Story: Make Me Move
Chapter 1: A Different Kind of Dance
Beta: None
Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, Sasuke would be a ballroom dancer and Naruto would be a dirty dancer... that doesn't sound like the Naruto and Sasuke we know and love... just saying.
Warning- This will include the following: sexy characters, dirty dancing, awkward writing skills by the author, and hopefully a not to insane plot.
Naruto's dancing partner for a competition suddenly has to cancel and all is lost. Sasuke, who is also a dancer, has recently been fired, so he decides to fill in. The only problem is Sasuke is a ballroom dancer and Naruto Dirty Dances. SasuNaru
A/N: This story is defiantly dedicated to SasuNaruTLA because she was the one who gave me this idea. (PS I hope it doesn't turn out a whole pile of horse… mush...)
Chapter 1- A Different Kind of Dance
"Mr. Uchiha, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this desk." The clerk said nervously from behind the desk, she shrunk every few seconds because of the heated glare she was receiving.
"Yeah, well fuck this." Sasuke said, losing his cool. He stormed away from the booth of his former bosses company. He made his way to the middle of the isle and sat down in the remaining seat, not at all concerned about who he sat by. "They'll miss me." He vowed as he started to lean back in his chair.
"I can see why." A thoughtful voice spoke from beside him, startling the black haired boy slightly. The blond smirked and leaned back in his chair as well. "Care to tell me, a random stranger of no importance, about your troubles?"
"I just got fired from Discoveries Dance Studios for no reason." Sasuke chuckled darkly, he was the best dancer, but the son of the companies President was an 'Aspiring Dancer". Basically the man wanted to get into Sasuke's old partner's pants. "They'll regret that." He repeated again, and suddenly the blonde's eyes widened.
"You're a dancer!" The man said turning quickly towards Sasuke. When the Uchiha nodded, surprised that the ;bond hadn't noticed, or had caught on during the raven's rant; the blond continued. "What a coincidence! My partner couldn't afford the fee of dancing, so he quit." Sasuke's eyebrows rose at this, his partner was a guy? "This competiti- I was looking forward to the competition for months! He called last week telling me that he couldn't come."
"That sucks." Sasuke said, feeling the man's pain. "What company are you for?"
"I work for Konaho Arts." The blond said, suddenly he held out his hand. "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"
"Sasuke Uchiha." The blackette replied. Suddenly he was jerked out of his seat by the hyper blond.
"Care for a coffee?"
They walked across the street and into the coffee shop, sitting in the back. The waiter came and took their order, which was just plain coffee for now.
"Is there any way you could, possibly, I don't know…" Naruto cut to the chase nervously, the Uchiha chuckled.
"Fill in?" Sasuke supplied helpfully, holding back a grin.
"Yeah…" Naruto trailed off. Sasuke considered the idea in his head for a long moment, resting his elbows on the table with his chin on top, resisting the weird erge to sigh. On one hand, it was well known that Konaho was rivals to his old company and it could get some revenge if he joined. Plus the blond dancer across from him wasn't bad looking either. On the other hand, well… He couldn't think of any other reason not to join.
"Why not." Sasuke finally concluded, throwing his hands in the air; acting as carefree as he could. But in reality he was praying that he wouldn't regret he decision.
"Well, before I 'hire' you, I guess I should probably do an interview." Naruto said with one hand on his chin, his head nodding vigorously. Sasuke opened his mouth to speak, but Naruto placed a hand in front of the man's face. "So, how long have you been dancing, Mr. Uchiha?"
"Since I was 8, my parents got me into it while I was young." Naruto nodded; obviously satisfied with the answer provided, he tilted his head and leaned back; trying to think of another question. His face made an expression similar to 'EUREAKA!'
"What categories do you dance in?" Naruto asked leaning his head forward, looking down at the seat.
"I have done; fox trot, ballroom, modern… uh… A few years ago I did some Ballet…." Sasuke smiled at the memories, and shook his head quickly; trying to stay focused.
"Well it seems we have a problem." Naruto said bluntly, looking up and Naruto through his bangs and Sasuke felt a jolt go up his spine. Naruto, looked sexy?
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked quickly, trying to figure out what he had said or did wrong. After he really thought about it, a new job was just what he needed.
"Meet me at Konaho studios tomorrow at 12 and you'll find out." Naruto said writing down the address and slipping it towards Sasuke. As if on cue, the waiter brought the coffees and Naruto quickly paid, ignoring the undignified squawk that came from his coffee companion.
"Just think of it, as a favor." Naruto purred thoughtfully, before turning heel and leaving a disheveled Sasuke behind.
~ ! MAKEmeMOVE! ~
Sasuke woke up earlier than he probably should have, but what that blond had said struck a chord in his brain. "Well it seems we have a problem." He wondered what he had meant by that, even he knew that any company would be happy to have such a world renowned dancer in their program. Most companies knew his name, but why hadn't this blond?
He shook his head, and walked into his large closet, choosing carefully on what to wear. He settled on a collared dark blue shirt with the Uchiha family crest on the back. He chose some loose fitting jeans, and packed a bag in case he had to change for any type of audition. He paced around his loft, waiting until just the right time to leave the house.
He got in his Mercedes, and entered the location onto his Garmin GPS. He slowly made his way through the bustling town; suddenly glad he had lived in the city for a couple years, and that he knew the traffic tendencies.
Even as an Uchiha he had to admit the building for Konaho was pretty impressive. He adjusted his hair in the mirror and grabbed his bag, before stepping out of the car. He walked, well strutted, to the doors; which opened automatically. He made his way to the desk and waited patiently for the clerk to finish his call. As soon as he did he automatically picked up the well known line.
"Hello, how may I help you?" The suddenly energetic clerk asked, beaming at the man in front of him.
"I'm here to see Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki." The clerk beamed again, which Sasuke suddenly found insufferable.
"Okay." The clerk said opening up a folder that said 'daily appointments'. He skimmed for a second before opening Naruto's. He hand scanned down the list of names and then a light bulb moment happened across his face.
"I- I'm so sorry for the wait, Mr. Uchiha." The man stuttered and Sasuke was relieved someone had heard of him. Normally he couldn't walk down the street without people staring or asking for a photo.
"It's fine." Sasuke brushed the man off, he waved his hand dismissively. "Where do I need to g-"
"Just follow me, Sasuke." Naruto said from behind Sasuke, which caused the man to turn around quickly. He walked through the hall to the elevator. He went down 3 floors so they were underground on floor 1. The ride was silent, which made both men anxious.
"Okay so what the problem?" Sasuke asked slightly nervous. Naruto snickered, causing Sasuke to tilt his head sideways. He opened the doors and Sasuke's jaw couldn't help but fall open.
"I don't think you are in your element."
Everyone was dirty dancing. Sasuke gulped.
"Well, I've always liked a challenge."
A/N: Yeah…. I put this amazing idea off too long; I have mostly everything planned out… I just couldn't seem to type the first chapter… This is weird, because I normally write the first chapter then completely blank out…
Review my little shorties! ._. - yeah… it's a short person. (Face inspired by DrarryTLA)