but i think i got my groove, skip couple chapters but becarefull cus you might miss something. Thanks to my beta twin who like to travel.

Enjoy- Ray

P.s. Review review review


So it's been about a month since Sunnydale was turned into the second Grand Canyon and the First was pushed back to wherever he came from. We're safe for now, but know one knows how long.

After the fight Giles, Buffy, and Faith took us all to LA. It ain't the safest place in the world, but Buffy's ex, Angel is there. He runs Wolfram & Hart. Willow said they used to be a 'big bad'. Caused all kinds of trouble for Angel. Now he's in charge. The Scooby gang is still trying to get used to it all. Angel has been beyond helpful, so I'm not one to complain about where it all comes from. Honestly, I don't want to know how it works.

Angel put us up in the hotel he used to work his little gig out of. Well, when it was little. Now it's something of a franchise. It's not a Hilton, but it's a good place to hide a bunch of slayers you don't want noticed. So we got the run of the place; which is nice because it's roomy.

Yesterday, all of the original Scooby gang went to Cleveland. Giles explained to us that there was a hell mouth there that they needed to check out. 'On to the next threat' was his own words. Andrew, Dawn, and Faith went with them. I'm kind of glad Andrew went because the kid talks a lot. I swear he about talked my ear off on the bus ride to LA while stitching me up. As of right now, Principal Wood is watching over us along with Cordelia. The rest is left up to us; the ones who fought against the First. Not to any one's surprise, we keep finding new slayers. My friends and I are slowly becoming outnumbered. The hotel is being overrun by middle school tiny boppers. It's created a rank structure almost. There's the newbs who have mostly been here for only a few weeks. Then there the mini slayers; all the ones who fought with the Scoobs against the first. Ahead of us is the Scooby gang: Buffy, Faith, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Wood, and Giles. All of them equally matched in either knowledge, slayerism, or something else like a carpenter.

I walked down the hall to hear Wood trying to yell over a bunch of screaming girls. It's a little after noon, so I'm guessing that he's training the newbs. "Don't run from him." Wood said, laughing as I walked y. I saw them fan out till they're all in a circle. He's holding back a vamp by a chain in one hand. There's a stake in the other. The girls are all tense. I can almost feel it from here. As the vamp tries to lunge at one of them, Wood almost loses the grip. The girls screech or scream, but someone jumps in. She's about my height; a brunette. I can't tell who because most of the younger slayers move into a circle around her. She kicks the vamp as he charges her. He lands on his side, skidding across the tile flooring. The young slayer behind him yelps and runs till she's right under Wood.

I walk to the door and lean against the frame. I watched as the brunette gives the vamp a one-two combo. Before he can really react, she stakes him. He goes out in puff of dust, then the brunette tosses her stake towards Wood. "If you can't do that by the end of the week, then you should just go home," the brunette commanded while looking around at the girls standing around her. I know the voice. She's part of my trio. Kennedy. Wood shrugs his shoulders. "I thought you're supposed to teach us?" one of the girls asks. "I just did…Look, if you don't think you can do that, go home cause your either gonna get one of us killed or yourself," she instructed as she turned and walked out of the circle and in my direction. As she stopped, she stood facing me in the doorway.

Kennedy gave me a once over. "I've seen you do it in less hits then that. You goin' soft on me?" I joked as she smiled. "Ehh...Where's the fun in that?" she questioned. I nodded toward the group of girls; who were now closing in on Wood listening to him. "They were running from it. Were we that bad?" Kennedy stated, throwing a thumb out in their direction. I looked back into the room as we walked into the hall. "We were, but then again, we were fighting uber vamps that climbed walls and shit," I reminded her. Kennedy smiled. "Maybe we should see if we can find a few of those an let them lose in the hotel," she suggested playfully. I raised my brow half scared, half surprised that she would even think it. "Yeah, and they'd shit or pee their pants." replied as we turned. I looked up to see Vi walk in my direction, and we high five each other. Kennedy kept walking.

