Greetings and salutations! So I got like five reviews on my last one which is like so much better! Also, if you like Adventure Time, check out my profile! I just made an Adventure Time FanFic! Anyway, please R&R

Being dragged on the floor by a bunch of guards wasn't exactly how I imagined this was going to go. In my mind, it was more like one of those oh-thanks-you-saved-us-all kinds of moments.

The guards weren't exactly the definition of nice either. They all glared at me and cursed at me under their breath like I was the bad guy. We past sprinkles of servants bringing back live animals for the party.

The floor felt rough and bumpy. I couldn't see which way we were going, but, never the less, I knew where I was headed. The dungeon.

Supposedly, it wasn't so bad. At least, that's what Alli heard. Unless you did something horrible, you were fed every three days and given your own cell. Each cell had indestructible walls, no windows and a locked door. If you had done something heinous, such as kill a royal, you were locked in a coffin for eternity. Alli said you didn't die; you just became weaker and weaker until you couldn't move.


Did she replace me as Princess of Dark Castle? But then why was she tied to my throne? Or her throne? Why did she tell me to run? It was all just too confusing, and the more questions I had, the less I knew.

We rounded a corner out of the torch lit corridor we just passed through, and came across some stairs. Surely they were going to carry me down the stairs! Nope!

Thump, thump, thump! My feet and knees rumbled down the stairs as we spiraled down the stairs into darkness.


When I reached the bottom, I was generally surprised. The rumors were true. It was a simple corridor with two walls of locked and barred doors. Inside each room was an insane vampire screaming of anarchy and pleading for release.

One of the vampires screamed my name. Though I couldn't see her, I could tell it was a woman with a gritty voice. "Clarabelle," She cried, "You are correct of what you foresee! I can sense you in the room! Eli and the rest are getting ready to leave!"

"Shut up, you crazy old bat! How dare you speak to royalty so boldly!" The guard banged on a door labeled 382-M and the woman became silent. I scolded him in my mind, 'Oh, she can't speak to me, but you can drag me down the stairs and lock me away?" Had I been able to move, I would have punched him in the jaw.

Wait, did that I'm I was still princess of Dark Tower?

"Yes, you are, Princess Clarabelle!" The woman called again. Vampires weren't supposed to read minds. What in the world was she?

Ignoring the pleading woman, the guard rose his hand and a black metal coffin formed from the ground and over to us. Vampires were not able to do the kind of stuff the guards were doing! The making coffins appear. The paralyzing thing. Something had happen to Dark Castle since I had been gone. My gut was telling me it wasn't good.

My mind raced as I thought of what I had done that was so offensive to get me in a coffin.

Again, the lady yelled, "You've done nothing wrong, my princess!"

I felt the stabbing finger in my back and the twist of the guards' finger. My fingers and toes began to feel normal again. Without waiting for me to become ambulatory, one of the guards pushed me forward and shut the coffin door over me. I heard the clicking of the guards armor leave the room.

That's when the panic kicked.

"Let me out! Let me out!" My voice screeched. I kicked and banged inside of my locked coffin. Then, I realized no matter how much I wanted to get out of the coffin no one was going to save me. And I really wanted to get out. Instead of wasting time and energy, I tried focus on the woman who seemed to be able to read my mind.

"What is your name?" I asked in her mind.

Her voice came out in a quick, worried whisper, but was muffled by the lid of the heavy coffin. Pausing for a moment, the woman spoke, "That is not important my child. Someone is approaching quickly, so we don't have much time, princess. I can see your future. The only things I can tell you to help you is to always go left, and never stop asking questions. It is vital to the sake of the world! I wish I could help you more, but-," The woman stopped speaking as I heard faint footsteps coming down the stairs.

The footsteps grew louder as they neared my coffin.

For a moment, my heart fluttered and my stomach dropped, "Eli? Is that you?"

Click went the lock, and a warm familiar face beamed at me as the coffin lid slid away. Jumping out of the coffin, I threw my arms around him and crushed him into a hug. After a moment, we let go, and I breathed in his scent. Tingles ran down my spine and back up. Placing my hands on either side of his chiseled face, I whispered, smiling, "Where have you been?"

"All that matters is that I am here now, my sweet Clarabelle." His voice was deep and gravelly. Leonard pressed his forehead against mine, staring at me with his rich, brown eyes.

Waves of sudden anger washed over me. "You left me in this castle alone, Leo. You just disappear with no explanation, and you prance and here saying that it' doesn't matter' Do you expect me to ignore all that time? It horrible for me! Where were you?" I pushed him away and glared at him accusingly. My joy of his presence was completely gone.

Leonard shifted under my gaze as he tasted the hostility in the air.


"Well?" I spat.

He stepped towards me, tucking my hair behind my ear, something that I loved. His smooth lips brushed against my forehead. As he did so, I felt myself melt into him and he kissed my passionately. Feeling slightly dazed, my anger slipped away.

"So we need to get an army together, correct? The rebellion will be here at dawn, right?" Leonard stepped and looked at me up and down like he was sizing me up.

I nodded hazily, "Yeah, but-,"

While Leonard paced back and forth, he mumbled, "I have been worried about such a rebellion. Rumors have been around for years. There must be around a hundred thousand of them. We have to kill them all."

"Yes, but…wait a second," I was thinking clearly again, "How do you know that? And we can't them…I was thinking rash about an army. We need to reason with them or even give them what they want. Fair justice."

Leonard stopped suddenly. His head whipped towards mine and his hair fell over one of his eyes which had changed from brown to a brilliant shade of gold. Looking straight at him for a long time would drive anyone crazy.

Smiling like a mad man, Leonard grabbed my hand and ran up the stairs.

This was not the Leonard I knew.

Hehe Sorry. Eli will be in the next chapter or the one after that. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have a lot of bad news and drama. REVIEW!