If Wishes Were Heliopaths


Disclaimer: This story is based on characters created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Summary:A collection of random pairing drabbles, inspired by Kamerreon and excentrykemuse. A drabble a day keeps the Wrackspurts away. You get to choose the pairings and the themes!

Rules: Review with a pairing and theme you would like to see. Every 50th review i.e. 150th, 200th etc. review will get a one-shot. It doesn't matter which story of mine you reach 50 on! Everyone else who reviews with a pairing and theme will get a drabble. Each drabble/one-shot will have a song that I wrote to and best compliments it. Recommend songs too! This is your chance to see want you want. You can even ask for a glimpse into the future of my other stories. It's all in your hands now.

Warning:Creature SEX (Don't say I didn't warn you!)

Drabble 30: Treasure

Jayih wants Harry/Firenze or Harry/Griphook

Theme: none

Song: Mozart ~ Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Harry lay miserably on the cold forest floor. Well he wasn't lying more like kneeling – which was the source of his ire. Somehow, Ron had mispronounced and misfired (It's a conspiracy I tell you!) a spell in Transfiguration. They were growing trees from apples so don't ask how it became this, but Harry was transfigured into a horse. However, human transfiguration was extremely complex and dangerous and difficult and tons of other things. For Ron to actually get it right was a great feat, but not for Harry. Due to the fact that it was complex, dangerous, difficult, and tons of other things – not to mention the damnable Potter luck – Harry was now stuck half boy (Man!) half horse. In a moment of high emotions, Harry had bolted in the confusion. Not his brightest moment. He now found himself in the Forbidden Forest. Outstanding. Harry had decided the best option was to sit – kneel – tight and wait for the professors to find him.

The sudden rustling of the bushes cause Harry to tense. He relaxed when he saw Firenze emerge from the foliage. "Firenze!" Harry managed to coordinate his four legs enough to wobble up like a young colt.

"Mr. Potter?" The centaur asked in astonishment. "The stars didn't show me this." He murmured to himself. Harry was too far away to hear. "What happened to you?"

With a shameful blush, "Ron hit me with a spell." Harry mumbled in embarrassment. Firenze came closer and began to circle the young colt. "Firenze?" Harry asked in confusion.

"I believe you're quite beautiful by our standards." Firenze murmured again to himself. "Tell me Mr. Potter, what is being done to counteract this. You cannot stay here. You are not welcomed by the rest of the herd I'm afraid."

"I don't know," Harry began meekly. Fear settled in. What was he going to do?

"I believe I have a solution," Firenze came forth and cupped Harry's delicate face between his hands. "Will you accept me Harry?"

"Accept you? Of course I accept you." If centaurs could smirk in utter satisfaction, Firenze would have.

"Good," he whispered against Harry's lips and moved the Harry's back. The young boy kept him in sight, not understanding what was going on. Suddenly, Harry's eyes widened. Oh dear! Now he completely understood why people bragged that they 'hung like a horse'. He flushed in embarrassment. "Firenze?" Fear coated his words. "What are you doing?"

"I take thee as thy mate," Firenze declared in the ancient tongue and mounted the boy. Harry whined and tired to move forward, but with strong human arms, Firenze locked the boy in place, reared up and entered Harry all in one smooth motion.

Through the pleasure of the large organ moving and touching places that had never been touched before, Harry both cursed and praised Ron.

Author's Note:

Sorry for being so MIA. Certain things have piled up and I'm just been putting stuff that I shouldn't be putting off. Just to say, this was a very strange request and I did toy with not writing it at all, but I thought that wasn't fair. So I tried my best! Don't kill me! T-T Again music is in the link on my profile page! And please people, stop flaming by saying you wish there was a Slash warning and you wish there was Het. There IS het chapters and if you want het request them in your review! And no slash warning? Each pairing is clearly listed. Thanks you.

Thanks for all the support! See you next time!

Without wax,