Author's Note: Hello everyone, it's been more than a while since my last update, and I know you thought I would never return, but I was sitting here thinking about my personal issues and feeling so overwhelmed, I figured it was the perfect time to channel all this emotion into something constructive. In case you are were wondering, this story is almost complete. I just have a few more chapters to tie up some loose ends but I hope you all enjoy my vision.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Brooke asked happily. Haley simply smirked at her sister as Brooke skipped alongside her.

"The plan is to lay low and get some rest. I'm guessing that this major change will drain us physically." Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Seriously? Rest? You can sleep while you're human Hales. Now, Alex may not be my favorite person but she's right. This is something that must be celebrated. You're going to be human tutor girl!" Brooke gave Haley a playful shake to drive her point home. Dean and Sam trailed behind the two girls with smirks on their faces.

"And what exactly do vampires call celebrating?" Dean asked curiously. Brooke smiled at Haley knowingly. Dean asked a question. He just needed to hope he was ready for the answer.

"Woo!" Brooke screamed as she flew over the gap between two tall buildings. She looked down to see Sam and Dean gazing up at her in shock. She and Haley told the pair to wait downstairs in the alleyway between Alex's apartment building and the neighboring building. To their surprise, they looked up to find Haley soar over the large gap without a care in the world, even going as far as adding a somersault.

"What's the matter Brooke? Old age getting to you?" Haley teased her sister. Brooke smirked and took off to the edge of the building, leaping off the ledge; she did a herkie at her highest point.

"Oh my God." Sam gasped out of sheer disbelief.

"Don't you want to get in on the action?" Dean asked Rachel. She shrugged.

"Hopping off of tall buildings isn't my idea of fun. Actually, I'm going to head back to the hotel and get some sleep since you people decided to keep me up all effing day." Without another word, Rachel vanished out of the alleyway, leaving the men to be amazed by their girlfriends. As if all that wasn't enough, the vampire duo then started jumping back and forth between buildings all the way to the ground. Brooke laughed at the face of a child who was startled by Haley landing against his window sill. By the time he ran to his window to double check his discovery, the two were already on the ground.

"Wow." Dean said, partly baffled and partly impressed.

"Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet." Brooke assured him. Sam's brows jumped up.

"There's more? I'm almost afraid to ask." He said with a small smile.

"Actually, we kind of want to go for a run." Haley said while patting Sam on the back. "The kind that you two can't keep up with. So, how about you guys call it a night and we'll see you when the sun comes up."

"Really?" Dean asked skeptically.

"Really." Both girls replied with smiles on their faces. Brooke and Haley gave Sam and Dean kisses and even handed them their purses. Before either of the men could object, the girls were off. Dean looked in his hand, shook his head and handed Haley's purse to Sam, walking away to his impala.

The night had come and gone, filled with innocent vampire antics that the two sisters would never be able to partake in again. They had loads of fun, but neither seemed scared or reluctant for the future. In fact, the two ended up calling it a night two hours before the sun came up. Brooke snuggled into Sam's firm grasp, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart beat before eagerly drifting off to sleep, knowing that when she awoke, her life would change forever. Haley, on the other hand, woke Dean when she entered their room to the best sex they ever had together. She wanted to remember every feeling he gave her and compare it to when she is human. Dean, for the first time, offered Haley something that she never thought was an option; a chance to break the skin and taste the blood that ran through his veins. It intensified their lovemaking in ways that Dean could never have anticipated. Two different couples in two different rooms managed to connect with one another in equally beautiful ways. Both Winchesters were able to give both vampires exactly what they wanted on their very last day as a vampire. Love.

Brooke was the first to wake up when the sun went down. It was as if an alarm had gone off. She rolled over and gently kissed Sam's naked chest. In his slumber his arms, instinctively wrapped around her causing her to smile at him. She stroked his hair and whispered his name.

"Sam. Wake up." She said softly. His eyes slowly fluttered open to see a broad smile splashed across Brooke's face.

"Good morning." He mumbled.

"Good night." She giggled back. She climbed out of bed and threw one of Sam's shirts at him. "It's time." She said giddily as she bounced out of their room to wake the others. "Haley! Wake up! It's time to turn Pinocchio into a real boy!" Brooke repeatedly knocked on the door until a very annoyed and naked Dean swung it open. "Oh!" Brooke gasped as she forced herself to look only in his eyes. Her mind was already doing Winchester comparisons and she needed to focus. She walked past him quickly to his disbelief and jumped on the bed, waking Haley.

"Brooke!" Dean scolded only to be ignored.

"Wake up Hales! Wake up!"

"What?" Haley jumped up quickly, not knowing where she was or what was happening. Brooke smiled sheepishly at her sister who sat up and let her fun bags spring free.

