Genuine- free from pretense, affectation, or hypocrisy; sincere: a genuine person.

Chapter 1:

Water rushed and swirled around his body, wrapping themselves onto him like a thick afghan. He felt his garments getting wetter and wetter, sticking to his body like a second layer of skin. This was an all too familiar feeling for Shibuya Yuuri.

"Never felt better being flushed back home…" He groaned, only to let out a stream of bubbles, his sarcasm left unheard. "If there's just one day when I can go back without drowning, I would have no complains for the rest of my life."

He struggled clumsily against the water as he felt a wave pushing his body to the surface. Swimming was never one of his fortes. He let out a gasped as he felt his body shoot forward, towards the impending light before him. Bursting out of the water, he squinted his eyes, blinked, and shook his head, sending droplets of water everywhere, allowing himself to identify wherever he had ended up at.

He looked, left and right. There was no sign of his royal bath, no familiar smell of soap and perfume; there were no fountains, no shrine maidens to greet him either. So, confused, his biggest question for the moment was: "Where am I?"

His took in his surroundings again, this time looking for more details and clues pertaining to his location. It seems like he had ended up in the backyard of someone's house and he pondered for a short while whether he had ended back at home again. But no, upon a closer look, he realized the house in front of him was made of brick, wood and straw, medieval style. Yuuri knew he was definitely in the right dimension.

He frowned, and sat cross-legged on the puddle where he erected from, waiting for anything to occur, anyone he might know.

Before he had any chance to straighten himself, the door in front of him opened and out came a very shocked woman in her mid-thirties. Yuuri let out a meek friendly smile, and the woman let out a tiny shriek, shocked beyond words.

"Y-Your Majesty!" She squeaked and fell to her knees, recognizing Yuuri by his charcoal hair and eyes. Her eyes closed as she faced the dirt on the ground, graced by the young King's very presence.

Yuuri shot up immediately and ran to help the woman up, awkward with the formalities. He shook his head fervently and exclaimed "No need to be on your knees lady, please get up!"

Her big brown eyes shot up to glance at her king, shocked by his friendliness, and got up slowly. She had heard of the king's tenancy of forgoing formalities but she didn't think that kneeling would be prohibited too. She gave a small smile and gathered her courage to speak: "Your Majesty, it is an absolute honor to be grace by your presence… but why?"

Yuuri flushed with embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, you could say I got lost coming here… such an irony that I'm lost in my own country. Wait, this is Shin Makoku right?" He paled. The consequences would be dire if he had accidentally landed in the middle of a demon-hating country.

"Of course Your Majesty. This is a small human village on the outskirts of your very own land." The woman replied, slightly confused as to why the young king would be lost. She blinked and suppressed an urge within her to laugh. It would be very rude indeed to laugh at her king, no matter how merciful he is.

"Hmm… I see, I see." Yuuri nodded his head slowly, his fingers on his chin, tapping lightly as he thought. "Well, you don't suppose I can make it within a day to the castle do you?" He asked, eyes hopeful. At least this village of humans seems to like him.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but that would be unlikely. It takes almost three days to travel by horse to the capital and even if your majesty rode fast enough on your royal stead, it would take at least sixty hours… no offense to your majesty's abilities." She bit on her lower lip, hoping she has not offended the king's pride.

"Aww man… Are you serious? But before anymore questions, (which I assure you, I have tons) please, do drop the whole 'your majesty' talk. Just call me Yuuri! And pray, do tell me your name." Yuuri grinned, and shivered, suddenly realizing that he's still in his wet clothes.

"Oh! My name is Mina Westford, at you service, your-, I mean King Yuuri. Perhaps you might wish to come in? You do look terribly cold. I hope my humble abode would suffice…" Mina waved her hands towards her small hut and smiled warmly as Yuuri half scrambled towards the warm hearth, muttered a 'thanks!' before warming his hands.

