Title: Night Terror (Drabble)
Series: Star Trek: Voyager
Author: Singing Violin
Summary: Chakotay's up for some nocturnal comforting.
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine.
Feedback: Always appreciated except when intended to be dishonest or hurtful.
Archiving: Anywhere, but let me know so I can visit.
He heard quiet sobs, and it broke his heart.
She was half asleep, in the grips of a powerful nightmare. Someday he would ask what she dreamt about.
Gently, hoping she would return to slumber, he stroked her back, knowing she would not appreciate it if she knew what he was doing.
Her eyes opened fully then, and he braced for protest. Instead, she uttered his name, and then a plaintive request: "Hug! Please!"
His heart broke again as he gathered her into his arms.
Just then, Kathryn appeared in the doorway. "You spoil her, Chakotay."
He smiled. "I know."