Episode 13: Kira

A man sighed as he woke up in bed. It was another boring day. Get up, eat breakfast, say goodbye to your family, go to work, and then hang out at the bar and cheat on your wife. The man smiled. He was going to have some fun tonight. He also had to go get those drugs Carlos promised him.

The man got out of the bed and his wife woke up who was in the bed beside him. "Good morning, Jay," His wife smiled up at him lovingly. Jay, the man, just glanced at his wife. He wasn't interested in her or his kids anymore. He needed someone new. He needed those drugs.

Jay grinned and was about to go into the bathroom but he felt some great pain from his chest. He let out a choked cry and clawed at his chest in pure agony.

"Jay? Jay!" His wife screamed in pure terror as she watched her husband fall to the ground dead. She started sobbing loudly and the kids came into the room screaming when they saw their dead father on the ground.


"Give me the money!"

A man dressed as a priest wearing an elephant mask was pointing a gun at a lady behind a counter. There were two other guys dressed just like him pointing machine guns at everyone. People were on the ground with her hands on their heads.

"Give me the money or I swear I'll blow your freaking head off!" He yelled at the woman behind a counter. She started sobbing loudly and went to go get the money.

But then a miracle happened.

The man started gasping wildly, dropping his gun and clutching at his chest in great agony. A couple of seconds later the rest of the men that had machine guns dropped to the ground dead.


Matsuda sighed as he lay down in his home on his bed. He had married Sayu Yagami. At first she wouldn't speak to him at all but then she had opened up to him. Matsuda stared up at the ceiling of his room. It was really quiet. His mind started to drift off to the Kira Case again. It was so shocking…and so sad when they had found out it was Light Yagami all this time. But Matsuda was very angry and thought Light Yagami had deserved to die for what he did.

Matsuda sighed. He was also sad about it as well. Matsuda let out another sigh and closed his eyes slowly. But then his eyes suddenly shot open and he began gasping like crazy while clawing at his chest in pure agony. Matsuda then let out one last breath and died right there in his bed.

And then the rest of the police began to die one by one. And everyone who used to be in the SPK began to die too. Everywhere, people began to die.


L was staring at the screen in front of him. The news was on and loud. There was a woman on the TV and she was the reporter.

"Lots of people have begun dying in Los Angles, Rancho Cucamonga, and many other places. They all have to do with heart attacks or horrible accidents," She spoke with a scared expression on her face.

L changed the channel and the news was on again. This time there was a man standing there on the TV.

"It seems that other countries are experiencing many deaths as well as this country. All of them have to do with heart attacks or horrible accidents…"

L narrowed his eyes at the TV and stuffed his mouth with some gummy bears. "It seems…Kira is back," He said quietly with his mouth full.