Mina rushed towards her room, scurried through her husband's best clothes trying to find a change for Yuuri. Grabbing a green soft tunic and her husband's treasured leather pants, she went out again. "King Yuuri, if you don't mind, I have a change of clothes. It's my husband's though. The quality is not something you might be used to, and it is not the usual velvet silk product, and it not fit for-"

"Oh! Nonsense! Thanks for the thought! I will accept these gratefully!" Yuuri gave her a reassuring smile as Mina handed him the shirt and pants. Mina showed him the way to the bath, which was already filled (awaiting her husband's return), and left Yuuri to his own privacy.

Suddenly, Yuuri's black hair poked out from the hinges of the door. Mina, slightly startled, starts to panic that she might have done something wrong.

"You," He begin. "I don't suppose you would have a change of… undergarments?" Yuuri's voice faded off to a shy whisper as his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.

Mina blinked and let out a hearty laugh before dashing back into her room to fetch the required garments. She never knew a more interesting King than Yuuri. Oh! There would be so much to tell when her husband comes back. Mina could only hope that he won't faint from shock at the sight of their King in the small living room.

Yuuri came out refreshed and dry, all thanks to Mina. Slightly awkward in a stranger's house, he fidgeted, contemplating on whether to sit on the small wooden bench or join Mina in the kitchen at the back.

"Oh! Please do make yourself comfortable!" Mina appeared, carrying a tray of tea and snacks for the King. She could only make use of whatever was in their kitchen to whip up some simple dishes.

Yuuri sat down on the bench and gave her a nod of appreciation as Mina served him a cup of hot tea.

"So," Yuuri spoke. "Is there any way I can contact the castle from here? I think Conrad and the others might be informed of my presence now and am on their way, but it might take a while for them to reach me…"

"The fastest way to contact the blood pledge castle is to send a pigeon message. But of course, my husband and I are not privileged to such easy a mean of communication. I'm really sorry. But I can go and ask the village elder to keep a look out for your guards! Perhaps that might help!" Mina suggested.

"Really? You have been so kind to me. Thank you so, so much!" Yuuri exclaimed and clasped his hands warmly around hers, giving the plump woman a small shock at the contact.

"Oh my! Well, I should get going to the elder. Please excuse me-" Mina was just about to rise and make her exit when Yuuri rose from his seat. "Is it fine if I go with you too? I must greet the elder of this village, otherwise it would be too rude of me!" Yuuri was secretly pleased with himself for remembering his duty as a King. What would Gwendal say when he sees Yuuri take his duties into his own hand? Chances are that he would break out into tears of joy.

Yuuri borrowed a hat, trying to cover his black hair and eyes and followed Mina, not knowing that the older woman was beaming with pride of having the King walk next to her. Yuuri quickened his pace, trying to catch up to Mina while fidgeting with his hat at the same time.

The other villagers did not bother to spare the stranger a second glance, thinking that Mina had gotten a new errand boy. They always had one or two of those boys trying to earn their keep in society. None of them noticed the way his eyes bore deep and the way a few of his stray hair gleamed in the sun. Too busy, too unobservant.

"It's just right over there King Yuuri. See that red wooden cabin? That's the Elder's house!" said Mina in a low whisper. Yuuri gave her a hearty nod and thanked her before following her to the house.

*Knock Knock* Mina rapped on the door twice and waited. The door opened on its hinges, groaning in resistance. A young boy of age not more than 10 peaked through. "Who's there?"

"It's me Jed! Is your grandfather in?" Mina piped. The young boy looked through his messy bronze hair and smiled before dashing back in to call on his grandfather. Soon, they were showed to the living room, where an old man, eyes full of wisdom and age, peered at them.

"What brings you to my place Mina? And who is that guest you've brought in?" He croaked out, voice weak and fallible.

"Oh Grandpa Jiff, this is His Majesty, King Yuuri, our maou!" Mina introduced as Yuuri pulled off his hat to reveal a head full of rich black hair. The old man's eyes widen for a brief moment.

"Er.. sorry for the sudden visit.. er.. Grandpa Jiff, elder, chief…"

"Please, address me like Mina did. What brings You here? King Yuuri no less. Good child… Good man…" He nodded his head approvingly at the King.

