Disclaimer: This is my first attempt of a fanfics based on a book using characters I created based on cartoon series. Many of the characters from the Justice League are characters I've created or modified from their original design. All I ask is you give me a break and not judge me too harshly. If you want to fully understand my JLU kids go to my profile and read their stories. That being said let's begin this story, a crossover between my JLU and the demigod heroes.
Piper was still standing in the pavilion all dolled up and gorgeously dressed after her mother Aphrodite decided to claim her. On one hand she was happy that she would get to go on the quest with Jason and Leo, but on the other hand she was worried about them dying thanks to the giants whispering in her mind.
Chiron moved to dismiss the camp for the night. He already noticed Leo heading out to the forest. He hoped he wasn't going to attempt something dangerous with the golden dragon running around loose. Then again he was a demigod. Suddenly there was commotion as all the campers gasped Rachel Dare started shaking and trembling from her corner. More green mist was forming all around Rachel wrapping itself around her body like a python.
"That's impossible! She's already given a prophecy about Jason and the others. Why would she be about to give another one?" Annabeth asked confused, but none of her cabin mates or the rest of Camp Half Blood knew what to expert. Rachel swooned and had to sit down again. Her glowing eyes opened and smoke poured out her mouth. When she spoke it was in her in her snaky voice, but this time other female voices seemed to join in. She raised her arms manipulating the smoke around her into different shapes. The form of young muscular female teenager in strange clothes and long hair could be seen, but no details could be discerned. Twirling above her head was strange symbol. It was gold and looked to be two W's together.
A warrior champion in a black mask from another world shall appear.
The Goddess's send her to guide lighting, dove, and forge.
First of nine to assist the seven in training for giants attack.
Roma and Eloas pax roma forma the seven lead the way.
The strange image vanished as Rachel sank to the ground again gasping for breath. Her attendants gave her some water asking again and again if she was okay. She shook them off and forced herself to stand. "That was unusual."
"What was that all about I thought an oracle could only speak one prophecy per quest. Yet you just foretold another one tying into both this quest and the Second Great Prophecy. Do you have an explanation?" Annabeth asked.
"Do you think the spirit of Delphi is broken?" Nyssa asked. It was a valid claim with all the strange things that had been occurring lately at Camp Half Blood.
"I may be new this, but every story I came across about mythology sorry says the Oracle is never wrong. Rachel what do you think it meant? Do you have some insight?" Piper asked gently; glad to be moving again even if it was in this hard walk in dress. She sat by Rachel giving her an encouraging smile.
"Child it important that you tell us what you think happened. In all my years I have never seen duel prophecies be told or have them connect with others."
"What happened was similar to the incident in Hera's cabin, but I don't think it was her talking through me not exactly. I felt as if the Goddess had taken control of the Oracle manipulating me. I could see flashes of images of people and places that I have never seen before, but I can't remember it."
"Chiron what do you think it all means? Is this more of Hera's trickery?"
"Hera might have something do with this, but I fear something greater is going on. The smoke figure for certain is the one who will guide Jason and his friends on the quest. But I don't know what the rest could me. We can only pray that everything will be alright."
The next day the trio took off flying towards Quebec to talk with Boreas in hopes he could lead them to Hera someway. All three of them were quite thinking about different things. Jason was dealing with the fact he had a sister and that he had no memory, Piper was consumed with worry about her dad, and Leo was keeping quite about his fire abilities. The stillness was colder then any breeze. Finally Leo broke the silence.
"So is anyone else the least bit concerned that somewhere along this crazy field trip were going to run into a masked female warrior whose suppose to guide us?"
"It's strange that such important ally would appear later and not at the beginning of the quest. I'm concerned though about trusting this new individual," Jason admitted.
"Why? The prophecy clearly stated this champion was sent by the Goddess to guide us. How can that be bad?" Piper asked.
"Because we don't know for certain what she's meant to guide us for. It could be this quest, it could relate to the Second Great Prophecy or something else entirely. We don't know for certain."
"So what you do think the last two lines meant. First of nine and that part about Roma, Eloas, and pax something or other. It sounds like somebody was playing Scrabble and forgot to put in English words."
"Leo! None of us know for certain, but it seems like the champion sent to guide us is part of a group of nine that will train the seven heroes for battle against giants. Still I'm confused by the last line myself. I know that Eloas was considered A Goddess of Mercy and Pity. She was worshipped only in Athens. Anyone who wanted to be Athens' ally had to approach her altar as a suppliant."
