Title: Visions Of A Former Self

Words: 738

Romantic Pairings: Gene&Alex.

About: Ashes To Ashes

Alex had been wrong. He hadn't seen her soon; he hadn't seen her at all since the incident in the bathroom. It had now been two years since Alex had gone into The Railway Arms. In that time there had been a new member to the team, who had worked out that he was dead and was ready to move on.

"Are you coming in Guv?"

Suddenly Gene remembered Alex's words; she had said that he would see her soon. Was this it? Was he supposed to go inside the pub once and for all?


"Yes, I'm coming in" Gene smiled.

His colleague opened the door and led the way. As Gene Hunt stepped into The Railway Arms, he was engulfed by a bright white light, gradually the light died down and he found himself inside the pub. Gene spotted his team sat at the table, Shaz spotted him first.

"Guv!" she stood up and shot over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him, giggling "Oh it's good to see you!"

"You too Granger" Gene smiled, hugging her back.

He felt Shaz take his hand, her tone becoming more serious "Guv, you need to come with me, you have to help her"


Shaz nodded, leading Gene through the bar and down to a corridor where numerous doors led off into rooms where the people here obviously slept. One of the doors was open and Nelson was stood there, his usual smile totally gone. Walking into the room Gene was taken aback, laying in the bed was Alex, but she didn't look like his Alex; her skin was a deathly clammy grey colour, she was shivering and she was whimpering in pain.

"What's wrong with her Shaz?" Gene asked "Why is she like this?"

"Nobody knows Guv, she kept herself to herself for about a week and the next thing we knew she'd collapsed, Nelson says its might be exhaustion"

Gene walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed, stroking his hand over her cheek "I can touch you Bolls, you wanted me to touch you and now I am"

He smiled as she turned her head and pressed her cheek against his hand, he didn't know if it was on purpose or just because she was tossing and turning a little.

"Come on Drakey, open up them pretty eyes and look at me" he whispered, smiling "What've I got to do, eh? Have I got to kiss you in front of these two? I bloody will you know, I've waited long enough"

He leant down, half expecting her to open her eyes and push him away like she had done on numerous occasions, but instead his lips brushed over hers. He did it again, applying a little more pressure this time. There was nothing, he moved around to the other side of the bed and lay down, his arm draped over her and his head on her shoulder, kissing her neck softly.

"You've been driving me crazy Bolls, showing up around the place" he spoke.

"What do you mean showing up around the place?" Nelson asked.

Gene looked up "Over the past two years I've seen Alex, everywhere, following me around"

"That's why she's ill, she's been projecting her into your life" Nelson smiled "She's a clever woman"

A couple of minutes passed and eventually Nelson and Shaz left. Gene sat up at stroked her damp hair.

"Alex? Come on darling, wake up eh?" he sighed "I...I love you Alex Drake"

Just as he lay back down beside her, he heard her speak, heard her say him name. He sat back up and saw her beautiful hazel eyes gazing at him, a smile playing on her lips.

"Hello gorgeous" he grinned "I see you've made yourself ill just to make my life hell and get me in here"

"I had to do something" she spoke, her throat dry and sore "You were taking too long, I was getting lonely"

"Not anymore darling, I'm here for good, no need to ever feel lonely again"

She smiled up at him and he slowly leant down to kiss her lips, feeling her hand tangle in his hair as she kissed him back with the passion she wished she had injected into their embrace all those years ago, and Alex knew that now he was finally here, this place really was heaven.