Disclaimer Stuff: I do not own legal rights to Bioshock or Bioshock 2. They belongs to 2K games, Marin, Australia, China, Take-Two Interactive Software and (Gasp) Digital Extremes. The opening um... Poem also isn't my creation but was taken from an Audio Record found in Fort Frolic which happens to be my favorite area.

Delta stood only feet from his daughter stuck in the decontamination chamber. Eleanor slept soundly while her mother remained on the far side of the room sadly gazing at her daughter. He could have broken the glass at any moment through numerous means but could not… not at the risk of hurting his daughter.

Sofia Lamb brought her cigarette to her crimson lips and enjoyed her poison once more. Her eyes slowly tilted up to see what she considered an abomination. "Look at her Delta… Ten years and still she dreams of you."

(Fifty seconds remaining)

Sofia took note of the decontamination chamber's count down and continued. "You know why Eleanor brought you here. She wanted… a father."

Almost as if a response to the word 'father', Eleanor started tossing and turning as she evaded the demons in her dream. Delta looked upon her daughter as she tossed and turned. Her face strained a sense of dread and her mouth formed the words "daddy no". Delta immediately realized what scene in her life she was reliving: his death. He wanted to reach out and comfort her. To tell her everything was going to be all right.

"So she found a way to restore you in body and mind," said Sofia taking another drag. "And she has been watching you ever since. Exalting your every act as gospel. The girl lying on that bed is no longer my child nor my life's work. She is a monster shaped by you alone…," Sofia took one final puff of her cigarette before tossing it aside. The rolled tobacco bounced twice expelling its ash on the cold hard floor. "Just as she always wanted."

(twenty minutes remaining)

Sofia Lamb arose from her chair in the same manner she completed any task: cool, collected, and strategically. But her heart wavered at this last task she must commit for the sake of the people. She stared her nemesis in the face hating every fiber of his being for forcing her hand so.

"But there is one detail of your mutual bond she failed to account for. Your body was designed to lasp into a coma when her heart ceases to beat." Sofia pulled Eleanor's pillow out from under her head. Delta looked on, helpless to keep her daughter from harm.

"Eleanor," Lamb said raising the pillow above her head. "Forgive me." Sofia Lamb brought the pillow down upon her daughter's face and held it there with all her might while Eleanor struggled. In a matter of moments Delta's daughter ceased struggling and fell upon the floor dead next to her only father who also lay there dying.

'Forgive me' were the last words Eleanor remembered right before she felt herself being smothered. Her lungs screamed for that which she could not grant. She struggled, flaying her arms, but to no avail. Her mouth frothed and her eyes grew dim as she hit the floor hard and then nothing. Nothing but the neon green light of Vita-Chamber surrounding her. The doors opened abruptly taking away her only crutch.

Eleanor crumpled to the ground outside the chamber. She turned around and peered into the place of her rebirth only to see the Vita-Chamber fizzle and then explode. The glass panels fell to the sides and shattered around her. The girl tried to breath but found the air sucked out of her and instead vomited bile where she lay. Eleanor stumbled to her feet and wiped her mouth with a quivering hand.

Her surroundings appeared to be pretty rural though a lot of the buildings were boarded up. The place was in disrepair and ghostly but for some reason also familiar in a warm kind of way. Eleanor stumbled around a corner and down a series of stairs. She took a couple a couple more steps only to be tripped by a pile of debris. Her fall unexpectedly halted when a pair of arms caught her midair. She looked up to find her rescuer was a black woman shorter than her wearing a white shawl over a tan dress that was slightly frayed.

"Why it's m-my baby girl, come back to me," the black woman cried out with tears of elated joy. "But what's happened to you child. What monstrosity has left you like this? I swear to god if it was that fiend Delta I will..."

Even in the woman's arms, Eleanor found herself swaying back and forth. "Who? Who are you?" She then collapsed almost taking the black woman with her. The woman calmed her fears and called for assistance. As strong arms carried her away the woman she had just met walked beside her.

"Don't worry baby. Don't you worry about a thing. Aunt Gracie is here. You're in good hands now."

Eleanor listened to the unfamiliar yet comforting voice as she drifted in and out of consciousness as she was carried through the streets of Pauper's Drop.

Author's Notes: Yes the first part of this story was derived from the video game. I actually tried to go scene for scene with it but that really ends there. I kinda find myself a stickler for detail(especially since i love this game) and you will find that i will borrow heavily upon it to keep up the continuity. That aside what do you think? I personally see great things for this fanfic. I sincerly hope you do too. By the way, ever seen the Sixth Day with Arnold Schwarzenegger. When one of the bad guys die with his neck being broke his clone still feels the injury although not having recieved it. Gooood stuff.