"Hey, I gotta call Willow," Kennedy admitted; stopping mid stride. I stopped and turned; staring back at her because I knew we had that meeting with Angel. Since he now has a bit of an abundance of slayers; a small army. A team of us goes out and does a little street cleaning. Normally, Buffy and Faith are with us. "What about the meeting?" I told her, and Kennedy stops dead in her tracks; halfway to her room door. "I. uh,...Damn, cover for me. I owe you one!" she responded. Before I can do or say anything to stop her, she books it down the hall. I've probably heard that a few times, I'm always covering her for ass. I do the same thing, just not as much. I think I'm about to start though.

I walked downstairs and out the front door where Rona, Krista, and Angie are waiting. Vi comes running out the front door behind me, and we watch as the long, stretch limo slows to stop in front of us. "I don't think I'm ever leaving here," Rona said as she got in. "I like L.A., but limos, come on," someone else said, I do admit limos are a bit much. It comes to a point of spoiling. I'm the last to get in. And as I slide across the seat at the end, I spot Wesley smiling at us and Vi glances out the open door just as it closes. I know what she's about to ask.

"Where's Kennedy? She was just with you," Vi declared as I search out the window, doing my best 'where the hell is she impression''. "Last thing she said was she was helping Wood with the new girls. She'll catch up later," I lied It's not so bad. Ken, Faith, and I are kind of close. Don't know why, always just kind of clicked. Same type of past; that how Faith explained it once. "Great she's going to ride the fucking crotch rocket," Rona complained. I sat back and nodded 'Yes' while smiling. All three of us got crotch rockets from Angel. Faith has a black one, I have an all white one, and Ken has a red one; each a Jyxer 1000.

"Hello, ladies," Wesley greeted with his British accent. Faith said he used to be a total dweeb looking guy. I guess all the fighting over the years has roughed him up a little. You can tell he's a book worm still, but at least he doesn't look like a total joke. He kinda reminds me of a mini Giles with a serious dark side. I know he has a dark side, I can tell by his mannerisms in such. He's been there. You can see it in his eyes. "What-cha got for us today, Wes ole' boy," Vi announced playfully, attempting to mimic his accent. Wesley looked at her but went on. He picked up a remote and pulled up a screen from the bar in front of us. Then he turned it on. There was a demon tied to a chair in a room, looked as if he was getting interrogated. Gunn walked across the screen. He was wearing slacks but he had a wife beater on. It looks as of he had been working on him because he's really sweaty. The demon itself looked pretty beat up.

"I'm only asking nicely one more time...Where is your clan?" he growled, and the demon just sneered at him. Gun swung a bat he was holding; contacting with the side of the demon's face. Wesley quickly shut off screen. "I didn't think he was actually going to do that," Wes informed, and we all watched him. "Wes, we're big slayers, we can handle it," I assure with a smile. He just studied me for a second. They really think we're just a bunch of young, fragile, little girls. Man, they got another thing coming.

"Well, as you can see, we're still fishing for information. As of right now, all we know that is the demons have soft necks. The only way Angel was able to kill his friend last night was chopping his head off. The rest of the demon's body was as hard as rock," Wes confirmed, "Other than that, the fighting is a little slow, but they have brute strength. So avoid getting punched as much as possible. Also, don't let them get their arms around you either. They'll try and kill with a bear hug from hell, literally. Angel suffered a few broken ribs. He was able to swing his sword somehow." After that, Wesley gave us more detailed information. Ok, I'm guessing Ken knew about Wes riding with us to the office because I'm regretting it now myself. This guy goes on forever.

We pulled into a parking garage and followed Wesley inside. When we were filing into the building, a red crotch rocket pulled inside the garage, skidding to stop in front of me. Kennedy sat up pulling off her helmet. "Show off," I muttered, and she just smiled. "You're late," Vi snapped as she peeked over her shoulder. "Aw, come, Vi, you know I like to make an entrance. All I missed was jabber mouth ova there," Ken teased as she walked up next to me. A valet came and took the bike away. We walked down the hall to a room. The room is the same as we strolled in, like the last few times. There is a table filled with weapons of all kinds. Wesley steps back into the room with five different sets of straps.

