Shiro "Say it"

Me *pouts* "no"

Shiro *takes Astera's cookie* "Say it"

Me "Fine...I DONT OWN BLEACH OR ANY OF THE AWESOME CHARACTERS..Can i have my cookie back now?" *puppy face*

Ichigo *Hits shiro* "Give her back her cookie!"

Shiro *rubs head* "owww, fine i was just messin wit her" *gives bac mah cookie*

Me "Cookie! yay" =3

Ichigo looked out the window lazily, it was the last period and the teacher's voice a buzz in the background. He'd finished his work and the teacher was just talking about clubs and all that crap. He didn't join any clubs last year as a sophomore and wasn't about to start now. He barely stifled a yawn when Urahara'a sensei's comment snapped him back to reality.

"And one last thing, as of tomorrow I will be retiring and you will have a new teacher!"

There was a shocked silence as the student's gaze riveted on the teacher.

Ichigo scowled, so like Urahara sensei to spring this on them at the end of the class.

Talk bubbled forth, exclamation's of protest or excitement. Ichigo personally didn't care. Urahara sensei was creepy anyway. When school ended that day, Ichigo walked home as usual, his mind on ho much sleep he'd get tonight.

"GOOD AFTERNOON MY BELOVED SON!" Isshin Kurosaki yelled at his son attempting a flying kick.

"Ah shut up goat face." Ichigo commented as he easily dodged his father's pathetic blow. Ichigo walked into the hallway and proceeded up the stairs after telling Yuzu he was too tired to eat. He yawned and stretched as he closed the door to his room. He made his way to the adjoining bathroom in his room and took a shower, letting the hot water relax his muscles, he grabbed the vanilla shampoo and washed his hair, closing his eyes to rinse it out, then used the conditioner, when he was done he stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and rubbed his hair with another towel. He dressed in a pair of clean boxers and laid down on his bed and waited for sleep to claim him, After a few hours of just staring at his ceiling Ichigo got up with a sigh and threw on some jeans and a loose shirt and climbed onto the roof and gazed at the stars. As he stared at the heavens he realized that he was drifting off but didn't care and merely slept. As his consciousness gave way to the realm of dreams he idly wondered who the teacher replacing Urahara sensei was and what they were like.

The next morning Ichigo woke up to the feeling of a warm body pressing into his chest. He looked up and realized it was his man coon, Kon. He sat up and rubbed his face, crap he'd fallen asleep on the roof again, damn at least it hadn't rained last night. He had gotten a bit of sleep last night but not enough to be considered healthy, he just couldn't sleep well lately. Kon meowed and looked at his master, worried.

"Dont worry, Kon. I'l be fine." Ichigo said rubbing the cat.

Ichigo and Kon climbed back inside and Ichigo began getting ready for school. He reached over and put on a pair of black denim jeans that clung to his body with chains that hung on the side and a tight fitting black shirt with Tokio Hotel's symbol on it. After, he went into the bathroom and used styling gel to keep his hair out of his face, he exited the bathroom and put on his black Ed Hardy chucks. After breakfast and the morning roundoff with his father, Isshin now had a bruise on his back that looked remarkably like Ichigo's foot, Ichigo headed to school. He met up with Chad on the way there.

Chad inclined his head in greeting, "Ichigo" he said in is deep baritone voice, looking over his orange-headed friend worriedly, Chad knew, of course Chad knew. Ichigo and Chad had been friends for a while and each knew when the other wasn't doing as good as they said they were. Chad knew about the sleeping problem, and the dreams...the dreams that would leave Ichigo shaking and gasping for breath. Chad had been there to hold him when Ichigo was wrenched out his dreams, gasping and trembling, with tears running down his face during the nights when Ichigo went to Chad's place. Chad would always ask what was wrong, what he dreamt about, but Ichigo could never answer, because no matter how hard he tried the details would slip away. Ichigo looked over at Chad and sent a reassuring grin. Just then Orihime made her appearance, ran up and hugged Ichigo

"Oh my gosh Kurosaki-kun, you look so hot!" Orihime exclaimed loudly in Ichigo's ear, a cute blush on her cheeks, Ichigo grimaced, or cute to any guy that wasn't gay. Yes, Ichigo Kurosaki, hottie of the school, was gay.

Ichigo sighed, "Thanks, Orihime." Ichigo had told her time and again that he didn't like her but the persistent girl just wouldn't get the message.

