A/N: So, I'm stealing xxShadowheartxx's challenge again only this time I'm doing it for One Piece. The challenge was to get a bunch of characters and, going inside their minds, write six words in sentence form that they would use to describe themselves. It's actually really difficult.

Monkey D. Luffy - I will return his hat soon.

Roronora Zoro - I will protect them from everyone.

Nami - I will not let them stray.

Usopp - I will be strong as them.

Sanji - I really do love them both.

Chopper - I will keep them all healthy.

Robin - I know that I'm home now.

Franky - I'm not the only supah one.

Brook - I will find my friend again.

Shanks - He doesn't make me worry anymore.

Ace - His crew will keep him safe.

Koby - I will help change the Marines.

Tashigi - I'm a woman but I'm strong.

Chaser - I will not let them escape.