Okay, so after finishing a chapter of BadTiming, I sort of imagined how cute Booth and Brennan would be as babies, but this won't only be them as babies. This will be a series as one shots that look at if Booth and Brennan met in different circumstances and at different ages. This first one is actually going to be their mothers meeting when they are just babies, in the store. Enjoy!

Waiting in Line

Lynne Booth rubbed her growing tummy absently as she waited in line at the Children's clothing store, holding her son, Seeley's hand in hers, while he grasped a blue t-shirt and a pair of colourful socks in his hand.

Seeley had recently turned three and had decided to spend the $10 his Pops had given him to buy the pair of 'funny socks' he wanted and a Phillies shirt that his father had suggested he buy since the season was starting up again and he had tickets to a preseason game for them to go to. Seeley had taken his father's words to heart and practically begged Lynne to take him to get the things he wanted, despite the fact that she was now seven months pregnant with her second child. When it was her turn to pay, she stepped up, reaching for her wallet, but dropping it to the floor. She was about to bend over to get it when a voice sounded behind her.

"No, Sweetie, I'll get it." A young, blue-eyed woman said behind her. The woman stepped away from a stroller, where a little blue-eyed baby girl was playing with a rubber ball. Lynne smiled when the woman offered her back her wallet.

"Thank you so much." She said, taking out the money for the purchase. Seeley stopped her, pulling the ten dollar bill out of his own pocket and handing it to her.

Lynne thanked him and put the money on the counter, slyly adding another ten so they would have enough for the purchases.

When the cashier had bagged their things and handed back the change, which Lynne gave to Seeley, she turned back to the woman with the stroller. "Thank you for the help, Miss..."

The woman smiled. "Keenan. Ruth Keenan. Just call me Ruth. And this little angel," she said, motioning towards the little girl who was shaking the ball in her hand. "is my baby, Joy."

Lynne smiled. "Well, thank you, Ruth. And thank you, Joy." She said, smiling sweetly at the baby. Joy smiled and shook the ball harder, causing it to fall out of her hand.

Joy watched as the ball rolled away from her and began to whine, reaching out for it. Seeley saw this and toddled over to where the ball rolled, picking it up and walking back to Joy, handing it over, and smiling when she smiled at him, her blue eyes crinkling when they met his chocolaty brown ones. "Thakku!" she squeaked, taking the ball.

"You're welcome, miss." Seeley said, smiling.

Ruth smiled at him. "What a little gentleman he is." She coos.

Lynne smiles and pats Seeley's head. "I've taught him well." She says, proudly. "She's very smart to be talking at such a young age. How old is she?"

"She's fourteen months old and she is very smart. She's been talking since she was about ten months and she began walking around the same time. She has her father's brains. He's a Science teacher back in Chicago."

"Oh, you're not from around here?" Lynne asked.

Ruth shook her head. "No, his students have Spring Break right now, so we decided to take a vacation with our kids. I have a son, Kyle, who is five now. He's with his father, going to see the Liberty Bell. Do you have any other children?"

Lynne shook her head. "No, just my baby boy Seeley, and the one currently growing inside of me. My husband and I are hoping for a little girl. He's such a sweet man. He would be the perfect father for a baby girl. He'd treat her like a princess."

Ruth laughed. "Well, every little girl is a princess." Ruth said, patting Joy's head. She took out a $20 and handed it to the cashier for a couple of dresses for Joy. "My husband, Max, sure treats Joy like one with all the toys he bought her for her birthday."

Lynne laughed. "He sounds like a terrific man. I hope Joseph is like that with our little girl."

Ruth smiled, taking the bag from the cashier and following Lynne to the door. "I'm sure he will be."

Lynne smiled, then suddenly placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. "Looks like somebody is hungry." She said.

Seeley put his hand on her stomach and grinned. "Mommy! She's kicking!" Lynne smiled at him.

"How about we get something to eat? Huh, Seeley?"

Seeley nodded. Lynne turned to Ruth. "Would you like to join us?"

Ruth nodded. "I'd love to. Max and Kyle aren't expected back for another two hours so this will give us something to do."

Lynne nodded, leading the way towards the Diner as she continued to talk to her new friend and Seeley bounced along next to Joy's stroller, smiling at the little girl, who he could already see, at age 3, was going to become a good friend.

I hope you all liked this. Please REVIEW!