Eventually they trio got to school,Ichigo waved to his friends when the bell rang, signaling first period, he day went by uneventfully, Renji and his lot had gotten into a fight with the espada again, effectively suspending the red head, along with Ikkaku, Shuuhei, and Gin. Ichigo sighed, sometimes his red-haired friend was just so stupid, oh well at least Toushiro was smart enough not to get himself suspended. As the day dragged by Ichigo was annoyed with all the girls flirting with him, didn't they get that he was fucking GAY? When sixth period finally rolled around Ichigo had actually forgotten that there was going to be a new teacher.

As the class buzzed excitedly, Ichigo took a seat in the back and gazed out of the window, waiting for class to start.

As the tardy bell rang, the door opened to reveal a man in glasses with short brown hair, the principal, Aizen-sama, entered and the entire class went silent at his entrance.

"Good morning class." Aizen-sama said as he stood in front of the now still class.

"You are aware that Urahara sensei retired therefore we have found a new teacher, he was recommended by Urahara sensei. Please welcome your new Mathmatics teacher, Shirosaki Ogichi." Aizen-sama gestured to the door as possibly the strangest man Ichigo had ever seen walked through the door.

He was bone pale with snow white hair. His eyes were gold as he surveyed the class. And perhaps the strangest thing was that he looked almost exactly like Ichigo.

The class went completely wide-eyed as many heads turned to look at Ichigo and whispering broke out.

"Very well Ogichi-sama I will leave them in your care." Aizen-sama nodded to the new teacher and walked out the door. The only sound was the teacher's rustling as he looked for something in the desk. He located it and stood up straight and stared around the class. He then proceeded to take roll call, not once pausing to look up at the class. But then as he got to Ichigo's name he stopped. His eyes widened, he looked up sharply at Ichigo.

"You are Ichigo?" He whispered. Ichigo furrowed his brows,

"Yes, sir." He murmured, confused, did he know this man?

"Hmm" He hummed, he then continued with roll call, Ichigo shrugged.

As he finished, the class began talking to each other, now ignoring the strange teacher, although most of the girls were whispering how cute he was.

Ichigo looked up at him, and blinked, the man was, grinning?

Wow he looks, really hot, Ichigo thought, then mentally face palmed himself, NO! No lusting after weird, look-a-like teachers.

Suddenly a loud bang reverberated throughout the room, some people screamed.

The new teacher stood at the head of the class, scowling, a large dictionary now on the floor at the back of the room where he has thrown it.

"Alrighty now, bitches, tha's better." He drawled. "Looky here I gotta few rules and yer either gonna listen or you can get yer asses out now." He said, as he pointed to the door. The class stared at the man, shocked. No one moved.

"Naw? Good, now rule numba one. I, am always right. Rule numba 2, If you argue with rule one I am not afraid to throw yer fucking ass out of mah room. And the last rule, If I eva see any of you bitches hurtin another student I'll rearrange yer fuckin face. Got it?" He snapped. The students nodded hesitantly, the same thought on everyone's mind, who WAS this guy? Ichigo stared at the teacher, with a rather amused stare. Huh, finally, a teacher who knew how to handle a fucking class.

Shiro's P.O.V

After my little introduction, I told the brats to get to work, they got out their math books and started on the problems I had written on the board. I went to the desk and sat down, I finally gave into the temptation and looked over at Ichigo, Christ, just my fucking luck he had to be a damn highschooler, I sighed inaudibly, why did I still want him though? And Christ, did I want him. I watched as he sighed and rubbed his eyes' I frowned, didn't he sleep last night? He had circles under his eyes, I found myself worried. My wondering was interrupted by Ukitake-sama coming in with a red haired kid who looked like he used too much hair gel.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you Ogichi but I have one of your students." Ukitake said politely.

"Alright, bring 'im in." Shiro said, lazily stretching. The red-haired kid came in and suddenly there was a VERY loud shriek.

"RENJI-KUN!" An extremely busty girl with orange-ish hair stood up and waved.

"Hey! Shut it and get back ta work!" Shiro snapped. The spiky haired kid turned to him and looked like he was gonna say something before a weary voice sounded out.

"Renji shut it and get your ass over here, Orihime be quiet and sit down." Ichigo tiredly. Orihime blushed and sat down while Renji reluctantly went to sit next to Ichigo. Shiro blinked and cocked his head to the side. Something about the way the kid talked sounded so...dejected. He shook his head and went back to his work.

Okeydokey! I know it wasn't very long but I promise ta work harder on longer chapters! sooooooo just press that little clicky thing down there and review!

Shiro *rubs ear* "ugh please so she'll stop screaming"

Me *glares* "Shut up snowflake! Or no Ichi action for you!"

Shiro *shuts up*