Hey, sorry guys! I was having a family problem and then I went on an educational trip to Europe for a few weeks and didn't get a chance to write. Hope you guys can forgive me! Enjoy the update.

Draco hadn't been expecting Elena to spontaneously morph into an owl before his very eyes, and the shock of it sent him on a tail spin. Luckily for everyone there, Draco is a proficient flyer and didn't even get a scratch. Elena circled around Draco, hooting when she caught his eye. He started laughing much to Elena's delight. Blaise watched from the ground, happy that his immensely skilled sister was using her talents to cheer up his best friend. It was short lived, but it was a good laugh. Being Elena's first transformation, it took a lot out of her, but she was thrilled that she got Draco to smile. He had been such a terrible git to her, but she was starting to forgive him. She had no idea that part of the reason he was such a jerk was because of how stressed out he is all the time. It must be terrible, having to do things you don't want to, just to save your family. It must be like having the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Elena descended from the air, spiraling downwards, and landed neatly on the blanket. Blaise watched as his sister transformed from an owl back into a human. The transformation was quite impressive. Soon after, they were joined by Draco, who had ended his flight short. Elena could see on his face that he had questions, but he was also smiling.

"When did you learn to become an animagus?" Draco's face showed genuine curiosity, as well as amusement.

"Well, when everyone sort of gave up on me… I secluded myself in the Room of Requirement, studying, and preparing myself for the war. I didn't know if they would want my help, but I would give it to them even if they didn't. We're all fine now… but I can tell there is some tension. Things might never be the way they once were, so I want to prove to them that I can be useful…maybe then they'll like me again." It was a rushed explanation, and Elena was blushing the whole time.

"Elena…. you are useful! They're lucky to have someone like you looking out for them, and they're way too stupid to ever realize that. It was a brilliant idea on your part, and a cool transformation. Anyway, listen, I've been meaning to say I'm sorry. My comment was uncalled for. I noticed you weren't accepting any of my flowers or apologies… I guess I didn't notice just how hurt you were when I made that comment. The truth is… I was sort of hurt myself. But that's beside the point. Good job!" Draco's facial expression changed with each sentence… but overall he looked sort of sad. Blaise jumped up, looking like he needed to say something.

"Wait, Elena… I thought you had a fear of flying. Why is your animagus form an owl then?"

"I'm afraid of flying on a broom, Blaise… but I don't know, for some reason… I felt so free. I was only focused on one thing, and that wasn't the fact that my feet were off the ground." Elena didn't elaborate anymore than that. She felt that the look she sent Blaise was more than enough, but Draco was absolutely clueless. He had no idea that Elena's desire to cheer Draco up had helped her transform, and he really didn't need to know. Blaise found it cute that she didn't like to see him hurting.

"So Draco… do you know what you're going to do about You-Know-Who?"

Draco sent Blaise a death glare, and spared a moment to frantically glance at Elena.

"It's okay Draco; Blaise already told me what's going on. I'm not mad… the truth is, if I was in your situation, I would do anything to save my family." Elena tried to be understanding. She didn't really know what he was going through, but she figured that she ought to start acting a tad nicer towards Draco. They are family friends after all, and he's going through a really tough time. Elena liked that he had apologized to her. It showed he was gaining some maturity.

"He wants me to join their ranks officially, mark and all. I don't think I can do it, I'm too afraid. But what will happen to me and my family if I don't take the mark? There is something he wants me to do… and I don't know if I will be able to. I don't want to do it… but it's not like I can defy the Dark Lord. What should I do Elena?"

"Well… what does he want you to do?"

"I can't tell you just yet… I want to, but I don't think the time is right."

"I think you should do your best to come out of the situation unharmed and without harming anyone. I feel like I'm getting to know you, and I don't believe that you want to hurt anyone. Maybe I'm mistaken and maybe those are your intentions, if that's so, than I'm a lot worse at pinning peoples personalities than I though. When you teased me as a child, I could tell that there was no true malice behind his voice. It seemed like you only said those things to gain the approval and acceptance of your housemates and friends. I always had a theory that there was good in you somewhere, but people kept trying to convince me otherwise."

"I didn't mean it…. Sometimes I did… usually only if I was extremely angry. Most of the time I didn't mean it, I just wanted me house to think that I was tough and that I could be the bad boy they all thought I was. If they could hear me now, I would be tormented for showing emotion, especially to someone not in our house. They're the truly evil ones… I'm only in Slytherin because of my family. If I had my choice, I would have been in Ravenclaw. It seems like thinks would have been so much easier for me if I had been sorted into a house without a rivalry, and if I had lived without parents that had jeopardized my life." Draco looked Elena in the eyes when he said all of this, and the eye contact was making Elena feel uncomfortable, it was such a sincere gaze. Elena didn't know how she should respond to anything he had just said, so she pulled him into an embrace.

"We'll get you through it Draco, its okay"