"Come on, Wes. Really, we don't need em'" Ken complained as he went to hand one to her. "Goes with the get up. You're a special ops team. You've got to look like one. Not some rag tag group a girls with sticks," Wes firmly orders; shoving the holster into Ken's chest. She barely caves with the motion. "Asshole," Ken muttered too soft for Wes to hear, but I heard a snicker off behind me. Ken turns to me, making a face at Wesley's back as he handed us the rest of the holsters. Neither her nor Faith really gets along with him, they're always arguing about something. I tend to avoid him as much as possible.

A door opens, and I peeked behind myself to see Gunn wander in. His wife beater is covered in yellow goo splotches, other ick, plus pieces of flesh. "These guys are something," Gun warned as he approached us. "We're missing a few. Where's Buffy and Faith…or Willow?" Gun asks as he scans over the group a little concerned. "In Cleveland, there's another hell mouth there. Scooby gang went to investigate," Kennedy explained as she finished strapping herself in. Gunn nods, he seems to understand as much as we do.

"I'm sure going to miss having all these slayers around," Gunn revealed as he marched to where Wesley was standing. We all looked at him kind of puzzled. "Well, think about it. If there's one there too, I bet you're all going up there eventually. That means Buffy is probably going to take her army with her," he answered our questioning gaze. He handed something over to Wesley, then walked out. "I'm going to go get cleaned up," he called out. I finished strapping in, picked up a gun and short sword, then walked over to where Wesley was standing. He pointed to another room door. "Go up the elevator and wait for Angel," he lectured and me, Vi, and Ken did so. The others were still struggling with the not so complicated straps. The last time we waited on Angel, there was food. I don't think the rest remember. I put my sword away just as the doors opened.

Walking in, I didn't see the table until I turned to see it up against the window. "Nice," Ken complimented as she strutted over to it. "I can so stay here. Angel ain't gotta pay me shit as long as he keeps cooks like these around." Ken confided around a mouthful of shrimp. We all dug in; fixing a plate each. Gotta to love a slayer's metabolism. It's a never ending pit of insane amounts of food. For some reason, I wasn't all that hungry though. I sat on the smallest couch while Ken perched on its arm.

Kennedy's had like three plates already. As I finished mine, Fred walked into the office; followed by Wesley, a clean Gunn, and Angel. I had only met Fred once when we first got here. She wanted to meet Willow and compare magic to science. Willow told Ken they get into it every time she came into town. "Are you sure they're going to able to handle them?" Fred asked, and it seemed that every slayer scowled at her. It's somewhat of an insult. They think we can't go anywhere without the 'Buffy and Faith Duo'.

"I'm pretty sure they can. Buffy wouldn't have given me their names if she didn't think they could," Angle insisted as they walked past her and to the rest of us. I like Angel, he gets us. Ken shot Fred a death glare, and Fred went right on describing the inner workings of how this particular clan of demons is and how to get to them. When the meeting was done, Angel escorted us himself to the garage where he had a huge black escalade waiting. We're going to look like feds or something, rolling around in that. Hey, it's better than a limo.

"Damn, I wish I could stay," one of the girls whined as she got into the massive vehicle. I got in the front passenger side. Kennedy took the keys and got in. "Remember, if you can bring one back, do so. Gunn killed our last one," Fred advised as she took a glimpse inside. A map was thrown in my lap. "Flight navigator?" Kennedy chuckled before smiling widely at me and taking off out of the garage. Great, this should be awesome.

"Try not to get us killed before we get there," Vi tried to yell over the music. So maybe Kennedy driving was a super bad idea. I lost count how many lights she's ran and cars she's almost hit. She thinks this thing is a motorcycle. I feel like I'm in a car chase. Vi, I think, is on the verge of finding out if she gets car sick from the looks of it. "Turn right here!" I yelled, and she banked it hard. The wheels screech, and Kennedy clips a pole as she enters the alley. "Stop, stop!" I shout. She slams the breaks; sending us all forward. I open my door and jump for my life. Kennedy makes it around to my side, and I punch her as hard as I can in the shoulder. "I'm driving on the way back, you crazy bitch," I snap. Ken just laughs, Vi glares, and Rona just storms past us to the first man hole, so we can go find these jerks. Man, I love Ken to death, but sometimes I just want to stake her and take her out myself.

