Note: Summer is actually an OC for the Supernatural fics I write. I just figured to use her for Criminal Minds too instead of creating a whole new character from scratch. I'm lazy that way.

Also for those who asked- This is set after Devil's Night.

Last chapter!

CM/ NCIS: Phantasmagoria

"I can't believe you believe that."

The next question was posed in utter disbelief. "Why?"

"Because normally, a person would subscribe to only one religion. To believe in one or one set of gods. But by the way you're talking, you seem to believe in all of them- Ra and Brahma alike."

"That's not true, Slim." There was a small snicker. "I'm pretty sure Zeus and Jupiter's the same guy."

"But that's already a given, Sum." There was an exasperated sigh. "It simply doesn't make sense to believe in all of them. Coupled with the fact that you're a doctor. It inherently dictates that you believe in the science of world. In experiments and proofs. Because that's what medicine is. It's not divine intervention."

There was a pause. "But I do believe in divine intervention, man."


"Yeah. Like if any of the gods bothered to lift a finger..."

"So you believe in ghosts and spirits-"


"- and angels and demons-'

"Ha! Sometimes, there's no difference between them."

"- and that things are written in the stars?"

"No, bud. That right there is an Elton John song."

"So you don't believe in destiny. You believe in everything else except destiny. That's where you draw the line?"

"Hey, don't take that mocking tone with me, man. Like CERN hasn't been trying to find the God particle. For all your belief that science rules the world, you scientists sure are putting big money in proving religion," the girl sniped good naturedly. "I believe that man decides his own future. So what? What's bothering you is that I believe that there are some freaky unexplainable things out there that can't be explained by any tools on your kit. So let's use your wrenches of onservation for a second-"

Derek Morgan checked his rearview mirror to make sure it was, in fact, Summer explaining how a lot of unexplainable phenomenons actually have the consensus from the majority of ancient civilizations. She was mentioning the creepiest stuff as an example. In detail. With dates of discovery. With sources. Coupled with a few anecdotes of her own from yet unpublished researches she was obviously privied with.

Sounding eerily like her friend.

To the point that his own wing man on the passenger's seat, Penelope Garcia, faced him with wide eyes, mouthing, Seriously?

She didn't have to tell him twice. Morgan couldn't believe it what he was hearing from the backseat either. Granted, it places some of what Garcia's extensive research on Summer into light. The analyst had managed to find her name on the Thank You part of several major archeological, language, and history research papers and tens of minor works, some as recent as the year before. Even without a degree in any of subjects, it seemed that her work in that field was enough to give her a mention. Of course, Reid found out about it after a slip of a comment from Emily and he explained that his friend had lived a life most of those in the field could only dream of. She grew up in dig sites because it was her mother's field. "She learned most of history by unearthing it herself. That's experience those professors can't turn their backs on," Reid explained. "Her dad was military for a time. Her mother's an academic."

And she wants to become a surgeon, Morgan thought, keeping his eyes on the road but continued listening to mini lecture on the backseat. Once in awhile he would check on Reid, who had his face all scrunched up trying to process the logical weirdness that Summer was saying. It wasn't often he met someone that could school the kid in a certain subject like this.

"At least, he's in a better mood," Garcia leaned towards him and whispered."

"Ain't that right," Morgan replied.

Reid was in a particularly foul mood at breakfast. Snippy was the word Penelope had used. And therefore, Morgan had offered to drive them to the airport partly to make sure that Summer actually gets to the airport at all. From what he could tell this morning, there was that possibility that Reid would drive her through the craziest traffic just to get her to stay another day.

But of course, they had to pass by that place Summer mentioned- which apparently was a newly built apartment building in the Pentworth area of Georgia Avenue. A man slightly older than themselves was there to meet her, a Mr. Carter, and lead them to the third floor to show her a studio apartment. It was about 600 square feet with large windows, high ceilings, a full kitchen, washer and dryer and a breakfast bar, and a view.

That's when she broke the news to Reid that she actually applied for a one year fellowship at the Washington Hospital Center at the recommendation of her mentor Dr. Washburne. She missed her interview due to being hospitalized herself. But apparently, when she went to visit Director Vance, her interviewer was his doctor and things just went from there. In five months, she's going to be a resident of DC for at least a year. Summer had called it luck.