"Uh… Hales?" she tried, flashing her eyes downward for her sister to get the point. Haley quickly looked down, gasped and lifted the sheet to cover herself.

"Brooke!" Haley whined.

"What? It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before!" Dean raised his brow suggestively but was immediately met with Haley's glare. "Get cleaned up and wake Rachel. We have human stuff to do." Brooke quickly left the couple alone and went back to her room. Sam was in the shower and although she was tempted to join him, she knew that would only slow them down.

The group wasted no time in getting to Alex's apartment. Haley knocked on the door and had a sigh of relief when Alex opened it. For some reason, she had the weirdest feeling that something would go wrong.

"I see you're still alive." Brooke said ever-so-sweetly as she let herself into the apartment. Alex smirked at her.

"And I see you're still dead. Want to keep it that way?" she threatened. Brooke smiled and let her fangs descend from her gums. Rachel rolled her eyes and went to sit on the sofa, unknowingly breaking the tension.

"I'm bored. Let's move this along, shall we?" she said rudely. Haley sighed.

"I agree. Let's just get this done so we can get out of your hair." She suggested. Brooke retracted her fangs and Alex smiled her evil smile before going off to the kitchen.

"Fine by me. I have a date tonight anyway." Alex came back with three bottled potions. "Now, I've been told these tastes like a horse's ass, but the good news is, you only need to take a shot."

"And the bad news?" Sam asked always being the levelheaded one. Alex smiled at him.

"It may work… or it may kill you." She added with a shrug. Everyone's attention peaked at that.

"What?" Dean almost growled.

"I thought you said this was safe. A guarantee!" Haley spoke angrily. Alex looked up as if she was deep in thought.

"Did I say that?" A menacing growl escaped from Haley's lips and Brooke and Rachel didn't hesitate to let their fangs spring free. The Winchester's were suddenly put on edge. They still weren't used to how quickly these sweet girls could turn into something so vicious. Alex rolled her eyes and started handing out the potions. "Look, it should work, but it's not an exact science or anything. It's not like witches just go around offering the cure to vampires like candy. My coven has only seen it done a handful of times and for the most part, it worked perfectly." Brooke raised her brow.

"What's a handful?" she asked.


"Six?! You've only done this six times?!" Dean yelled.

"And how many people died?" Sam asked, trying to stay focused.

"Two." Sam huffed in disbelief.

"So basically, 1 out of every three vampires died after taking the cure." Sam concluded.

"What is this? Math class? We don't have a big enough sample of cured vamps to take statistics Sasquatch." Sam glared at her choice of nickname.

"But 1 out of 3 vamps died when you gave them this cure." Haley pointed out. Alex shrugged.

"Well, yeah. I guess so." Suddenly, Haley was in front of Alex, pinning her by the throat to the wall."

"Haley!" Brooke called in shock.

"And you didn't think that was something we ought to know!" Haley growled at Alex. Alex glared at her and took a different potion out of her pocket. She slammed it down on the ground and smiled at Haley.

"Oh look. Looks like you climbed into bed without protection this time. Risky business Hales." Alex spoke. Next thing they knew, Haley fell to her knees and grabbed at her head, as Alex continuously popped her blood vessels. Brooke and Rachel both took steps towards her, but were immediately flung into the wall. "Did you really think I wasn't going to prepare a little insurance you fucking leeches!?" Dean and Sam moved towards her and she held up a hand. "I can give the both of you aneurysms but neither of you will live to talk about it." Brooke struggled against the invisible force that left her pinned to the wall.

"Don't!" Brooke warned them. "Don't touch her."

"You people seem to forget that this is my place and I'm doing you guys a favor. Now, it would be best if you all remembered that from now on." With her words, Alex freed all of them from their restraints and Brooke and Rachel were instantly by Haley's side. "Now, where were we?"

"There's no way I'm going to sign my life away just for children I don't want to have." Rachel said gaining everyone's attention.

"Rach-" Brooke began to protest but was quickly cut off.

"No, Brooke. I know you don't want to hear this, but I don't really mind being a vampire. I'm fast, I'm strong and I'm going to stay young and beautiful forever." Dean rolled his eyes. "What more can I ask for?" Haley scoffed in disgust.

"Don't tell me you're grateful to Peyton!"

"Ripping me apart like a rag doll and having put all over the news that I'm dead? No of course not, but it really isn't all that bad. And I'm not like you guys. I don't want to pop out rug rats and grow old with someone. And even more than I don't want that, I definitely don't want to die."

"Rachel, you don't know what you're saying." Brooke tried and got an exasperated sigh in response.

"I know exactly what I'm saying. I'm not stupid Brooke."

"Well, you sure are acting like it!" Brooke yelled becoming angry.

