So this is my second story, although this one will be on-going unlike "Saying Goodbye". The Gaang aren't really around in this story because it's set in the future but there are still earth, fire, water and air benders in here as well as an avatar. Aang may make an appareance later on, but as a spirit (Like Roku and the other avatars when aang speaks to them), so you may have to wait a while to see him in it. Anyways, for now enjoy the prologue!


I didn't remember how this happened. No one did.

We stood there, doing everything we could to survive while being punished for crimes we never committed.

These people, the 'new rulers' were the bad guys.

They did all this. So why do we suffer for it?

We've all made our mistakes. Maybe our biggest one was letting this happen.

They destroyed our peaceful world. They finished off the fire nation before the avatar could even master the element of fire.

Then they took the earth nation by surprise; black flames engulfing each and every city. After that, after they had taken everything, they took the avatar's life.

And that was it.

There was no hope once he was gone. There were no fire bender's left to become the avatar.

The cycle was broken and our hope was lost.

Everyone gave up.

Years later they built factories and mining facilities. The slave trade came into action at the royal families wishes.

And we despised them; each and every last slave trader, the royal family and their legion of soldiers. But most of all, we hated everyone that gave up.

Even without the avatar there was hope.

Our spirits may have been crushed but as long as we didn't give up hope, as long as we kept on fighting they would never win. We never gave up, not even when we were chased to the corners of the world and we never would give up.

We'd fight for friends, family, even those we didn't know. We'd end this; Avatar or not.

For the sake of this world, we would never surrender.

Short? Prologues always are, but you wont have to wait too long for chapter 1. I'll probably upload it right after I've uploaded this.

Get ready to meet the main characters of "Me against the world" in the first chapter!