Whatever it was, the news brightened Reid's mood considerably. So much so that the kid started spouting the statistics of something like that happening to anyone.

"Holy crap..." Garcia had breathlessly said when she heard the rental price that Mr. Carter was offering the girl, plus all the other things he mentioned that they can change to her liking- something that had to do with salt. He was sure Reid was so shocked that he just turned to face the pair while checking the place out. He certainly was. He has a few properties so he knew the ballpark figure of how much a place like this cost to rent. It was being offered to her at an unheard of discount.

"Carter, are you nuts?" Summer had replied. "I checked on the internet how much this place rents for. I can afford it. Just charge me normal, man," she kept on insisting.

Which prompted a weird negotiation with the buyer wanting a to pay a higher price. Eventually, they settled on a middle ground but to Morgan's knowledge, it was still cheaper than most apartments in the area. Apparently, this Mr. Carter had felt sort of indebted because Summer had helped him out. "Pest control," they both had said at the same time when Reid had asked. It was fishy but he didn't go further.

Morgan had noticed that "I know a guy" seemed to be a recurring theme with her. She knew a hole in the wall Chinese noodle shop that actually made authentic hand pulled noodles because she knew the aging Chinese patriach who gave threw in an extra beef dish. They went to random bar where one of the bartenders recognized her because he used to work in some roadside bar- he gave her a free round of beer. Apparently, she didn't even have to pay to get in the special exhibits of the National Geographic Museum.

"Are you seriously saying that in every single ancient civilization, there's a description of a vampire? You're not kidding. It's not some Michael Jackson, blood disease thing?" Garcia's frightened voice cut through Morgan's thoughts.

"Yup. They all called it different things but... yeah. Pretty much," Summer answered just as they entered the airport's parking lot.

Morgan felt Garcia's hand on tugging on his shirt sleeve. "Holy scary stories, batman," she breathed.

"Doesn't mean it's all true, Baby Girl," he reassured quietly, patting her hand.

"You know, Summer, sometimes, I don't know what goes in that head of yours. Your brain has to be a really scary place," Reid finally said as he got out of the car.

"Hello. You hunt serial killers for a living," Summer shot back, reaching for her duffel bag.

"Hey, stay here. I'm going to get you a cart," Reid instructed.

"Slim, I have a half empty bag. I'm sure I can carry it all the way through without a cart," the girl argued.

"I'm getting you a cart," Reid insisted, walking away so that they had no choice in the matter.

"Aw, dammit all to hell." Morgan saw the girl sigh and lean against his car with a frown on her face. Her injuries were well hidden beneath the long sleeves of her well worn tunic and slim cut tattered jeans and the bruise on her face was barely noticiable. Chief Justice Trent was going straight to the slammer with no parole after he's released from the hospital and the reports of the case were going to be labelled top secret by the insistence of NCIS. And she was going home with fantastic news about the fellowship, so it came to suprise to Morgan to see the girl annoyed.

Of course, it was Penelope who picked it up first. "What's wrong?" the analyst asked waiting beside her.

"Can you guys do me a big, giant, favor?" Summer asked, pressing her lips together as she shook her head.

"Sure kid. As long as it's legal," Morgan answered. "What do you need?"

"Can you keep Spencer busy for a few weeks? Keep him distracted. Take him out. Make him hit on chicks," It was then that Morgan's eyes grew wide as she continued suggesting what to do, "Slip him more work. Slip him your work. Make him figure out the seventieth decimal of pi. Something. Anything to keep him from reliving last weekend in his head."

"Reid seems fine to me," Garcia said waving when Reid turned to them briefly, like he heard what the girl was saying.

"He's totally not fine and he's not going to admit it to a bunch of profilers either," Summer replied. "He's having some sort of separation anxiety."

"Doesn't that happen to just children?" Morgan asked.

"Actually, it happens to only about 5% of kids. Adults are more along the lines of 7%," she corrected quickly. "And he's starting to be one of those 7%. With all the keeping me in his line of sight, checking up on where I am and the calling and stuff. Plus the way he was this morning...," she pointed out concerned. "I'm betting dollars to donuts that he keeps seeing me get shot. And, well, that's a tough enough image without having an eidetic memory right?"