One by one, we all descend into the sewer. Kennedy being the first one down had taken a few steps in the direction we were supposed to go. "God, you guys smell that?" Vi asked as she came down the ladder. "Sewer genius," Ken said then holds up a couple of fingers; indicating for us to follow her, so we do. It's cold, wet, and very dark. Even with slayer vision, it ain't all that easy to see down here. The light bouncing off the small puddles of water from the streets above has given us little to work with. All I could really hear was a scurry of rats and dripping water. This place is a breeding ground for a bad idea.

I can feel the waves of energy coming off all the girls. Some are anxious, the rest of them are tense. I can see Kennedy's shoulders and they appeared as if she ready to pounce on the first thing that'll steps in front of her. This is usually what she does. Not sure if that's a bright idea this time. We all turn to hear movement ahead of us, and there's a lot of it. For a second, I hear loud shrieks or screams. I reach out and grab Ken's shoulder, stopping her and the girls behind me. "Wait," I ordered. Ken peers back a little irritated, but then she hears it too. It's coming down a hall to our right. She looks at the hall to our left then ahead again, and I know what she's thinking.

"No, Ken, we split up, we're dead," I argued and she glares at me again. "No," I repeated as she rolled her eyes. I'm the voice inside her head more so then she's mine. I observe the two girls behind me as I pull my sword. I walk past Ken and towards the shuffling sound. As we advance down the intended path, the ground slants downward. The shuffling slowly disappears and is replaced with water like sounds. I stop when the path descends into water. "Fuck," someone groaned behind me. As I viewed the water, these two lights come on. The lights start to rise then there's another set. I back up, putting an arm out and next to me. I lose sight of the lights in the water, but it doesn't matter because it's a trap. "Back up," I whisper. "Bad idea," somebody suggested quickly. "Back the fuck up," I snarled, but Vi doesn't move. I would turn my back, but I sense it would be a bad idea. "They're coming our way," Rona divulged as she backed up in our direction. "There's something in the water," I notify, and we all shoot each other worried expressions. "Get against the wall," Ken asserted. As soon as we do, something charges in our direction. Where the fuck did he come from?

Faith- earlier same day

Today has been a long day. I would just like to say right now, I want to be in a nice, big, comfy bed, so I can pass out. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. I'm pretty sure B is going to want to patrol most of Cleveland and see what it's got to offer. I'm a little upset about that because I have no toy and no Robin to cure me of my post slayage hornies. This in all is going to suck. A hand to work it is then.

Today, we checked out the school for the girls. Saw where all the local cemeteries were and checked out a decent neighborhood. The houses that are for sale are a good size, so there will be about four or five girls in a house; including us to watch over them. All the houses have pretty much the same layout. I want the one's the furthest in. It's a bit smaller, but that means less rug rats running around.

Andrew still hasn't shut up. We've been sittin' in the rental waiting on B and Giles to come back from checking us in, and he just been sitting there, yapping. "I just like the fact that we're getting out of L.A. The girls will like here, don't you think so, Faith?" he babbled. I faced him and nodded yes. "I mean it's a nice, little neighborhood. Quiet for the most part. They can go back to having normal lives and school work on top of that," Andrew continued. "Yeah, you'll have to deal with them bringing boys home, Drew. What ya think about that?" I questioned, and he turns in his seat while smiling. "That what Xander and Giles are for. I plan on being a good listening ear," he commented and laughed. Yeah, scranny little Andrew is not going to be able to do much against a linebacker or quarterback. Which is what I'm pretty sure these girls are going to go for.

B opens the front, driver side door and everything shuts down for the talking department of Andrew. Willow stirs awake. Then wakes up Dawn; who's next to her. "Ok, all the rooms are on the same floor. Dawn, you're with me. Willow, you and Faith are rooming together. Andrew, go wake up Xander," Buffy declared' scanning past me to see Xander still asleep in the other car. Everyone is pretty worn out. I took the key and got out; going to that back of the SUV.