"It's not a gift Rachel. You're going to be in hiding, and you will be hunted for your entire existence." Sam spoke being logical. Rachel didn't have a comeback for that one. She sat quietly, avoiding eye contact while Brooke tried again.

"Do you really want to be confined to an eternity without the sun? You, of all people? You love the beach, and surfing and sun bathing!" Rachel had no words. Alex yawned and stretched.

"I'm getting bored and I do not have all day. What's it going to be?" Brooke glared at Alex. She didn't appreciate how she was forcing them to make a decision so abruptly. They could die for Christ sake! But before she could voice her opinion, Haley spoke, making the decision for all.

"We'll do it. We're dead already." She said simply. Brooke and Rachel stared at her in shock but didn't protest. After all, Brooke was only concerned with making Haley's life better.

"You don't have to do this you know." Dean assured her, just in case she was afraid he'd stop caring for her. She smiled at him.

"Yes. We do."

The three vampires stood in a circle and gave each other one last look for assurance, but it was set in stone. There was no turning back. This was it. Brooke glanced at Alex, knowing that if this thing went sideways, and if Haley lost her life, Alex would be next.

"Ready?" Haley breathed. Even she couldn't hide the nerves in her voice.

"No." Rachel huffed in fear. "But what the hell, right? We all got to go some time." With a smile on her face, Brooke raised her bottle.

"To starting over… the right way." Haley and Rachel forced a smile and clinked their vials with Brooke's before the three women downed a shot of the vilest tasting drink ever made. Dean and Sam watched closely, feeling just as nervous and out of control as the girls when suddenly Rachel fell.

"Rachel?!" Dean called. Haley felt the power drain from her so quickly, she couldn't keep her balance. When she fell, Dean was by her side in an instant. "Haley!" Then Brooke fell. Sam quickly turned to Alex with fury in his eyes.

"What's happening to them!?"

"Relax. Did you think it was going to be a ride in the park? It's working." She assured him. Sam rushed to Brooke's side and took her into his embrace. Alex walked over to Rachel, knelt down and placed a hand to her forehead. "See? The fever's setting in. When's the last time any of these girls felt this warm? This human?" Once Alex pointed it out, both Dean and Sam both realized that she was right. Their blood was boiling and color began to flush their faces.

"Does it hurt?" Sam asked timidly. Alex shook her head.

"From what I've been told, their bodies go into some kind of comatose state while they're purified."

"And how long does it take?" Dean asked.

"It varies. It just depends on how long it takes for their temperature to return to normal." Alex looked down at Rachel once again to find that her nose was bleeding on her carpet. "Damn it!" she swore. Dean and Sam gave her worried looks, but she quickly waved them off. "Don't worry, she's fine. That'll happen to get rid of the vampire blood, but blood is a bitch to get out of this rug." Dean pursed his lips and shook his head at her, but he was quickly distracted when Haley started bleeding from her ears.

"Bleeding's a good thing?" Dean asked to confirm.

"Bleeding's a good thing." Alex replied. Sam furrowed his brows.

"Brooke's not bleeding."

"Don't worry. She will." Sam and Dean sat by their side for a half an hour when finally there was a sign of hope. Rachel groaned.

"Rach?" Sam called happily.

"Dear… God… that potion tasted like death." She complained. Dean shocked Rachel by engulfing her into his arms.

"Oh, it's good to hear you bitch." He laughed happily.

"Jeez, how long was I out for?" she asked. She held her temples and groaned again. "God, I have a migraine."

"Welcome back to being human." Alex said with a smile. Rachel looked at her wide eyed. She shakily got up and made her way to the mirror. She smiled in satisfaction.

"Well, would you look at that? I forgot how hot I was with some color." Sam chuckled and rolled his eyes. When he looked down at Brooke, he hugged her tightly when he saw her bleeding from her eyes.

"Come on baby. Open your eyes." He whispered to her. Dean reclaimed his spot besides Haley with a new found confidence that the potion would work. That's when Haley's eyes fluttered open.

"Dean?" she croaked. Her throat was extremely dry, but it didn't bother her because there was something else she felt that was far more important. For the first time in over 90 years, Haley felt her heartbeat. Dean's head whipped towards her in a millisecond when he heard her voice.

"Haley?" He pulled her up into a hug, and when the tightness of his embrace cut off her breath, Haley huffed and happy tears fell freely down her face. Rachel came over with tissue.

"For the tears… and the blood." Rachel smiled. Haley smiled up at Rachel, forced herself to stand and hugged her friend. Rachel smiled and accepted the hug with tears threatening to escape from her eyes. Sam was happy to see both Rachel and Haley alive and well but he was still holding his breath. He wasn't going to feel at all until Brooke looked him in the eyes again. Brooke began bleeding from her ears next and Sam's heart began to pound so hard, he thought everyone could hear it. He turned to Alex once again.

