OMG LAST CHAPTER! I'm kind of disappointed but at the same time I am extremely happy. This is going to be kind of like the beginning with skipping times and everything but it's going to be fun. I hope you guys like it! But as I said before I can't write without inspiration and review are my inspiration so yeah. You have to review for updates! On whatever storie you read it all applies.P.S Winter Break starts on the 20th at my school but in the story the 19th is a Sunday so it doesn't really matter does it?

Three months after the morning that Karin and Toushiro kissed it was winter break to be exact the day before Toushiro's 17th birthday...

And Ichigo and Rukia were getting married. Orihime was the bridesmaid, Renji was the best man, Byakuya was walking Rukia down the isle, and more importantly the wedding was being held in the park.

The ground was covered in a layer of snow matching Rukia's snow white dress. The dress was strapless but had two sleeves that weren't attached to it. It flowed past her feet and onto the ground, it was all lace and had a silk bow tied around her waist. Her veil was mid back length and was also lace.

The only part of her wedding attire that wasn't white was the flowers...they were deep purple roses to match her eyes.

Ichigo's tux was black with a white button up shirt under it and a deep purple tie.

Everybody they knew was there: Uryu, Chad, Tatsuki, Keigo, Momo, Rangiku, Hanataro, Toushiro, his family, and of course the Kurosaki family.

Each girl had a different dress on but all the guys had a black tux and white button up shirt (except Chad), but they did each have a different colored tie...

Karin's dress was teal, had long sleeves, a v-neck, and a twisted skirt. Toushiro's tie was teal like her dress.

Orihime, being the bridesmaid, had a deep purple strapless dress that flowed all the way to the ground. And Renji, being the best man, had on the same thing Ichigo did.

Tatsuki's dress was a black strapped knee length dress. (Cold for the weather much?)

Rangiku was wearing a navy blue strapless dress that flowed to her ankles, black wedge shoes, and her hair was tied up in a high ponytail. Byakuya was wearing a pink tie...

Momo wore a white long sleeved dress that came down to her mid-calf. It had a black stripe going diagonaly down the dress.

Uryu had a light bue tie with a black cross in the middle of it. (I'm getting tired of describing things! Oh well if I must, I must)

Chad had a black button up shirt and white jeans on.

Keigo had a red tie on and his tux jacket was unbuttoned.

Yukiko and Kaida had on matching blue dresses. They were one sleeved and came down to mid thigh. Their shoes were white flats and had a blue stripe running from left to right. But none of that was amazing as their hair. For once they had let it down making them completely identical...or not. Yukiko's hair was completely straight falling just past her shoulder blades, making her look like the mature girl she was. Kaida's hair was in spiral curls accenting her face, making her look even more adorable and innocent than she already was. (I love my imagination when it comes to the twins. I wish I had made Tai an existant character in this story, I could've had so much more fun with Toushirou. As for who Tai is that depends if I put him in my next story or not.)

Keitaro and Machiko had on their traditional colors. Keitaro had a scarlet red tie and Machiko had on a ocean blue evening gown perfectly reflecting their personalities. (What's funny is I meant for the Mom to have fire powers but somehow the Dad ended up with them...hmmm.)

Masaki and Yuzu had on the same dress Karin did only in Dark orange. And lastly Hanataro and Isshin had on a black tie.

(Ahhhhh no more clothes! I've actually never been to a wedding so forgive me for rushing this)

They wedding went as planned as did the reception, everyone seemed throughly happy. Momo even said that Aizen was arrested for abuse to Toushirou and herself. (My husband got arrested! XD well im only married to him so i can slap him around anyway!)

Somewhere near the end of the reception Yuzu came over to Karin and Toushirou dragging Hanataro behind her, "Guess what! Daddy arranged it with Hana's parents that me and him will get married the same day you do! Which by the way, Daddy says that as soon as Toushirou gets a ring the wedding will be a month afterwards."

Toushirou nearly fell over, "Hey I'm trying to get the money! It's not fair to put all that pressure on one guy! What about Hanataro? Doesn't he have to get you a ring?"

Yuzu blinked and held up her left hand. There was a small gold ring around her ring finger. It had three diamonds gleaming in the light of the sunset. The one in the middle was the largest then there were two smaller ones to the sides of it.

Hanataro just stood there blushing and nervously laughing. Toushirou grabbed him by the collar and started shaking him, "What are you rich or something? I've had this job for 4 months now and I still don't have enough money to buy one with on diamond let alone three!"

Karin gently pulled at the back of Toushirou's collar silently telling him to let go of Hanataro. Toushirou did as silently told, causing Hanataro to fall to the ground dizzily.

Yuzu just kept looking back and forth between Toushirou and Hanataro. Nope she didn't even try to help Hanataro up...?

