I actually have an excuse this time around!
I've been working on a comic with my friend!
I know lame excuse.
I own nothing.
Word 7: Contest
"I declare war, Samantha Puckett! For Carly Shay's heart!"
"Call me Samantha again, and you'll never be able to declare anything to anyone because instead of in your mouth, your tongue is gonna be up your a-"
"Freddie, what the heck? We don't see you for a week, you bail on us for iCarly, with Gibby as camera man, and you just burst into my brother's loft, just to yell at Sam?"
"I love you too Carly! I deserve a chant to be with you!"
"This isn't about giving you a chance Freddie, I love Sam."
Sam stood up, glaring at Freddie. "Watcha gonna do about it nub?"
Freddie backed away a bit, frowning as he did.
"I... I was going to..."
"Challenge me? How? Carly isn't a prize ya nub. It's not like we play basketball and whoever wins keeps her."
Freddie stood there, with Sam's hard gaze on him, and the courage he had gathered to burst in here failed him. He didn't know what to say. He was confused and heartbroken. He had always know he would lose the contest for Carly's love, and he didn't mind so much that he lost to a girl... but Sam? She wasn't sweet, or romantic. She's rude, and always smells of bacon. She belches in people's faces, and is constantly trying to hurt him. He sighed. Love is like a game, like a contest of skill. And obviously, Sam was the only one able to climb Carly's walls, swim her moat, and fight her dragon. Sam was Carly's knight, and maybe her armor isn't shining; in fact, it's a little dirty and dented, but she was a knight nonetheless.
He smiled, and patted Sam on the shoulder.
"You won Puckett. You won the contest."
"What the hell?"
Freddie walked out of the loft, with a smile on his face, and a tear in his eye.
These last two chapters were silly. I love Freddie, he's silly.
You don't have to review, I know this was horrible...
But if you really wanna. :)