I grabbed my duffel bag and B's suit case. I think she packed her entire wardrobe. We're only going to be here for the next couple of days. "B, you're such a girl," I teased as I handed it to her. She smiled before rolling her eyes and moving on. Red came up behind me with her bag, followed by Dawn and everyone else.

As soon as I got into our hotel room, I heard Red's phone ring. I swear those two just can't spend more than a day away from each other. Red has been on the phone as much as she's been talking to the rest of us. It's a good thing she's long winded, or else I think even Red would be out of breath and tired by the end of the day.

I gaze up when there's a knock on the door. Red is in the bathroom, talking and rearranging things, so she reached out and opened the door. B strolled in; wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I hadn't even changed yet. She made us dress up all business like today and yesterday. She was trying to put on a show. I know the next couple of days we can relax and whatever, besides the night time patrolling. I plan on getting a bottle or two.

"Why aren't you dressed?" B questioned as soon as she caught site of me and my half unbuttoned blouse. "I thought you would have been dying to get out of those clothes?" she continued and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe because I just got in the room," I growled. "Well, hurry up! I wanna get to the cemetery close to here and scope things out before the sun sets," she claimed. "And the fun starts, huh?" I said and she rolled her eyes again. Man, I hope she isn't going to be like this when we actually move here in a couple of weeks. Its bad enough we patrol for Angel every other night.

On the way back, B talked my ear off about me and Robin. Asking me where I think it's going. I honestly don't know. He's a decent guy, is really all I can say. Easy on the eyes too. I don't mind it too much, but I think B has been single for too long.

As I entered my room, Red wasn't there. I leaned out my door a little to see B opening up her door. "Hey, B, is Red in there?" I called out down the hall, and B nodded yes. I closed my door and traveled down the hall a few doors to B's room. "Hey, Faith," Dawn greeted and Willow just smiled. There was a bunch of herbs and other magic stuff that I don't get into. I sat on the couch next to Red. Red smiled but had this uneasy look about her. I got a glimpse of a towel wrapped B as she walked towards the shower. "I was teaching Dawn some easy spells," Red explained as I checked through some of the stuff on the table. I nodded. At least she's keepin' the girl busy.

When I turned back to Red, her face contorted into some kind of terror. She stood and made a mad dash out of the room. Dawn stood and went to follow, but I turned to her giving her a nod as if silent say I've got it. I sort of jogged down to my room and heard her on the phone. "Red, is everything ok?" I stated, but Red just nodded her head with a slight look of shock. I waited for a second, and then took the phone because I knew I would get more out of the person on the other side.

"She'll be ok." It sounds like Alex. "Who else got hurt?" I muttered before she realized I had the phone. "Rona, Vi, Angie, and I got some pretty bad cuts, but we'll be fine by tonight," Alex assured, and I looked at my watch to see it was probably about four in the morning their time.

I sat next to Red and rubbed her back as she stared off into space, concentrating on something. "And Ken...Um, not sure. Pretty sure she hit her head. One of those things got his arms around her and tried to drag her off, so she might have a few broke ribs. I think her arm is broken too," Alex determined, and I saw the tips of Red's hair glowing a little. Then she started crying. I could only guess, mainly because she wasn't there. "Uh huh, I told B to wait, had a feelin' this was going to go down badly," I relented, and there was a long pause from Alex.

"We caught one," Alex revealed, and looked back at Red; who had calmed down a little and was watching me. "Good, hope it's tucked in nice and tight," I stopped and turned towards the door to see b walk in. "You girls did good. Keep it up, we should be home by Friday," I guessed. I focus dead on at B as she noticed Red crying a little on the couch. I didn't wait for a reply, I just hung up.

"You need to call Angel" I demanded. B looked at me a little confused as she sat down next to red. "Ok," she complied, and I tossed her Red's phone. "I knew we should have waited," I concluded as I left the room. I was gross and sticky from sweat, but that wasn't going to stop me from getting one of my favorite drinks of all time.