"Ah, ok. Grandpa Jiff. I was lost and Mina over here," He waved. "brought me to your place at my request. I figured I should greet the village elder since I'm so irresponsibly lost in this village. I'm so sorry I suddenly popped out of nowhere... literally." Yuuri gave the old man a small smile before moving to the empty seat before him.

"Well, it's a pleasant surprise for us no doubt. What can I do for you your Majesty?"

"Please, just Yuuri. Call me Yuuri. I was wondering whether it would be all right to ask the villagers to help me keep a look out for my palace guards. They must be nearing and it would be awful should they miss me here." Yuuri clasped his hands together and pleaded the old man, who just laughed at the King's childlike actions.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure to help you Yuuri. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would ask my son to inform the villagers about your arrival. For the meanwhile, I think Mina would be more acquainted to host you." That being said, Grandpa Jiff stood on wobbly legs and exited the room, little Jed following.

"Thank you Grandpa Jiff!" Yuuri exclaimed, grateful that the old man would be so kind as to bring out the whole village to aid him.

"Well then King Yuuri, shall I introduce you to the rest of the village then? I'm sure they would love to see you. And of course, it would be my honor to guide you these few days." Mina chortled gleefully and a thought slyly that if she plays her cards well, she might be known as the woman who 'saved' the King. How wondrous that sounds!

Soon, the villagers throughout the village heard of their King's arrival and everyone and everywhere was bustling with life and excitement. It is not everyday where the King pops up at your village. Everyone wanted to take a glance at the king, some even want to talk to him; with ulterior motives or not, Yuuri was certainly affecting the village with his mere presence.

Yuuri was used to these festive as people crowd around him, all eager to strike up a conversation to grab his attention. Even though Yuuri knew that it was because of his high social status, he could not help but be pleased at their warm welcome.

Soon, it was his second day in the village. Yuuri had just received the message of his guards' arrival. Exhilarated, Yuuri laughed and rushed towards the town square to meet his long-anticipated friends.

"Oiii! Conrad!" Yuuri shouted from a distance as he spotted a mob of brown hair on a proud high stallion. The horse turned, revealing the suave captain who rushed forward to greet his King exuberantly.

Conrad dismounted and grabbed Yuuri in a tight hug. "It's good to see you again Your Majesty! Are you all right?"

Yuuri pouted but still returned the hug nonetheless. "It's Yuuri to you Conrad! And I'm fine." Before Yuuri could let go of his embrace, a loud boisterous voice boomed from behind him, "YOU CHEATER!" Yuuri almost immediately released Conrad, shocked by the source of voice.

"Of course, who else can make such an entrance but classic Wolfram?" Yuuri rolled his eyes and prepared himself for a thorough dressing down by his fiancé, male nonetheless. Yuuri always thought that the blond aristocrat was a tad too loud and unreasonable, despite being beautiful like an angel. "If only that mouth of his is shut all the time, he would be the angel that everyone thought of him" But it could only be said as a pity as Wolfram had the lousiest personality ever in the castle.

"YOU CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER! I knew I couldn't ever leave you alone! Look what you just did and reflect your inability to keep your hands clean and to yourself. CHEATER!" Wolfram hissed, causing Yuuri to flinch.

Must he make such a big scene the moment they reunite? Yuuri could only hope that this is not the last of his peaceful days. Wolfram took a few angry strides towards Yuuri, glaring at him from top to bottom like an angry wife checking on a cheating husband. He frowned, and huffed when he saw Yuuri's outfit. So unbefitting a king! He thought as he rolled his eyes. Only this cheater can stand to wear it!

"How many times must I tell you Wolfram? I did not cheat on you! I don't even know why I'm obliged to explain my actions to you… we- we're both boys!" Yuuri sighed exasperatedly, hands waving in defiance as he swore that this is the umpteen times he had said that to the proud demon.

And this is the umpteen times Wolfram felt the hurt.