"Isn't Athens super important to Gods? I mean it had tons of the temples, the Acropolises right? It's also named after Athena? See I'm not a complete idiot."
"We never said you were Leo and your right that Athens is very important to the Greek Gods. However Rachel also mentioned Roma, she was the Patron Goddess of Rome itself protecting it from harm. She kept watch over the city same as Eloas only instead of allies she made sure Rome continued to expand, but the rest of the line is confusing. Pax is Latin for peace and Goddess who embodied that. It was believed that if you signed a Roman peace contract all was well. Still what that has to do with the seven demigods or our mysterious guide I'm unsure."
"I guess all we can do is wait until she shows up. Hopefully it will be before the solstice." The three agreed and continued on their quest wondering when their guide would appear.
Far away in another reality the warrior champion was unaware of the role she and her friends would be performing. At the moment all Athena Thermyscara aka Wonder Girl was concerned about was fighting the newest version of the Silver Swan was keeping her from volleyball practice. The silver body clad female with blond hair, swan mask, and long black feathery wings bursting from her back let loose another swan song at her. The supervillianess had been causing mass destruction to the fitness club in downtown Metropolis when Athena had stumbled across her. A quick transformation later and intense battle had started.
Wonder Girl pushed herself out of the impression she made in the wall and dove for the ground having the super villainess follow her. She wore the exact same armor her mother had worn when she was the champion, the only difference was small yellow star was inside the big red one and blue pure heart crystal necklace dangled from a gold chain around her neck.
"You can't get away from me Wonder Girl! I shall avenge all the other fallen swans your mother ruined! My lament will be your last!" Silver Swan shrieked letting loose a volley of swan feathers towards the teenager.
Wonder Girl whipped around using her Amazon training to defend her herself. She brought up her gauntlets and started deflecting razor sharp feathers one by one. A few managed to get pass slicing of locks of hair and cutting her face. As the volley vanished Wonder Girl flew straight to her opponent intending to knock her out of the sky.
Silver Swan started humming loudly creating a vibrating forefield. Wonder Girl pushed and pushed trying to break through, but Silver Swan just smirked. "Time for my lament!" She started singing again twisting the force field into a ball of destructive energy. With a mighty flap of her wings she sent the condensed attack straight at the Amazon.
With no time to dodge Wonder Girl grabbed her crystal and prayed for a defense. A glittering gold force field appeared create a sphere around her. The crystal energy healed her cuts and bruises giving her a second wind. She just needed a distraction to take out the Swan and then maybe she could still make practice. "Is that the best you got? Why are you so determined to take me out when your predecessor all fell by my mother's hand?"
"They were all weak or gave up! I won't you pagan, not until your six feet under!" Silver Swan crowed her eyes blazing with anger. As she got ready to unleash another attack she blindsided from behind by a powerful punch that sent her crashing into a gargoyle on a building ten blocks away.
"When I didn't see you at practice I knew something must have come up. You're lucky my life drawing class was canceled otherwise I wouldn't have been able to assist you. Why couldn't your villains stayed in NYC when you moved to Metropolis," Kara aka Supergirl 2 asked floating up to her friend. Kara looked nothing like the cousin she had been named after. The half human half Kryptionian girl was in her costume, the colors were a tribute to when her mother was Ultrawomen due to transference of powers. She wore knee high pink boots with yellow streaks, a pink leotard with a green and pink Super Shield along with a green cape and pink arm guards and a pink mask that hid her face, but showed off her blue eyes and long brunette hair.
"Sorry my rogues tend to migrate along with me. I thought that you were battling Volcana's daughter Pele from barbecuing the weapons depot outside of the city?"
"Hey now that I've master my freeze breath it's not much of a problem. I'm just lucky my invulnerability is growing stronger otherwise I be a crispy critter. Now can we please deal with this bird girl? I have an article to type for the school's online paper," Supergirl asked her fellow League member and best friend.
Their conversation was cut short by wailing of the song smashing the windows. Civilians scatter on the streets below as police tried to cordon off the area. This was getting out of hand. They had to put an end to this rampage and fast. "Time for the Wonder Legacy to end! Prepare for your death song ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh she's going to blow my eardrums out! We need to shut her up and fast. What is her problem with you anyways?"
"The Silver Swans were all women used by others to hurt my mother. That one there seems to want to make me pay for her heroics, but that's not going to happen."
"Should I call in the girl's?"
"No, we can end this we just need a little help from above. Hoot! Hoot!"
