Disclaimer: I do not Own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Rating: M for later chapters, mild laguage in this Chapter
Pairings: HieixKuwabara & YusukexKurama
"What did it for you?"
They are all sitting in from of a fire at the cabin they rented. Yusuke is leaning on Kurama, with this head in his lap. Kurama is stroking his head, which is not gelled up at the time (a relief) Kurama thought.
"I think it was 'Hey mirror guy take my life instead. That way Kurama can stay with his mom and still get his wish.'"
"That soon?"
"That soon."
"Well the first time I looked into your eyes, really looked and I say that they held so much compassion." Kurama added. Yusuke blushed. "Your eyes are your best feature. Every time I look into them I fall in love all over again,." He added.
Yusuke blushed a deeper scarlet. Almost as red as Kurama's hair.
"I think your best feature is your hair. It's the color of fire, of passion. I think it represents your loyalty to your friends, family and me."
Now it was Kurama's turn to blush.
"And you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, the color of precious emeralds."
"If you two are done…." Came a deep, sarcastic voice from the couch, "It's someone else's turn."
"Don't hate on us because we're in love Hiei." Yusuke teased
"Hn. Whatever. Your mushiness is making my stomach turn." He was splayed out on the couch in between his tall, muscular lover's legs. Kuwabara was absentmindedly stroking Hiei's soft peaks.
"Is that a hint of jealousy in your voice?" came Kurama's reply.
Hiei rolled his ruby eyes at the kitsune. "Whatever."
"Ok little man, when did you know Kuwabara was destined to be your pet forever?" Yusuke asked.
"Watch it Urameshi," Kuwabara warned playfully.
"That's none of your business, baka.
Awww come on Hiei," Yusuke prodded, "Unless you can't remember…"
"That reverse psychology wont work on me. However since you asked it was this statement: 'Hiei you're a little punk, and you always said mean stuff to me but deep down, I know you're a good guy'".
"Really?" Kuwabara stated intently at his lover, momentarily ceasing to stroke his hair.
"Yes," came the answer. Hiei nudged Kuwabara's hand, urging him to continue.
"How come?" asked Yusuke.
"That was the first time someone ever complimented my character. Up until then everyone always said I was 'evil', 'greedy', 'selfish' and so on."
He didn't mention how it started with Yusuke, trusting him to save all of them at the gate of betrayal. This both shocked and confused him. Why would anyone trust him, a low class wretch, a thug, a criminal?
"Hiei, you underestimate yourself. You've always had a code of honor. I could tell when I first met you." His lover reassured him.
"Your turn Kazuma," Kuwabara blushed, like he always did when people referred to him by his first name.
"Yeah Kazuma." Yusuke emphasized. This earned him a small ki blast from Kuwabara's possessive lover.
"Hey!" Yusuke exclaimed, rubbing his arm.
"Nobody calls him that but me."
"And Shizuru."
"Anyway" Kuwabara interjected into their little back and forth match. "When I first saw you Hiei, I got a little tingly. I could feel your power, even though you were so short. Then when you sliced and diced that wannabe ice dragon, I saw how angry you were that he disposed of his own comrade like that. And you were so fast…."
"Alright Kuwabara get off his dick. Geez, stroke his ego anymore and he'll probably come!" Yusuke jested.
"You jealous?" Hiei taunted, raising an eyebrow.
"Hardly shorty. My fox strokes my ego and anything else I tell him to."
"You don't believe me?"
"No detective, I don't."
"Wanna bet?" Yusuke exclaimed.
"You'd lose."
"Oh really?"
"Bring it on, midget!"
"Whatever you say, detective."
Yusuke jumped to his feet. Kurama smiled and shook his head. Hiei smirked. Kuwabara turned his head to suppress a giggle. It was so obvious that Hiei was baiting him. Obvious to everyone except Yusuke.
This is going to be interesting, Hiei thought, suppressing a smile.
What hijinks will ensue this weekend at the cabin? Will Hiei accept Yusuke's bet? And What does Kuwabara have to say about all of this? Find out next time, in The Cabin!