Hope you like it! The story just came to me last night, and so I started writing! (:


(Musa's P.O.V.)

It is a beautiful Saturday. There are no clouds in the sky, the sun is shining bright, the birds are singing their beautiful songs, and what am I doing? Well I am in the library doing an essay that Griselda is making me do.

Apparently you aren't allowed to bring your iPod to class. She wasn't even talking when I had it on, but no, she had to give me an extra assignment.

It's a good thing I am almost done, I want to hang out with the girls.

A few minutes later of writing, I am done. Finally! I get my books, and everything I brought with me, and go out of the library. I walk through the pink halls, and up some stairs, and finally get to my dorm. I open the door, and see something I never wanted to.

The room is completely trashed showing signs of a fight, and what is even worse is all of the girls sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. I look around the room. It pains me to see this.

All of a sudden, there is a man standing a few feet away from me. He has a platinum blonde spiked mohawk, and piercing black eyes. He is wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers.

"Who are you, and what have done!" I scream.

"I am Oscar, and don't worry, they'll be alright," he says in a voice that sends chills up my spine.

"Why did you do this?" I ask looking at the bodies on the floor.

"Simple. I am looking for the White Tiger Power," he says. His voice is so cold and lifeless.

"But, that's just a myth," I say taken aback by what he has just said.

The White Tiger Power is what people think the gods send down to one person every eon. The White Tiger Power is said to be the most powerful power there is, more powerful than the Dragon Fire, and there is a special way to activate it. No one has ever found anyone who posses the power because no one knows how to activate it. This power is suppose to be able to unimaginable things. Many believe that it is just a myth, like I do, but other choose to believe it, and set out to find it.

"Oh, no. It is not a myth, it is real. You probably already know this story but, you see, every eon, the gods pick someone to hold such power. The previous owners have never been found, but I am determined to find out who it is. My source tells me that a winx club member holds the power. I came here, and fought your friends. None of them have it. So, that leaves you," he says taking a step towards me.

"First of all, there is said to be a certain way to activate the power, and nobody knows how. Second, you're buggin' if you think I have it. I am the weakest of the whole group," I say.

"I have searched all of the gods temples in search of a way to activate it, and I think I know how, and all I need to do is try it on you," he says.

"Like I would let you," I say.

He is stepping closer, and closer to me. I am too scared to transform, so I do what I do best; attempt to kick him. It is a fail attempt. He catches my foot and holds on to it tight.

"Bagahi laca bachahe Lamac cahi achabahe Karrrelyos Lamac lamec bachalyos cabahagi sabalyos Baryols Lagozatha cabyolas Sam ahac et famyolas Harrahya," he chants.

All of a sudden, I am thrown up into the air. Not by Oscar, not by anyone, but by something magical. I glow white, and I feel an immense power go through me. I close my eyes, and let whatever is happening, happen. I open my eyes back up. The glow is gone, but I am still in the air, and I still feel the power. If I am the owner of the White Tiger Power, then I cannot use any of my power on him, for he could possibly take it.

Since I am in the air, why don't I take advantage of it? I go down to where my feet are level with his head, and I kick his head back, causing a crack to be sounded. I go down to the ground, and while he is holding his head, I kick him in the groin, causing him to topple over in pain.

I run into my room, and use my power to transport me, and all of my stuff to some other place, but not without leaving a note saying "Sorry," under Tecna's blanket.

I transport me to the one place that I know is safe; a run down apartment on Earth. On Earth, the only way that magic can be detected is if someone uses it.

I put a spell on myself that makes my hair blonde, and up to my shoulders with side bangs. It also makes my eyes ocean blue, and my voice now sounds like a girly girl. I modify my face a little by making my eyes smaller, my lips fuller, and less cheekbone. I use magic to transform my clothes into something a girly girl would wear (see my profile for the outfit).

I put another spell on myself to make me look 15. This way, it will be harder to find me because I will be starting high school, and they all know how much I hate school.

I can't use any magic at all, or risk them finding me. I have to change my personality completely. I am now a girly girl, who likes attention. I have to find some kind of work to cover food expenses. I have to give up everything I ever had. My life is going to be completely different.

How was it? I liked it, but I would like to know what you think, so please review! I know it's short, but it is just a prologue, so ya. When you look at her new outfit, and you see the necklace, you'll see that it has a fairy on it. I think this would be for her to be able to remind herself who she really is. Thanks (: