Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

Added: I do not own Malcolm in the Middle or make a profit by mentioning it in this fan fic. I was only using it to describe a scene.

Warning: See Chapter One.

Added: Vines, bondage, oral, anal, sex, threesome, a little more if you include Yoko ^_~. Character death, mind control, and pure porn like sex scene...You've been warned.

A/N : Sorry about the long wait. I THOUGHT I posted this chapter...but I didn't...I've been done this chapter for a long while now... I'm really sorry about that guys. However, at least it is all over now and you will get to enjoy the final chapter! I would like to thank all of you for staying as long as you have with this story and I appreciate all of you who reviewed and all that favorite this story and all that just read this story and didn't do either and still read and enjoyed it. Thank you to you all.

So without further ado...


Chapter 12: Smack That

Both Kurama and Yusuke pulled away from the kiss and turned towards the door. Both blinking at it. Yusuke shook his head and pushed Kurama off him as he stood up from the bed.

"It might be my men...they ah...kinda are pissed off at you, thinking the same thing I did about what happened..." Yusuke said, scratching the back of his head.

Kurama sat Indian style on Yusuke bed and smiled.

"Its understandable."

Yusuke smiled back at the red head before going towards the door and opening it.

"Its all good guys, it was a misunderstanding..." Yusuke said however it wasn't his men outside, but the same woman that had given him the deceiving video tape.

She gave him a wide smile.

"We meet again Mr. Urameshi." she said with a velvety voice.

Yusuke growled and picked her up by her neck. Her eyes widened and she grabbed at the hands at her neck.

Kurama was at Yusuke's side the minute Yusuke had reached for the demoness.

"This is the bitch that gave me that tape." Yusuke growled.

"Hold on...she might be useful in finding Kuwabara then." Kurama said looking quickly between Yusuke and the demoness.

Yusuke glanced at Kurama without letting go of the demoness. He then relaxed his grip on her neck and dropped her. She fell to her knees coughing up, a little blood mixed with spit. She rubbed her neck before looking up at now two pissed off demons. She sweat dropped and gulped.

"Tell us everything you know." Kurama said with such a look the demoness almost pissed herself.


The two stood outside a castle or rather what looked like a castle; a creepy one at that. The demoness had explained everything and had led them here, claiming Kuwabara was in it. They had told her that if she was lying they would kill her and it wouldn't be a quick killing either.

She opened up the doors to the castle and all three of them walked in. The doors closed behind them and the lights went out. A scream was heard in the darkness and then the lights were turned back on. There on the ground was the demoness that led them to this place, her head had exploded. It looked as if she had a parasite attached to her brain. So she too had been just a pawn in Itchiga's plan to get back at Yusuke.

"She was worthless anyway." came the voice that made Yusuke's voice cringe.

They turned to find the demon standing there with his smug smile and arms behind him. However the two demons were more focused on Kuwabara who was standing next to the doctor, his shoulder bandaged with dried blood still on the bandages.

"Kuwabara!" Yusuke shouted.

"What did you do to him?" hissed Kurama, already sensing something wrong with the human before Yusuke did.

"Always the observant one, eh? Yes, I have injected Kuwabara here with a new serum I've come up with while I've been alive these past six months." he said, laughing at the shocked looks the two boys had.

"Yes, I've been planning this revenge for 6 very long months. In that time I've learned a lot about how to perfect a serum that can control someone for a time and still have them know what they are doing. So your lover here can see and hear everything that is going on."

"You bastard! If you wanted me you could have just come after me yourself!" growled Yusuke.

"But where would the fun be in that...its much more enjoyable watching you be killed by your lover." Itchigai said before snapping his fingers.

At the snap it seemed Kuwabara was following a command and got ready to fight.

"Kuwabara! You gotta fight this!" Yusuke shouted.

"Kuwabara-kun you are stronger then this, you can fight this." Kurama said, fear in his eyes.

"C...can't.." came a struggled whisper.

Yusuke looked at Kuwabara with faith at just Kuwabara having said something.

"Oh did I forget to mention that he can somewhat talk while being under control?" he said before laughing.

"Attack Kuwabara! Kill your lover and friend!"

Kuwabara called forth his Ji gen To and rushed towards Yusuke. Yusuke easily dodged the attack. Kurama jumped away from Kuwabara's attack as well.

"R..run...please..." Kuwabara said as he looked as if he was trying to hold back but that was about it.