"Has my swan song messed up your brain? Do you really thing hooting like an owl will make me leave you alone?" Silver Swan asked mockingly. A silvery white flash of feathers dropped down and raked its talons across her face causing the girl to scream in pain. "Get away you stupid bird!" But the owl refused to back off slashing and biting her.
"Ulysses will keep her attention now's the time to act. Can you disable her? I'll clean up."
"No problem just be careful girlfriend!" Supergirl told her before zooming towards super villainess. Silver Swan had finally managed to knock away Ulysses who had left her a bloody mess. She was preparing to launch another swan song when Supergirl took a deep breath and blew as hard as she could unleashing a wind storm. The Swan's wings were being battered and feathers coming off. She was struggling to stay a float lashing out with bursts of songs.
That's when Wonder Girl darted in avoiding the song blasts as she came from underneath delivering a powerful hit to the Swan's jaw silencing her song. Grabbing her lasso she started twirling it before tossing it over the Swan and pulling it taunt. "Goddess give me strength!" She felt the power of the goddess fill her as she pulled tightly swinging the Swan around until she crashed into a water tower knocking her unconscious. The Amazon Princess gently lowered her to the ground where the police gagged and cuffed her. Wonder Girl landed with Supergirl next to her and Ulysses resting comfortably on her shoulder.
"Thanks for you help Wonder Girl, Supergirl. I don't know how we manage without you. I can assure you that the Swan is looking at long stay in prison for her rampage," a police officer assured her.
"You're welcome sir it was no trouble at all," Wonder Girl assured the cop. As soon as the coast was clear the two girl's touched their crystal's transforming into their civilian identities and heading for the Kent's apartment. Athena wore a comfortable pair of jeans and long sleeved red shirt and Kara was wearing a blue skirt and black blouse. Ulysses flew above the girl's heads keeping an eye on his mistress.
"I can't believe I had to miss volleyball practice! Coach is going to kill me! It doesn't look good when the captain of the team doesn't show up!"
"Why don't you just tell her you had a family emergency? That's what my dad used to use when he disappeared all the time. You could always use some of those billions your dad left you to placate her, joke! So the girl's were wondering if you wanted to have a girl's night considering how busy we've been with Justice League Unlimited business lately. Come on it will be fun! Terra finished gymnastics early. Max is taking a break from unraveling the magic's and science of the world, Shania took a night off from candy stripping and Marina doesn't have any royal duties to attend to in Atlantics. Come on you know the guys are taking a night off to from being heroes. We need this!"
"I don't know Kara, I have a lot of homework and I should be training. My mother would be horrified by what happen today. Silver Swan caught me totally off guard. I could have been killed. I need to be more vigilant then ever. That is the way of the Amazons. We are warriors' champions of the Gods who protect our way of life and for peace for all women and maybe men."
"Do you ever take a break from being a warrior? It's not like the world depends on you being the most brilliant warrior ever. We've done a lot of good in the past year. Were seniors in high school, restarted the Justice League and have made strides in both membership driven and public relations with governments have improved greatly. Not to mention we both have extremely cute boyfriends and our family bonds are stronger then ever. So what is it that you think is missing?"
"Nothing missing per se, but I sense my greatest challenge yet is coming. When that happens I can only pray to the Gods that I am ready," Athena remarked as they entered the apartment complex. They took the elevator to their floor. She just entered and was heading for her room when she let out of cry of pain and sank to her knees in agony.
"ATHENA!" Kara screamed as she watched her best friend try to claw her head. Ulysses was screeching as the Amazon princess twitched about. "Athena talk to me!"
Athena couldn't hear her friend. Images were popping into her head. She saw three teenagers talking with Boreas and his children. She caught glimpses of camp full of demigods and giants keeping Hera in a cage, but she looked different then the Hera she knew. New images and voices filled her head. She saw all the goddesses who blessed her and could make out minor goddess such as Astere, Goddess of Fertility, Eris Goddess of Discord and twin to Ares, and Tabilope, Goddess of Gambling. There was even some Roman goddess such as Disciplinia, Goddess of Discipline, Feronia, patron Goddess of freedom for slaves, and Quiritis, Goddess of motherhood. What was strange is that many of them were divided in half between Greek and Roman form.
"Champion of the Gods, Princess of Amazon you are needed. Come to sacred temple and all will be revealed. Hurry there isn't much time," Hera whispered in her mind gently. The images vanished and Athena collapsed to the ground gasping for breath with Kara looking over her worriedly. It appeared that her greatest challenge was about to begin.