"It's good to see you too Yuuri. I can totally feel that you've missed me." Wolfram hissed, hurt and irritated by Yuuri's all too familiar excuse of refusal, an excuse saying that he has been and will always be rejected. No matter how hard he tried, how much he loved. Piecing his shredded pride together, Wolfram stood tall and proud, trying to hide his multiple emotions behind his face.

Just because I'm a boy…I'm not deserving of his love…

"Aww, Wolfram… you know that's not true. I've missed you… all of you. How can I not? You're my best friend."

The word 'friend' struck Wolfram's heart like a thousand tiny needles as he struggled not to let out a cry of anger and frustration. All of us? I'm merely part of everyone? Wolfram thought disappointedly, half expecting the King to say that but half hopeful that one day he would say otherwise.

"You're just being a wimp… A WIMP!" Courage less fool… he screamed into his head. How he yearned for the day when Yuuri would acknowledge their relationship, to give them a chance. How he yearned for the day Yuuri would finally be in his arms, submitting himself to his own feelings. But Wolfram feared that that day might never come, and in the end, it would be him that is crushed.

"W-what? I'm not a WIMP!" Yuuri pouted, feeling insulted yet again, oblivious to Wolfram's inner dilemma. Wolfram would never let that name go for it's the only way to make the young king face him.

Conrad looked on with mixed emotions, not knowing which side to stand up for. It pains him to see Wolfram so upset, and wonder what can be done about Yuuri's feeling towards his younger brother. Imagine being wedged in between your own blood brother and your King, nothing is as confused as his emotions now.

But still, I have to put an end to their mindless bickering.

"Now now Wolfram, give his majesty a break. You do know that your behavior now is unbefitting of your status right?" He said and watched as Wolfram cringed, face miserable and pride wounded.

"I do know how to behave Sir Weller! If only Yuuri isn't being such a-" Wolfram bit his tongue to refrain from slandering his King any further. Their issues can wait until they are back in their private quarters. However, hearing that from Conrad didn't make him feel much better.

I am saved. Thank God for Conrad! Yuuri heaved a sigh of relief, which did not go unnoticed by Wolfram's emerald eyes. He opened his mouth, prepared to shoot some real nasty things at Yuuri, before clamping his mouth shut again.

He'll never love me…

Mina watched all these commotion from the sidelines. Yuuri and his fiancé sure do not get along well. Must be one of those political marriage. Poor King Yuuri…

Yuuri then proceeded to bid farewell to each and every one of the villager, who started sobbing dramatically at the departure of their King, (especially the village girls).

"Bye Mina! And thanks for everything these two days. I couldn't have known what to do without you. If there's anything that I can do to help you, repay you, do not hesitate to ring up the castle!"

"R-Ring up?" Mina questioned, confused by the use of Yuuri's native slang.

"I mean… contact. Right. So goodbye! And see you again!" Yuuri waved before proceeding to board his black stallion. He almost missed his footing, swore, (which earned him a few gasp from his guards and villagers) before settling on his horse a little uncomfortably.

"Bye everyone! And thank you for being so kind to me!" With a final wave, Yuuri set off and was gone in the far woods.

The villagers started to disperse from the town square, now that the King was gone and preceded as though nothing much happened at all. But the air was still lively, excited, as a few murmurs here and there whispered excitedly about the king and his suave form.

Mina gave a small smile, the King's words still in her mind as she went about on her way again.

Now, what shall I make for dinner?

Unknown to all of them, a shadow disappeared from behind a cottage as he slithered back to his. He would be so happy to hear of the news he have brought to him. With this new information, their plan can finally be put to use.

To be continued…

Hi! This is the author. As you guys can probably tell, I will not be writing in such a fast pace manner. Good things have to be waited for right? But of course, there would be more surprises waiting ahead in the stories and for all of you BL lovers, be sure to catch the actions between our two favorite betrothed. Thank you for reading chapter one of Genuine and look out for more updates in the near future. Please review and I would be more than happy if you give me plot comments and opinions. I'm also currently searching for a beta for this story. (Even though I'm not sure of how the beta system works. Do enlighten me thank you!)