Hikari: This is going to be- hopefully- a two shot!

Yami: Read and review or my hikari will cry and I'll be forced to banish you.

Hikari: We do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! But we did download a few LittleKuriboh videos

Ryou Bakura sighed, blowing a strand of white hair away. He sat on the last step of the back porch, back leaned against the step just above it. His yami wasn't home yet, presumably he was out drinking. With the Ishtar pair, of course.

He sighed, pushing his hair behind his ear. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and chin in one hand. The other hand dangled between his legs, and his legs were semi sprawled, his white sneakers just barely reaching out to the sun kissed grass.

They had long ago quit inviting Ryou, though the two dark's didn't really want him there anyways. Malik had been trying to be nice, trying to make up for the scar now adorning his left arm. But even he had stopped, after Ryou had told them he just couldn't go.

Bakura had looked at him oddly, as though asking if he thought he didn't want him. Sure, he hadn't, but... Ryou sighed, wishing he was normal. If he was normal, he could just step out into the sunlight, unworried about his condition.

Bakura had told him more than once it was easy to live with the albinism, with sunscreen and lots of water. He sighed again, standing up. He bit at his lip, looking at the long black coat Bakura had left there for him.

He smiled to himself, scooping it up as he ran through the house. He went through his closet, rejecting five outfits before smirking in triumph. He changed quickly, grabbing his caot again.

He slid out the front door, pulling it on. He flipped his phone open, hitting the 'last call' button. He waited patiently, smiling again.


"Y-Yami? I heard someone in the house next door screaming and I'm scared. Where are you guys?" Ryou stuttered perfectly, blushing when one man on the sidewalk looked him up and down.

"For the love of Ra.. We're at the bar next to that movie theater you like." Bakura hung up on him, but the smaller albino wasn't detered.

Bakura looked around for his angel. Er, hikari. Marik was teasing him relentlessly about caring for the 'marshmallow'.

"Kura!" he turned around, to find himself with an arm full of Ryou. He blinked, looking down at the albino, smiling inwardly when he saw the black coat that hugged the beauty's frame perfectly.

"Bout damn time, Hikari." He gently shoved his light away, making him pout. Malik smiled brightly when he saw his friend, hugging him tightly.

"You came!"

"H-hi Malik." he glanced at the blonde's dark, who raised an eyebrow. "Marik," he smiled slightly, and recieved a polite response. Marik and Malik glanced at Bakura, who was flirting shamelessly with a waitress, and grinned.

/Thinking what I'm thinking?/


"Ryou, c'mere." Marik instructed, crooking his finger. Ryou hesitantly stepped closer to the sitting psycho, and allowed himself to be looked over. He flushed in embarrassment, when Malik breathed out, "Oh, hot damn..."

/Agreed./ Marik sent through the link, looking the albino up and down again.

"I-I figured since I'd be coming here, that I'd change to look appropriate. And I haven't had the chance to wear these since you gave them to me." Ryou stuttered, worried that he in fact looked ridiculous. The Ishtar's shook their heads.

"You look fantastic!" Malik gushed, truly proud of how his friend managed to look confident at his words. Marik nodded in agreement, smirking. "Your eyes look so pretty outlined like that." he added, amking Bakura turn around after taking his drink from the waitress. He growled silently at the way Marik was looking at his light, but reminded himself to calm down. "Doesn't he look great, Bakura?"

Ryou turned around, facing his dark and looking him in the eye for the first time. Bakura found himself staring into his angel's face; his light chocolate eyes had been outlined in kohl liner, and just the faintest hint of blue tinged the pale eyelid. "Nice makeup." he forced himself to sound gruff, not wanting to give anything away.

"He's wearing the clothes Malik and I gave him for Christmas." Marik added, turning the albino yami's attention to Ryou's slim body.

He wore a light blue tank top, with little tears in the stomach. It cut off the same way Malik's usual purple one did, so he could glimpse the lithe teen's body. Black flare jeans clung low on his waist, and he wore the boots Bakura had given him on their birthday. His black coat- identical to Bakura's own.- reached his ankles, making his light look almost like him.

He looked perfect.

"You better be careful, Hikari," he smirked, eyes snapping up to Ryou's. The younger albino sucked in a slight breath, blushing. "Someone might mistake you for a girl, run away with you. Then we'd never see you again."

Malik hit his friend, growling cutely. "Don't worry, Ryou, we won't let anything happen to you." Marik said airily, taking a shot of what appeared to be a green drink. Ryou smiled in relief, and Bakura rolled his eyes.

"Iw as kidding." He mumbled, shooting back his whiskey. "Come on, Hikari, you gotta have at least one." He held up one of the colorful shots that Malik had chosen.

"I don't want to drink," Ryou protested, but finally gave in at the menacing look his yami sent him. He swallowed quickly, surprised when the taste came off fruity. He smiled slightly, declining another one. "I like this song..." he mumbled to himself, when he recognized the opening music for Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts. He sighed, taking Marik's seat when he and his own hikari joined the throng of slowly grinding people. He leaned his head on his hand, elbow on the arm of the chair. He was approached by a girl from his school, Miho, but politely declined her invitation to dance.

No I can't take one more step towards you
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most

Bakura watched the scene with calculating crimson eyes. The same girl approached him, but he grinned and said he had no interest in dancing with women.

I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time

He watched Ryou's lips moving along with the word's, his beautiful brown eyes taking in the couples dancing. He followed their gaze when they stopped on their blonde friends. Marik was holding his light gently, carefully. He had chin on his head, pupil-less eyes closed as they swayed slowly. He glanced back at Ryou, finding a sad, jealous look in those usually bright eyes. He frowned slightly, sitting down in the plush chair next to him.

"You okay?" he asked, loud enough for his hikari to hear.

"I'm fine." Ryou looked over, smiling. "Really."


And who do you think you are
Running around leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart

Ryou smiled sadly, glancing briefly at Bakura. His yami was deep in thought; he had that cute little frown line between his eyes. Whatever the object of his musings, it was something important to him. He tapped his fingers against the chair, humming.

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are

Bakura sighed in relief when the slow, and strangely accurate song ended. He glanced at the DJ, praying to Ra that the next song was fast enoguh to distract away from how he treated his poor hikari. He grinned, when the perfect song began, glancing at Ryou. The younger boy noticed, and further paled.

This wasn't good.

To be continued...

What is the song? What's Bakura's plan? Will our lovely Egyptian's admit they're together? Will Yami ever write a tendershipping scene?

...Don't bet on that last one.

Read and review, please?