"Aw, baby, maybe he's just sad to see you go," Garcia suggested.

Summer gave them a small smile. "He might be. But what he's been doing has been a bit extreme. Even for him," she argued. "And just... When I get back to my residency, I can't answer every text and phone call at once, you know. I don't want him to worry."

Morgan eyed the young agent akwardly looking for a quarter in his pockets. "You know, McKenzie, sometimes a guy just wants to make sure that he has a person all to himself. Suddenly knowing that you know all sorts of people in DC could make a guy wonder," he said, suggestively.

A suggestion she obviously didn't pick up.

God, they were friends, Morgan thought as he sighed.

"Nah, he knows I know a lot of people in town. Mom used to teach in Georgetown before she married dad. And a lot of the academics I used to hang out with live around here," she replied. "He can hide it from you guys because he knows the signs you look for as profilers. Just trust me. He's family. Besides, it won't hurt to take him out either- just make sure to set him up with a cool babe. And it gets a few work things off your plates too. All I see is Win- Win," she said, giving them a small wink as Reid finally came over with a cart.

"What's win- win, Sum?" the youngster asked, huffing.

"The thing about letting Gunny and Vance handle whatever trouble your director's throwing your way. SecNav's totally got their back," Summer excused quickly with a smile. She gave them small goodbye hugs before following Reid towards the entrance.

Morgan watched as Reid started laughing at whatever it was Summer was telling him this time. The absolute ease that he interacted with her was still knew to his eyes. Reid wasn't like that with anyone in the BAU, not even when JJ was around. So when, the pair went through the double automatic doors of the airport, and Morgan caught Summer's blue eyes briefly, he simply gave her a nod. Sure, he'll look after the kid for her.

Spencer Reid, after all, is his family too.

When the youngster came out just a few minutes after, he was positively back to that mood he had earlier. He fidgeted with his purple scarf and shoved his hands into his coat pocket like a schoolboy that Garcia met him halfway the parking lot to give him a hug. "Look at this way, dear Vat-of-all-things-knowable. She'll be here in five months," she tried.

"Thanks, Penelope," Reid gave her a tight smile.

Morgan saw the difference immediately. The Spencer Reid they knew is back- self conscious and awkwardness intact. The one that stood a bit straighter and walked with a bit more confidence in his step left with the girl on the jetplane. Apparently, what Summer failed to mention was how her request would start when she left the city. How the hell was he suppose to keep this one occupied today? He had absolutely no time to plan.

It was then Reid's phone started beeping. He watched him clumsily fish out his phone and stare at the message for a second, confused and amused at the same time. "Morgan?" Reid called out, raising his head for a moment. "Summer says that you're taking me out?"

"Wait. Wha-" Morgan heard his own phone ring and decided to get it before he continued his answer. There was a text message with an address in H street and instruction to ask for someone named Bettina. "She'll be waiting for you. It's a burlesque club btw ;P - Summer" it said.

"Derek, where are we taking him?" Garcia prompted.

Morgan grinned. "You're going to like this, mama," he answered handing her his phone. "Yeah, we're taking you out tonight. So dress up, okay Pretty Boy? No cords allowed. In fact, why don't we hit the mall and get you something snazzy for tonight?" he said, throwing an arm around the younger agent.

"This is Summer's idea, isn't it?" he asked knowingly.

"Don't know what you're talking about, kid,"Morgan replied, starting the car. But he knew Reid was unconvinced because just as they left the parking lot, he saw the genius look out the window and to the departing planes with a thoughful smile.

"Silly girl," he heard him mumble, looking at his own phone again with a wider smile this time as he started typing a reply.

Yeah, silly girl, Morgan silently repeated to himself.

NOTE:: edit 03/01/2011- so, there was this anonymous commenter that nicely pointed out yesterday that there's no admission fee to the Smithsonian. I paused for a second and I was like- "OMG! THAT'S RIGHT! It's the Smithsonian Design museum in New York that charges admission. B, you're an idiot!" Haha so I changed it from the Smithsonian to exhibits of the NatGeo Museum. Thanks, Anonymous commenter