After his head stopped spinning Hana looked up at Toushiro, "My Mom owns the local hospital and my Dad is a college professor. So I didn't pay for it they did I just picked out the one I thought Yuzu would like best."

Toushirou crossed his arms, "Lucky. I actually have to pay for Karin's."

Karin blushed and turned away from Toushirou, although no one noticed this. Suddenly the song changed and Yuzu was dragging Hanataro into the dancing area.

Toushriou turned towards Karin to see that she had her back to him, he smirked, "And what do you think you're doing?"

Karin jumped but still said, "Umm staring of into space?"

Toushirou grabbed her wrist and pulled causing her to turn around and trip in to him, he just laughed, "I think not."

Karin however refused to look at his face and buried her face into his chest. Toushirou scoffed, "Again, what do you think you're doing?"

Karin buried her face further into his tux and whispered, "Hiding." hoping he wouldn't hear her. But unluckily for her he did hear her, "Hiding? From what?"

Karin paused, "" (XD she's embarrassed!)

Toushirou blinked, "Why would you be hiding from me? I didn't do anything did I?"

Karin didn't answer she just shuddered. Toushiro let go of her wrist and hugged her instead, "What did I do?"

Karin shook her head, "It's not anything you did...It's just..."

Toushirou kissed the top of her head, "It's just what?" (I enjoyed writing this next scene)

Karin looked up at him her nose touching because of how he leaning, "The full intensity of this just now hit me."

Tousihrou tilted his head a little to the right and (Karin put her hands on his chest btw) asked, "The full intensity of what?"

Karin glanced from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again. He saw this and smirked before, closing his eyes and leaning down to kiss her. She was momentarily caught off guard, but then she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, slowly closing her eyes.

But their show of affection was interrupted by a very familar voice, "Hey guys! Save it for your wedding!"

They jolted away from each other, falling down in opposite directions...Ichigo just laughed, "No I'm actually O.K. with it. But really if you don't want to get caught don't do it when so many people are around."

He was pointing over to the dancing area (im calling it this because they're still in the park) where everyone was dancing (ummm what else are you supposed to do in a dancing area?) except Rukia who was looking over at them smiling knowingly.

They turned bright redand looked back at Ichigo. He smiled and started walking back towards Rukia.

Toushirou and Karin didn't bother to get up off the ground they just scooted towards each other til they were right next to each other.

It was awkwardly silent until Toushirou said, "You never answered my question."

Karin sighed, "We've been best friends forever right?"

He just nodded waiting for her to continue, "So just think about it. As soon as you have enough money to buy me a ring we'll only be a month away from getting married."

Toushirou paused before looking up into the sky, "You're right. And I thought I was used to the idea."

Karin looked over at him with a concerned look on her face, "You nervous?"

He held his hand out to the side, "Give me your hand." she put her hand lightly in his.

He slowly looked down and led her hand to where his heart should be. Immediately she could feel his heart racing under her palm, she smiled, "I'll take that as a yes."

He looked over at her, "And it's not even the big day yet."

Karin smiled, "We'll deal with that when we get there."

1 year 5 months later (Karin and Yuzu's 18th birthday)

"You may kiss the brides" The priest said calmly

Yuzu jumped up a little and pulled Hanataro down to her.

Karin leaned upwards (ummm lack of better explanation?) while Toushirou leaned down softly catching each others lips. Karin made a pint to put her hand over Toushirou's heart.

She smiled in the kiss when it went from a fast pace slowly back to a normal rate.

They pulled back and everybody in the church cheered. (They're actually in a church this time!)

They looked around at all the happy guests, everybody was there that was in Ichigo's and Rukia's wedding with the addition of two more.

The first new guest's name was Kyon Kurosaki, the month old son of Ichigo and Rukia.

The second's name was Izuru Kira, Momo's boyfriend of 3 months.

They all left for the reception, and on the way there Ichigo walked over to Karin held her left hand up, "You look pretty Karin."

He leaned over and kissed where her engagement and wedding ring were. The engagement ring was silver banded with one diamond. The diamond was being held up by what appeared to be a dragon with red eyes. The wedding ring was just a simple gold band.

And Karin did look beautiful too. Her hair was held up with a dark blue comb and she had a light blue eye shadow on. Her dress was white with a dark blue silk band around her waist, the dress was strapless and stopped right below her ankles. She had white platform shoes on.

Yuzu had on the same dress except with dark orange instead of blue.

Karin smiled, "Thanks Ichigo but you know I'm probably gonna get you for that after all the comotion has died down."

And so as one story ends another is just waiting to begin.

I finished it, I finished it! I'm so happy! Yay! Oh and I'm not going to put a poll up about a sequel because I'm definately doing a sequel...after my next story. But there is a poll up right now! And I have to get five votes to make the story I'm gonna write official OK? So go vote on that, and have a nice day!