I know it's short, but it is my ending. Also, in case you were wondering how Oscar found out it was one of the winx who has the White Tiger Power, it says his source, and his source is a magic talking mirror! xD (:

The Last Encounter

(Musa's P.O.V.)

"So what do you want to do?" Flora asks sitting down on the bright green grass.

"I dunno," I say sitting down as well.

"This is exactly why we should have gone shopping!" Stella complains plopping down on the grass.

"Why don't we just talk?" Bloom asks sitting down. Everyone agrees, and sits down.

"So, tell me, what have the winx been doing since I left?" I ask.

"Well, when we found out you left, we thought that guy took you, so we searched for you, but never found you. We ended the winx club," Bloom says.

"You shouldn't have done that," I say.

"Why?" Flora asks.

"When we thought Tecna was gone, all we did was think about revenge, and ending the club. I have realized that we were just sad, and mad. We were letting our emotions control us. And, when I thought about it, I realized that if we actually did end the club, then the world would be worse. Look at it like this, how many innocent people have died from the bad guys due to having no help?" I say.

"I never thought about it like that," Stella says.

"I didn't know you could get that deep," Layla says.

"It's not really deep, it's the truth," I say.

"Then we should start the club back up!" Bloom says.

"Yeah!" everyone agrees.

"I am so bored," I say laying my head on Riven's lap.

"Aren't we all?" Layla asks. All of a sudden, the sky goes black, and it starts to storm.

"I'm ready!" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Osar," I scowl.

"Always a warm greeting with you," he says coming up to me. I get up, and face him.

"Why don't you just give up?" I ask.

"Because, I want, and I am going to get, the power," he says.

"Well, you're going down," I say getting in a fighting stance.

"No, I think that you are going to give me your powers in the end," he says.

"Yeah right," I say.

(Normal POV)

Oscar shoots an attack that looks like it's going to Musa, but ends up turning in Riven's direction, and hitting him in the chest.

"Riven!" Musa screams running to him. Riven is not moving at all. "Riven," Musa whispers holding Riven close to her chest letting a tear drop down her face, and land on Riven's cheek.

All of a sudden, a white burst of light comes from the two, making people look away for the sake of their eyes. The light dims slowly, and there they are. Riven standing up perfectly fine, hugging Musa who is wearing a white bikini-like outfit and these huge white, angel-like wings. Her hair is in a beautiful up-do, and a beautiful crown sitting atop her head. Everyone's eyes are on Musa and Riven, but mostly Musa.

They let go of each other, and Riven stares in awe at Musa. She has no idea what he is staring at. She conjures of a mirror and looks at herself. She just laughs.

"What's funny?" Riven asks.

"With every form, the outfits get more revealing, and the wings get bigger," she says.

"Wow! Musa, you're beautiful," Stella says.

"Great! You got your form!" Oscar says.

"Tiger Rant!" Musa screams making a huge tiger head come up, and gobble up Oscar.

"Is he gone?" Layla asks.

"Yeah, and he's not coming back," Musa answers.

"Yay!" everyone cheers. All of a sudden, Ms. Faragonda goes up to Musa. She looks at her for a second, and then bows down. "What are you doing Ms. F?" Musa asks.

"I am bowing to the Queen of the Universe," she says looking up at her. Then, everybody in the park bow down as well.

"There is no way I am queen," Musa says.

"But, Musa, when the gods chose to give you the power, they also made you queen, but only when you got your form. That is why you have that crown," she says.

(Musa's POV)

"Me, queen?" I ask in denial.

"Yes," Ms. F says.

"Wow! Never thought that would happen," I say.

"I am guessing that you don't want to teach at the school anymore?" Ms. F asks.

"I want to. I don't care if I am queen, I always wanted to teach at Alfea," I say.

"Great!" she says.

"Can't believe I am dating Queen of the Universe," Riven says. I walk over to him, and kiss him.

"Believe it," I whisper in his ear.


How was it? Tell the truth. I have an idea for the next story, and I think it's brilliant! Also, I am sorry for making the story so short. I am going to make sure that the next one will be longer. Please review!