"Haley and Rachel didn't bleed this much." Alex rolled her eyes.

"It varies from vampire to vampire. Please get a grip."

"Hey, how about you stop being a bitch for five seconds before I shoot you in the face?" Dean suggested. Alex smiled at Dean's insult and weak threat as Haley and Rachel ignored them and went to sit by Sam and Brooke's side.

"Wait, Sam look!" Haley spoke with a smile. She pointed out that Brooke's eyes were slowly opening.

"Brooke." Sam breathed in relief. Brooke grabbed onto his shirt, but then something went wrong. Her eyes shot open and she squeezed Sam's shirt like she was holding on for dear life. She coughed out an abnormal amount of blood and began shaking. "Brooke!" Sam shouted in panic. Haley watched silently as her worst fear was playing out in front of her; her eyes wide and her body as still as a statue. "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HER?!" Sam cried. Alex's brows raised as things took a drastic turn.

"She's… dying."

"Oh my God!" Rachel gasped and covered her mouth to stifle her sobs.

"No!" Sam quickly handed Brooke over to Dean and took out his Ruby blade. In an instant Alex was pinned to the wall and a blade was digging into her neck. "FIX HER!" Alex gave him a look of nonchalance.

"I can't." Dean quickly placed Brooke in the sofa and grabbed his brother before he plunged the knife into the witch's heart.

"Sammy, no!" When defeat hit him, Sam dropped the blade and fell to his knees. Meanwhile Haley didn't budge. She still knelt down in that position on her knees, staring at where Brooke once was. Rachel sobbed heavily next to her. Dean couldn't help the tear that escaped for Brooke. He really thought that this was going to work for all of them. He looked over at Haley, completely frozen, facing the wall. He wanted to save her from the pain, but he was at a loss for words. He had no idea what to say or do. Sam went over to Brooke in the chair. Her eyes were open and blank of any life. He touched her hand and she felt as cold as the dead.

"Wake up." He spoke. Not wanting to give him, Sam tried to give Brooke CPR. He placed his head on her chest to listen, and when he heard silence he broke down. "Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!" He grabbed her by both her shoulders and shook her. He went as far as slapping her. "WAKE UP BROOKE!"

"Okay! Maybe you guys need to take a walk. There is no point in beating on the corpse!" Alex spoke.

"That's it." Dean growled as he made his way to attack her. Alex put her hand up and sent Dean flying back into the wall.

"You're welcome is now expired. Please leave!" When no one moved Alex went in front of Haley and snapped her fingers. "Haley, I really need you guys to just get some air before these people destroy my apartment." Finally Haley moved. She looked up at Alex and a fire lit in her that she couldn't control. She pulled a knife from her belt and stabbed Alex deep in the stomach. Alex looked down at the dagger in shock before hitting the ground. Haley then stood to her feet and walked out. Rachel ran out after her.

"Come on Sammy." Dean said as he pulled him to his feet. "We should go." Sam was silent as they walked out of the apartment leaving Brooke and Alex behind.

A few hours later Alex's eyes fluttered open. She groaned in irritation thinking it was a genius idea to put that protection spell on herself. She looked over at Brooke and rolled her eyes.

"The last time I do you a favor." She pushed herself up into a sitting position and focused her energy on Brooke. "Excitare." (Awaken) she whispers. Alex climbs to her feet and raises her hands towards Brooke. "Mortem non receperint vos. Excitare!" (Death will not take you. Awaken!) she commands. Suddenly Brooke jumped up and gasped for air. Alex walked away and went to her fridge for a blood bag.

"You're a real sick bitch. You know that right?" she asked as she tossed the bag to Brooke. Brooke quickly bit into the bag and drained it.

"It worked, didn't it?" Brooke responded once she quenched her thirst.

"They'll never forgive you for this." Brooke shrugged.

"They probably won't, but that's not the point now, is it? I made a vow to make sure that Haley lives a perfect normal life. That means, above all, safe. This was the only."

"I get it. I still think you're bat shit crazy, but whatever." Brooke grimaced at her blood stained shirt and took it off.

"That's because you never had anyone worth losing everything for." For the first time, Alex seemed to be truly hurt and offended. "Azazel is the last big threat that is putting my family in danger and I will not have them risking their lives to kill him. As a vampire I can handle him on my own, and then I can take the cure and explain everything to them. My happiness isn't as important to me as their safety. Period."

Pardon me if the Latin is incorrect. I just got it off of Google Translate lol, but you know what it's supposed to say. Any way, this chapter takes a huge turn which is leading me to the end of the story. Before you go cursing Brooke's name, go back a few chapters and remember how she felt when she finally got her memories back and the promise she made. This is her way of ensuring that Haley lives a better life and sure, she can't kill every threat, but she can she as hell try to take out this one before he causes anymore damage. Let me know what you think.