Opening Authoressial Note: So I found this picture online of 3 Soras - little kid, KH1, and KH2 - and I noticed that while the two younger ones had this essentially happy-go-lucky Sora look in their eyes, the oldest one looked a bit more mature, a bit more serious, less carefree. So that spawned this. Enjoy! And as always, reviews are lovely.

Disclaimer: If I owned it, KH3 would be out already. :P

If you look into those blue eyes when he doesn't think you're looking, you can see things. Things behind the carefree smile and sparkle that cry to the world I'm okay, I'm happy, life is wonderful and I couldn't be more delighted.

You see dark things. Shadows swarming, golden eyes that spit hatred and anger, green fire and mocking Nobodies and figures in black coats that laugh with the lunacy of a misguided cause. You see fear, and frustration, and anguish, and the joy at having his friends finally together again and the terror that they might leave or be taken away. Again.

And then he notices you're looking, and he closes the curtains to the "windows to the soul" and asks you what's going on with perhaps an abnormal amount of glee and enthusiasm.

And for Heart's sake – lie to him. There are some things that a person should only have to go through once.