Being Stupid

So hard to say good bye, but with this chapter 'Being Stupid' concludes. I have a little side project to finish before I can start my next story. I can't tell you what I'm working on, but if all goes well, it could good news for all of us.

Chapter 6: Three years later

Deuce leaned against the lockers outside the gym. He heard a faint whistle. The gym doors swung open and several pig tailed girls in designer sweats filed out. His eyes scanned over the crowd of the frighteningly similar girls, searching for one in particular.

"He-ey, Deuce." Fearleading captain and ice princess, Isolda S. Ronningen cooed, running a finger across his chest. Her icy touch sent an unpleasant chill down his back.

He shook it off. "Hey, Ula D," he called out to the tiny vamp. "Where's Cleo?" Draculaura offered an uneasy smile and glanced at her captain. Deuce mouthed a silent, "Oh."

The hallways slowly cleared out and Deuce was left against lockers, still waiting on his princess.

The gym doors slammed open. "Woah." Deuce caught it just before it smacked him in the face.

Cleo peeked around. "Sorry," she grumbled.

Deuce brushed her hair back sympathetically. "Tough day at practice?"

"Isolda is completely unreasonable. She had us running pointless errands for her and the rest of the varsity squad all afternoon!" She kicked her locker door repeatedly until it swung open.

"Aw." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. "There, there." He said, stroking her hair. "I'm sure things will get better."

"Doubt it," grumbled Cleo; her face buried in his jacket. "She keeps calling me 'De Nile'."

Deuce chuckled. "Cleo De Nile. Has a certain ring to it." He heard her scoff and pulled her closer. She melted in his arms. For a moment, they both lost themselves. That is until she felt his face nuzzle her hair.

"Wait. Stop..." Cleo pushed him away.

"What's wrong?"

"We can't do that anymore. I'm dating Clawd." Deuce flinched inwardly. She had told him before, but it still stung to hear it. "I know for us this is no big deal." Deuce frowned at that statement. "But, someone else might get the wrong idea." She patted him on the shoulder.

Deuce leaned back against the wall and watched her slender fingers glide over her phone. He thought back to first time he held her hand and how her fingers felt as delicate and fragile as they looked. Her short black pulled into two cute little pigtails made he think of the summer she cut her side lock. Her head was so soft and fuzzy, he would rub his face along it until she'd push him away. And the look on her face when she saw him after he cut his snakes.

He sighed. So many memories. Best of all had to be when they sneaked out to the bluffs and he convinced her to "practice kissing" with him. That was also the first time he saw her face without the bandages. Heavy regret fell in his stomach as thoughts of their first kiss raised to the surface. If he had had the courage to say what he really felt, perhaps she'd be with him right now instead of Clawd.



"I love you."

She didn't respond. It didn't even seem like she heard him. Cleo just kept typing out her text.

"Cleo?" No response.

"There." She hit 'send' with an odd tight smile on her face. It evaporated immediately and she chucked her phone at his head. It smashed into his glasses. He grabbed his face, writhing in agony. "Jerk," she spat as she stepped over him.

It was hard to see through the blinding pain and blood, he could have sworn she was crying.

As soon as he could see again, he took off after her. "Cleo! Wait!" The distance between them was too great. He'd never catch her unless... "Nebetah," he tried, desperate.

"Not this time, Gorgon." She shot back without breaking her stride.

"Please, just-" The pain cut him short. Searing, white hot pain pulsed behind his eyes. His vision blurred and the room started to spin. Deuce clung to the wall for support. The sound of heels on linoleum came towards him.

"Close your eyes." Came Cleo's curt order. He complied with her command. A cool wet cloth was pressed to his forehead. "So what was it?"

His eyes almost opened. Her question caught him off guard. "Huh?"

"Was I not good enough for you?" Her voice dripped with venom.

"What are you talking about?"

He could feel her glare boring into him. "Seventh grade. I asked if you liked me. You said no." She pressed the cloth too hard. He hissed as pain shot through his skull. "Now you love me. So what was it? Not popular enough?" Her voice started to break. "Or-" She swallowed back the tears. "You know what. Forget it. You're not worth my time."

He felt her pull away. "Cleo. Wait." He took hold of her wrist. Despite the pain, he forced his eyes open. "I lied, okay. I lied. I do like you... a lot. But I was being stupid and..." There were so many things he wanted to say, but words just wouldn't come. If only he could tell her how sorry he was, how long he's wanted to take it all back, and that he no longer care what anyone else thinks, she rocks his world [1].

Her arms wrapped around his waist; her face pressed into his chest. "You big fat jerk." She muttered into his jacket. "I should hate you."

