Dramitaes Personae

Commander Carter-SPARTAN III A-259 (Human Male)
Lieutenant Commander Kat-SPARTAN III B-320 (Human Female)
Warrant Officer Jun-SPARTAN III A-266 (Human Male)
Warrant Officer Emile-SPARTAN III A-239 (Human Male)
Lieutenant Noble 6-SPARTAN III B-312 (Human Male)
Master Chief-SPARTAN II John 117 (Human Male)
Cortana-"Smart" AI; companion to the Master Chief (Female Artificial Intelligence)
Jacob Keyes-Captain in the UNSC. Captain of the Pillar of Autumn (Human Male)
Avery Johnson-Sergeant in the UNSC (Human Male)
Pete Stacker-Sergeant in the UNSC (Human Male)
Fred-SPARTAN II 104 (Human Male)
Kelly-SPARTAN II 087 (Human Female)
Linda-SPARTAN II 058 (Human Female)
Jorge-SPARTAN II 052 (Human Male)
Kurt-SPARTAN II 051 (Human Male)
Catherine Halsey-ONI Scientist. Creator of the SPARTAN-II Program (Human Female)

The Republic and the Jedi Order
Carth Onasi-Republic Admiral (Human Male)

Vrook Lamar-Jedi Master (Human Male)

Daemon-Enigmatic Jedi Knight* (Human Male)

Luane-Republic General* (Human Male)
Nortom-Republic Soldier and Pilot* (Human Male)

The Sith Empire
Darth Revan- Dark Lord of the Sith. An icon among those in the Sith Empire (Human Male)

Darth Bastila-Sith Lord. Revan's apprentice and lover (Human Female)
HK-47-Darth Revan's personal Assassin Droid (HK-47 Assassin Droid)
Drakot-Sith Master* (Human Male)
Skell-Sith Trooper* (Human Male)
Yuit-Sith Trooper* (Human Male)

The Covenant
Thel 'Vadamee-Covenant Fleet Master and Supreme Commander (Sangheili Male)
Reggad 'Nogardee-Elite Major* (Sangehili Male)
Denn 'Rebualee-Spec Ops Elite*(Sangheili Male)
Lellt 'Retee-Elite Minor*(Sangheili Male)
Dranol' Nosrednee-Elite Minor*(Sangheili Male)
Revotus-Brute Chieftain* (Jiralhanae Male)

Chapter 1: Prologue

Revenge was his.

Revan, who had only recently reclaimed his title of Dark Lord of the Sith, stood triumphant over his traitorous apprentice Malak, who, a year ago, had taken a cheap, cowardly shot at him from afar, left him to die, and then took over his magnificent empire and turned it against him, raising new recruits and disciples to spit on his very name and memory.

But no longer.

Revan, following months of being brainwashed and manipulated by the accursed Jedi Order, had at last remembered who he was and had reclaimed his title. There were those among his party that did not embrace him in his dark identity, and they had to die. Now, with his lover and new apprentice Bastila Shan and his loyal assassin droid HK-47 at his side, Revan had re-taken the Star Forge, killed all the Sith loyal to Malak, and had now mortally wounded Malak himself. On his knees, with lightsaber cuts and burns all over his body, the traitor wheezed through his metallic jaw:

"Im-*cough* impossible. I…*cough* cannot be beaten. I, am the Dark Lord of the Sith…*cough*"

"No Malak" Revan responded with both anger and vindication, "I am the true Sith Master!"

"Yes…I cannot deny it any longer. You are the one who deserves…who deserves to be the Dark Lord…"

Revan said nothing as Malak continued. He'd been looking forward to this.

"You where the one who found the first Star Map on…Dantooine Revan…*cough, cough* I only followed in your wake…I tried to usurp your rule…tried to steal your power…but now I see…you are, Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. And I…I am nothing."

Revan smiled underneath his faceless, bronze-colored mask.

"The Apprentice has learned his final lesson" Revan replied with just a hint of sadism.

"And so it ends…*cough*…somehow, as I always knew it would…in darkness…."

And with that, Malak fell to the floor, dead at Revan's feet. He had enjoyed this greatly. Revenge was his, and even better, Malak had admitted it. Admitted that he was a worthless fool in the face of him. It was too sweet for words. Revan took in the moment and watched from the chamber he and Malak had dueled in as the Republic Fleet was decimated by the Sith Armada in a glorious display of fiery explosions and shredded vessels. Victory at last….

The evening sky was blood red as throngs of Sith gathered at the Rakatan temple on the planet Lehon, to address their new masters. Darth Bastila, former prodigy of the Jedi Order, now deadly Sith Apprentice, addressed the crowd:

"Malak is DEAD! All hail the return of Darth Revan! The true Lord of the Sith!"

Right on cue, Revan walked up, fully adorned in his personal robes. They where black garments that covered his entire body with a bronze breastplate over them, as well as a long hooded black cape, a red sash that went in-between the gap in his black robes, and a grim, faceless bronze mask. Revan was greeted with applause as his minions chanted:

"All hail Lord Revan, all hail Lord Revan, all hail Lord Revan!"

Bastila bowed before her master as she said: "The Sith bow before you, you have reclaimed your rightful throne. The Jedi Order is in tatters. It is only a matter of time before your Sith minions wipe them from the face of the galaxy."

Revan said nothing. He merely nodded in approval as Bastila continued: "The Republic Fleet is decimated, the Core Worlds are defenseless against us…"

Revan nodded once more, and spoke out to the crowd:

"Sith, Dark Jedi…my brothers all. Listen to me. Years ago, when the Mandalorians threatened to wipe out all life in the galaxy, who rose to the challenge, against the wishes of his holier-than-thou order to protect innocent lives and stop the slaughter?"

"LORD REVAN!" was the unanimous response.

"And afterwards, I formed our magnificent empire with the Dark Side and the Star Forge as my tools. And we set out to bring order to a galaxy that would never know it without the aid of the Dark Side. But exactly one year ago today, my wretched apprentice Malak betrayed me, and left me for dead, and this empire embraced the traitor as its new ruler. But I had not died. I returned. It took me awhile, with the Jedi Order making me their puppet, but thanks to the efforts of my lovely new apprentice Bastila…I reclaimed my title, and killed Malak and those who insisted on continuing to follow him. Now, who is it you serve?"

"LORD REVAN!" was again the unanimous response, this time shouted louder than before.

"And now that I have reclaimed my title, we will take our massive fleets and armadas, and destroy the inept Republic and the Jedi Order who protects them, and replace them with a new order. An order that can ensure that the horrible atrocities of the Mandalorian Wars never happen again! Under our leadership, the galaxy will know peace!"

The end of Revan's speech was met with thunderous applause. Revan nodded and returned to the inside of the Temple, where his ship, the Ebon Hawk, awaited him. Bastila followed right behind. They stopped at the ramp. Revan admired his apprentice's form as he removed his mask. He was a fairly young man. His handsome features had been corroded slightly by the power of the Dark Side but his skin still had some color, and his eyes had only recently become yellow. He snaked his arms around Bastila's waist and pulled her closer to him, and their lips met…