Annabeth's POV

I'm so excited! We came in contact with the Roman camp and they have Percy! He's coming back today; I have no idea if he remembers anything. Jason sure doesn't. I'm sitting on Half-Blood Hill with Piper and Jason.

"I hope he remembers me." I said breaking the silence.

"I don't think he would forget you Annabeth. I mean, you've known each other since you were twelve and he's your boyfriend!" Piper reassured me.

"Well, I don't remember crap!" Jason said.

Piper hit him on the arm. "Jason shut up!"

"I'm just being realistic!" he said defending himself.

"SHUT UP THEY"RE HERE!" I said excited. I ran down the hill expecting Percy to give me a big hug or kiss or SOMETHING! But no, I got down there and he was sucking face with some girl with dark brown hair. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I slipped on my Yankees hat and ran back to my cabin crying.

Percy's POV

I pushed Raina off me. "What do you think you're doing? I told you I have a girlfriend and I LOVE HER!" I screamed. I looked around. Thank gods Annabeth wasn't here to see that. That's when I heard crying and some guy with blonde hair screaming. "Annabeth come back!" She had her invisibility hat on.

"SHIT!" I said and I ran my hand through my hair.

I was so mad.

I turned to Raina. "You see what you did? My girlfriend saw that! She's never going to forgive me!"

"Calm down Percy I didn't see anyone! Even if she did see that means your single now and we can be together." she said moving closer to me.


"You don't mean that! After she dumps you you'll be crawling back to me begging me to take you." she said with a smirk on her face.

"Yea, that'll happen." I said sarcastically and ran to the Athena cabin. I knocked hard on the door.

"Um, hi who are you?" In front of me was a girl with choppy brown hair she looked around the age of 13.

"I'm Percy Jackson." with that she slammed the door in my face and I knocked again. She slowly opened the door.

"Where's Annabeth?" she glanced behind her.

"I'm Piper, listen Percy, as a daughter of Aphrodite I would love to see you two make up. But, she's just, well, she kinda saw you kiss another girl. She's really upset."

"I have to see her." I said pushing my way past her.

"Annabeth!" I yelled running to her bunk.

She looked up at me tears stained her beautiful face.

"Annabeth talk to me, please." I pleaded taking hold of her hand. She jerked her hand back and rolled over facing the other direction.

"She kissed me Annabeth! I swear on the River Styx! I don't like her! I love YOU and ONLY YOU!"

"I think it's time for you leave," Piper put a hand on my shoulder.

I slowly got up and walked to the door. "I'm sorry wise girl," I said before walking away.

Annabeth's POV

I can't believe he would do this to me. I have to pull myself together I thought standing up and walking towards the mirror. My cheeks were stained with tears, my eyes puffy and red. My hair was tangled and messy. I was a wreck. I washed my face and combed through my hair. I wasn't going to let him see me like this.

"Annabeth are you okay?" Piper asked concerned.

"Never better," I said weakly.

"Where are you going?"

"To the arena. I need to release some anger."

"You want me to come with you?"

"No, I-I-I just need some time to think things over."

"You know you're going to have to talk to him sometime."

"No I don't." I said grabbing my knife and leaving my cabin.

I got to the arena and started slashing and stabbing, you know normal camp stuff. I heard someone walking towards me so I out on my Yankees cap.