"That's not fair. I am not fat." He felt her twitch trying not to laugh.

The next day, school was abuzz with gossip as the two strolled down the hall, hand in hand. But it didn't matter. They could talk all they want. Only one monster mattered right now.

"This is my class." She squeezed his hand and looked up at him with big glittering eyes. "See you at lunch?"

"Definitely." He brought her hand to his lips, placing the lightest of kisses on her knuckles. Her lips quivered. Even the most resentful of passerby's had to admit it was scary sweet. It took every ounce of his self control not to press her against the wall and kiss her right then and there. "See you."

"Bye." Her hand slipped from his. He watched her go with a smile. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Dude." Deuce flinched. Nothing except that. He turned to see Clawd standing there with his arms crossed. He wondered if he should just stone him and make a break for it. Nah. Better to just deal with now. "Not cool."

"Yeah," he replied. He didn't really have anything to say in his defense. "I'm sorry?" He offered.

"Save it." Not wanting to hear it, Clawd just pushed past him.

"If it makes you feel better," he called after the retreating werewolf. "She threw her phone at me after I told her." Deuce tilted his head down with his eyes closed, so Clawd could see the bruise forming under his shades.

"Well, that actually does help. Thank you."

Deuce slid his glasses back on. "I am sorry things went down the way they did."

"But I don't regret doing it." He thought as Cleo climbed up onto his lap under the seclusion of the school's bleachers. It was a little crowded in the creepateria, so they decided to eat lunch outside. He grinned at their current cozy closeness. The smell of her lotus perfume was all he breathed in. His lips brushed hers as he playfully asked, "What about lunch?"

She let out a moan of longing and disappointment at the almost kiss. "I'm not that hungry." She punctuated her answer by grazing her tongue across his bottom lip. Deuce's forked tongue brushed hers, drawing her in a deep kiss. Their tongues twisted and wrapped around each other. His hands traveled from her waist down to her hips, holding her close.

He pulled away despite her cries of protest. He took in her flushed face, parted lips, and the look in her blue-green eyes before declaring, "I love you."

Her fingertips brushed across his snakes, lingered over his sunglasses before cupping his cheeks. "I love you, too." With a wicked smile on her lips, she licked the tip of his nose and added, "Even when you're being stupid."


[1] Ah. Lame, but I had to do it.

[2] Had a hard time with this ending. The scene with Clawd was technically the end, but that just didn't feel complete. My brother suggested I tack on a scene of Cleo/Deuce fluff, but I think it came out more like Cleo/Deuce smut. Oh well, that works too. Bumped the rating up to T.

[3] Was originally my shortest chapter. Somehow ended up my longest.

Alternate Ending (By my younger brother):

"Cleo, I have something to tell you." Clawd said, dragging her to the corner. "Yes Clawd, you hunk of man you?" Cleo said, batting her eyelashes more at Deuce than at Clawd. Deuce gave a small huff. Whatever.

Clawd gave a heave and then said, "This isn't easy to say, but... I'm gay."

"YES!" Deuce exclaimed, before he took a glance around the room, giving a sheepish grin he said, "Umm.. My casketball team won." He explained, hastily pulling out his cellphone to enhance the lie. Score, now Cleo would be his.


Heath came flailing in, ramming Clawd out of the way viciously, before placing his hands on Cleo's shoulders, gasping from air. "Wait... Wait... I have something to say." Finally catching his breath, Heath stood to his full height, looking Cleo intentively in the eyes, he said, "If you were a booger, I'd pick you first."

"DAMN!" Deuce screamed. His chances shattered beyond repair.

Cleo stared at Heath for what seemed like eternity, before she giggled and blushed, "Oh Heath. I always knew it'd be you." Heath gave a suave nod, before donning his shades, "Yeah baby. I know." He then linked arms with Cleo and strolled out of the cafeteria.

Deuce gnawed on the edge of his lip, drastic measures were necessary. "HEY HEATH!" He screamed, stopping the boy before he left, "What Deuce?" Deuce slapped his glasses off his face, flailing his hands screaming, "IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!" Stoning Heath, and much rejoicing was had.

Deuce casually walked over to Cleo and stated, "Baby.. I'm sorry I lied. I don't just like you. I love you!" There was a collective aww from the cafeteria.

"I'm sure you do Deuce, but I've already moved on." Cleo said, as she draped her arms over Slowmo, "I'm sure you'll understand."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Said Slowmo, the most articulate thing ever stated. Deuce had no comeback, so he simply slinked out of the room, and went off to cook himself a chocolate cake.