YES! Rehearsals are done for the day, now I can get me some Fro-Yo. But as I am walking to the commissary for some Fro-Yo I bumped into someone. I start to turn around, to apologize to the person I just bumped.

"Oh, I am so sor- Oh, wait it's YOU." I regret my previous decision to apologize as I see who it is.

"Right back at you, Monroe," stated Chad.

"What are you doing at the commissary at this time of day? Shouldn't you be shooting you're snooty drama show?" I question Chad, staring into his wonderful blue ey- WAIT, WHAT! I did not just seriously think that.

"First of all Monroe, it's not a snooty drama show, you're just jealous because we can all actually act. Secondly, we are shooting. I'm just grabbing some Fro-Yo for me and my new leading lady." answered Chad, one of his blue eyes sparkli- I HAVE GOT TO STOP THINKING THESE WEIRD THINGS! Wait new leading lady? He's not dating this girl is he? I have to find out, somehow.

"Seriously Chad? Your new leading lady, I don't see what she sees in you. Dating you isn't good for her health." I respond, though I regret it almost as quickly as I said it as I see the pain flash into his eyes. Though he quickly composes himself.

"Haha, Sonny, that was so NOT hilarious. And no I am not dating her, but I will be by the end of today." he tells me, making my stomach feel weird.

"Well you never know she might be just like me and feel exactly the way I feel towards you." I say triumphantly.

"Wait so you're saying she also has an undying love for me?" Chad quickly rebutts, shocking me.

"WHAT! I never said or meant that. I meant that she hates your guts Chad. Why would you even think that I like you, let alone love you? That is gross, I think I'm gonna be sick!" I said quickly replying that I am now out of breath.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that Monroe - oh look hear comes my new leading lady." Chad said looking behind me.

I turn around watching the girl approach us. Wow, she is really pretty. Medium length brown hair, green eyes, really skinny.

"Hey Chaaaad" says the brunette, clearly flirting with Chad. Ok, so I might be wrong about before. Chad might actually end up dating this girl.

"Hey Bianca, this is Sonny, one of the Chuckle Heads from Chuckle City I was telling you about." Chad explains - making me feel hurt at the nicknames he gave So Random! - to the girl I now know as Bianca.

"Oh, so you're the funny girl. Can they even have a show that's all about comedy?" Bianca rhetorically asks me, hurting me in the process. This girl is really harsh. Also, WOW! She obviously never watches anything other than drama in her life? Is she serious? Hasn't she ever heard of shows such as Friends, That 70's Show or The Big Bang Theory? Gosh, this girl kind of sounds like a female version of Chad. Is that even possible?


"Oh, so you're the funny girl. Can there even be a show that's all about comedy?" Bianca rhetorically asks Sonny. I'm starting to like this girl even more. She reminds me of someone I just don't remember who. This is one hot girl, but nothing compared to Sonny - WAIT! I did not just think that! Oh, who am I kidding, the only reason I was flirting with this girl was because I thought it was going to make Sonny jealous. But Sonny will never care, she hates me. But it's worth a try.

"Yes there can. The whole point is to bring joy to our viewers." Sonny replies sweetly to Bianca, yet in a harsh tone.

"Wait a second Sonny, at least our show has viewers." I didn't want to say it but I had too, I quickly regretted these words as I saw how hurt Sonny became. I can't believe I did this to my Sunshine. But I needed to get a date with this girl to make Sonny jealous and then possibly she might like me back.

"Are you sure Chad. Are you really?" she asked me, using my own line against me. Oh she sounds so cute using my lines.

"Yes I am sure Sonny, really," I reply, using her usual reply against her. Here comes our little fight. Here comes our little weekly banter, sometimes day-to-day, sometimes even hour-by-hour.





"So, we're good?"

"Oh, we're so good," was the last thing I said before she stormed off to the Fro-Yo machine. Now I felt bad, my Sunshine is hurt.


Urgh, how can Chad say these things? I just want to get out of here, I'll just quickly go grab my Fro-Yo. As I quickly grabbed my strawberry Frozen Yoghurt I was within hearing distance of Chad and Bianca and I unfortunately overheard their conversation. I definitely didn't like what I heard.

"Bianca, look, I have to confess something, something I have been dying to tell you." Chad started off the conversation.

"Yes Chaaaaddd," replied Bianca, getting jittery with excitement.

"I think your a nice girl and I really like you, will you go out with me tonight?" Chad asked Bianca. Please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no, PLEASE SAY NO!

I saw Bianca's facial expression change to one of excitement and she simply replied with, "Yes, I would like that." Oh, she said yes.

Oh, I don't care, it's not like I like Chad. Pfftt. But, instinctively my heart told me to turn out of he commissary. So, I ran out of the commissary heading straight for my dressing room. When I finally got in, I locked both doors and burst into tears.

If I didn't like Chad, why did my heart feel like it has just been thrown against a wall and burst into a million pieces?

This is my first fanfic, so please don't be too harsh if it sucks.