First of all if you are reading this - thank you so much! A couple of things about the story: It will only be told in JPOV unless otherwise said, it is ALL HUMAN, and it is SLASH! So if you are underage you shouldn't be reading this! I should be updating once a week but my other story Welcome the Rain is my main priority right now. Go check it out! Thanks to my beta and best friend Xavier Willow for helping me out on this! And that is all...Enjoy!

Disclaimer:Twilight isn't mine, but the plot is:D

I hated him more than I had ever hated anyone. Just looking at him made my blood boil. I fucking dreaded the weekends that I had to see him. And the worst about it was I couldn't do anything about. I couldn't do anything because he was "family."

He was my supposed "step-brother" since my dad remarried. That's why I hated going over to his house on the weekend- because I had to see him. Every other weekend I was sent to the prison of my dad's house for our "visits" whatever the fuck those were. I had to endured to whole days of pretending to be a perfect family. I wasn't even included in that perfect family of theirs. I was the bad kid.

It wasn't like I didn't know that either. I skipped school, got drunk, and pissed a lot of people off. I was the bad example. The kid that every parent didn't want their child to be like. I was reminded that every time I went to my dad's.

It was always the same questions when I came over. "Been to school lately?" "What classes are you failing now?" "Got any girls pregnant yet?" They would always ask these questions at dinner, in front of him- the "golden boy".

But he wasn't really golden, not in my eyes. First, he dressed like he was fucking emo or something. Black hair, black clothes. It was only a matter of time before he started painting his nails black and cutting his wrists. He even had a fucking tattoo. I had only seen a little part of it but I knew it was there. Then, on top of that, he had a tongue ring. A fucking tongue ring. How the fuck could he be seen as a golden boy?

But it didn't matter. Not in my dad, Charlie's eyes, or Renee's. They knew about those things but they didn't care. He actually went to school and got good grades. Fucking angel. I was always the bad guy. Especially when I was compared him. I don't know how many times I heard my dad ask "Why can't you be more like Edward?"

As much as I hated to admit it, those fucking words hurt. I was his son; I was blood. And he wanted me to be like him? I would never ever think of him as family. I would never treat him as more than someone that I had to endure for more than two days at a time. It was the one promise to myself that I swore I would never break. So much for that.

Reviews? If I get a good response for the story I will be posting early otherwise chapter one will be out one week from today :D