He couldn't stop himself from charging his friend and lover, however his power itself he was able to sort of control, so he wasn't using his real power.

Ichigaki could tell what Kuwabara was doing and laughed.

"You really think you still have some sort of control over yourself? Kuwabara use all of your energy!" the doctor said.

Kuwabara could feel as if a flood gate of his power had just been released. His power was so great that a breeze seemed to surround his body starting to push Yusuke and Kurama back a bit. Yusuke's eyes widened as did Kurama's at how powerful Kuwabara was.

Ichigaki blinked. He didn't know how much power this human had. He was now debating if he should kill Kuwabara after he finished off Yusuke and Kurama.

"Maybe after you kill them off I'll spare you and experiment on you, see how much power you can really produce." Ichigaki said.

His eyes widened when he found Yusuke right in front of him, ready to punch him with a full power up punch however, Kuwabara seemed to appear in front of the demon doctor and took the bone crushing punch to his gut.

Yusuke's eyes widened as he saw the pain in his lover's eyes as his punch hit its mark just the wrong one.

"NO!" Yusuke screamed as Kuwabara was sent backwards, Ichigaki had moved out of the way the minute Kuwabara had jumped in front of him.

Kurama rushed towards Kuwabara and was at his side in an instant. He bent down and went to check on the one who he truly loved.

"G..get away..." grunted Kuwabara as he could feel himself about to attack Kurama.

However, Kurama seemed to be ready as he pulled out his rose whip; however this one seemed to be void of thorns. He instantly had Kuwabara wrapped so tightly that he couldn't move, but it wasn't hurting him.

Ichigaki's eyes widened. He wasn't counting on that to happen. Although, he didn't expect Kurama to be with Yusuke. He thought the two would have fought and worn each other out or kill each other. He didn't expect this out come at all. All of his calculations gave him a 99.9% of having his revenge work.

Yusuke used this moment to charge up his rei gun and blasted the flabbergasted demon doctor into ashes.

Yusuke stood there with his finger still pointed in the direction of where the ashes of the demon was, once he felt it was over he let out a sigh and brought down his finger. He turned around to see Kurama standing there with a vine tied up Kuwabara. For some reason the scene was...well erotic to Yusuke for some reason. He shook his head and ran over to the two.

"The bastard's dead, you can release Kuwabara, Kurama." Yusuke said.

Kurama nodded and was about to release Kuwabara.

"N..no.." Kuwabara struggled to say.

Both boys looked at him.

"T-this...serum doesn't...wear...off...for another...eh...few hours..."

Kurama and Yusuke stared at him in shock.

"Really?" Yusuke said blinking.

"Yes..." Kuwabara said looking pissed.

Kurama shook his head but smiled.

"Well, I can keep you like this for many 'many' hours." he said, his voice a little flirtatious if one really listened to it.

Yusuke raised an eyebrow at the red head. Kurama smiled at Yusuke and winked before laying Kuwabara's body down, still wrapped in the thorn free vine and let go of the handle. It stayed wrapped around Kuwabara's body.

"I can leave it like that as long as I want. It doesn't use any of my spiritual or demonic energy and it's just as easily retractable." Kurama said, sitting down next to Kuwabara's body.

He took out some herbs and slowly lifted up the shirt that was burned slightly from Yusuke's attack. Yusuke hissed as he watched Kurama clean Kuwabara's wound; he looked at the bruised area with guilt. Kurama began to apply the herbs to both the stomach wound and his shoulder.

"There. By the time you are free from that serum's control you should be fully healed." Kurama said with a warm smile.

Kuwabara seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

"So...what are we gonna do now?" Yusuke asked, going over and sitting next to Kuwabara's other side.

He kept looking over at the injury he had caused. He wanted to fix it.

Kurama had a devilish smile on his lips.

"Well...I can think of a few things..." he said with a perverted grin that looked weird on Kurama's face and would most likely fit Yusuke's more.

Kuwabara looked up at the red head confused.

"You said we'd let him decide!" growled Yusuke.

"You shouldn't have him decide while he's...well like this!" Yusuke said glaring at Kurama.

Kurama sighed.

For once Yusuke was thinking with his brain and was right.

"W..what...decide?" was all Kuwabara could asked.

He hated the fact he couldn't' control his body, but not able to really talk bothered him too.

"Well..." Kurama started.

"We'll talk about it once you are yerself, okay?" Yusuke said looking at his lover.

