Hey, everyone! : )

So I know it's been a year now, (give or take) but wanted to let you all know that last year I that it was time to take a break from writing seeing as I was getting really stressed out, and I just could not think anymore! But, this year is going to be different. I am going to do everything I can to get back into the swing of things.

For the past couple hours I've been editing the all ready done, and all ready uploaded chapter's of "City of Malec" and I haven't gotten stressed out all so far!

Thank you all for adding "City of Malec you're favorites, following, and reviewing!

BTW - I know that I'm like really bad about not responding to you're reviews, but know that I DO in fact read every single one of them. And please feel free to write a review on what you would maybe like to see in the up coming chapters. I would really appreciate the idea's! THANK YOU! : )