He gently touched the wound he had caused stroking it gently.

"I...I...wanna...know...now..." Kuwabara struggled to say tho enjoying the softer touch of his lover.

"I say we ask him." Kurama said.

"Of course you do...pervert...geeze I thought I was the pervert in this group..." Yusuke mumbled removing his hand to cross his arms over his chest.

Kurama laughed.

"I'll ask him anyway...Kuwabara how would you feel if you were...well, in a relationship with Yusuke and myself? Like a three-way?" Kurama asked, a little bit nervous.

He didn't know how Kuwabara would react. He was unpredictable, plus the fact he really wasn't himself at the moment probably didn't make this the perfect time to ask but really when would Kurama ever have the chance to do naughty things to the orange haired teen while tied up as he was. He might never get a chance like this ever again.

Kuwabara was able to move his eyes in a shocked blinking motion.

"Just so you know I love you no matter what. You are the one I really love and want to be with; however, if you want to be in a well...a three way relationship, I won't be mad or anything. But if you don't want to then I'll back you up there. Either way, I will love you for how awesome you are. I love you Kuwabara, just don't forget that no matter what happens." Yusuke said trying to let his love know that he was okay with it and that he didn't care either way, just as long as he; Kuwabara, was in the picture.

If Kuwabara could control his body he would have been jumping up and down. He had discovered over the time while Yusuke was in the demon world that he not only loved Yusuke but he had strong feelings towards Kurama as well. However, Kuwabara being an honorable man would never cheat on Yusuke or do anything to hurt him. Besides, he still loved Yusuke so to find out that he was okay with a three-way relationship, well he was over joyed and felt as if a huge weight was taken off his shoulders.

"Y...yes..." Kuwabara said, forcing a smile on his face before it disappeared because of the serum.

"You know...I kinda like you like this..." Yusuke said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

He liked the fact Kuwabara was barely talking but the fact he was tied up and couldn't move at all...well that kind of turned the demon on. He could tell that Kurama felt the very same. Yusuke felt it might not be the only time this technique would be used...and he hoped it was mostly used on Kuwabara and not himself, that was for sure. He was the top in his relationship with Kuwabara and he was sure as Hell was gonna be top between himself and the kitsune.

Little did he know Kurama's own plans for both of his new lovers...

Kuwabara found that he didn't like the position he was in at the moment, especially the looks he was getting from both Yusuke and Kurama.

"Wh...why...are...y..you...guys...looking at...me...like that..." Kuwabara asked, finding that he was slowly being able to control some things, it seemed his speech might be the first to come back under his control.

"Well..." Yusuke said licking his lips.

"We both have the same ideas it seems..." Kurama said with a huge grin on his lips.

Kuwabara's eyes widened.

"RRR...RIGHT... HERE?!...R....RIGHT...N...NOW?!" Kuwabara squealed out.

"Heh," Kurama said before grabbing the end of the vine.

"What do you think Yusuke? Do you like him like this or sprawled out..." Kurama asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

Yusuke seemed to be thinking about the idea of a spread eagle Kuwabara tied down and underneath him.

"I like how you think fox boy..." Yusuke said with a wide grin.

"B...But...what...what if some...one comes...in?" Kuwabara said, his face turning redder than a tomato.

"If someone comes in they will die." growls Yusuke.

"They won't be allowed to see you." Kurama also growls.

Kuwabara shivered. It seemed that even though he couldn't control his body, it still reacted how it should have, just out of instinct it seemed.

A few hours later...

The three men lay on the ground, Yusuke on Kuwabara's left and Kurama on his right. Kuwabara was able to control himself and now had his arms wrapped around the two men who were snuggling on his chest, ready to fall asleep. He smiled and looked up at the dreary looking building they were still in. His ass was sore and he was sure so was Kurama's; especially since he, Kuwabara, was a pretty big guy. Kuwabara chuckled at the thought and of what had just happened.

He wasn't sure what would happen after the two guys woke up; nor did he know how their lives would be now that they were considered a 'couple'. However, at this moment he really didn't care. He closed his eyes and pulled the two sleeping bodies even closer to his chest and let out a content sigh.

"I think this could work..." he said before falling asleep along the one's that he loved.

The End.

I hope you guys liked this ^_^. I hope you guys enjoyed this as the final chapter and I really do appreciate you sticking with me for so long. Thank you all so very much.

Ja nai!