Support 2

Heath and Florina.

Hi folks. Glad you waited for me. What's that? You just clicked because it was new? Well it doesn't matter

This…will be my first romance fic…and my first pairing. Please tell me if the characters are OOC. But I really want to do a support between those two. People tend to ship Heath with Fiora, but in my head, FLorina makes more sense.

Rank C.

"Hm? A wyvern?" wondered the petite Pegasus Knight, Florina. She is looking at a sleeping wyvern underneath the trees. She knows she shouldn't get near it…especially since the group is in Bern territory. For all she knows, it could be a Bern soldier's wyvern. She should probably leave soon…

"Hm? Is someone there?" said a man's voice. Florina cringes and quickly hides behind a tree. A man with green hair, wearing flyer's armor, and carrying a sack of feed approaches his wyvern. "Sorry it took me so long Hyperion. I had to pay extra for the feed for Merlinus."

Florina looks at the man and recognizes him as Heath, a native of Bern. She watches Heath feeds the flying reptilian without hesitation. However, she accidentally steps on a branch causing a sharp cracking noise. The wyvern suddenly becomes alert and looks around.

"Hold on Hyperion. It's probably just a stray animal." said Heath. He quietly feeds his loyal partner unaware that Florina is watching him.

She accidentally sticks out her head too much, a mistake on her part. For Heath notices her.

"Huh? Um, excuse me." said Heath to Florina.

"Eep! I-I'm sorry…" she said it so quietly that Heath couldn't hear it. Heath was about to ask what she said, Florina already ran off.

"…What did I do wrong Hyperion?" asked Heath to his wyvern.

Rank B.

A week had passed after that encounter. Florina is getting some feed for her Pegasus, Makar. Still she feels kinda bad for what happened last week. She resolves to apologize to Heath when she gets the chance.

Speak of the devil.

Florina sees Heath petting gently to Makar.

Heath didn't realize Florina is watching him again until she said, "Sir Heath?"

Heath quickly turns around and pauses. He feels very awkward and says, "Forgive me…I…er…was just curious about your Pegasus…and…"

"N-No, I should be the one to apologize. I ran off without giving you an apology." said Florina.

"It's alright…really…it's only natural…some people of the army are afraid…since I was trying to be a Black Fang member."

"What? But…you're so kind…and…you're a good knight…" said Florina.

"…Thank you…um…"

"My name…is Florina." She manages to say her name without stuttering to a male.

"Uh…thank you Florina…and…since we're both flyers…we should…stick together during battle."

"Ye-yes, that does sound like a good idea. I'll talk to my sisters about it." said Florina encouragingly.

"Sounds good…I'll talk to Emiri about it. I'll see you around." Heath walks away to Merlinus's tent where Emiri is most likely trying to find a new axe for Lowen. Once Heath is gone, Florina quietly whispers to Makar, saying

"He's such a noble person, isn't he Makar?"

Rank A

Emiri agreed to Heath's plan and deploys the Pegasus sisters and the Wyvern Rider to battle. Soon the three sisters start to trust Heath more…especially Florina.

During the group's visit for Ostia, Florina sees Heath staring at the endless blue sky. Apparently, Heath is thinking about something.

Florina sits by Heath on top of the hill overlooking the city. Neither of them said a word for what seems a long time.

Finally, one of them said something.

"This is such a nice view." said Florina.

"Yes…it certainly is." replied Heath.

Again, silence.

Florina doesn't what to intrude into peoples' personal life, but she has to know what is bothering her friend.

"Is something the matter Sir Heath?" asked the Pegasus Knight.

"Was just thinking…what to do after the war." said Heath. He continues to stare at the blue sky and continues explaining. "I can't go back to Bern now and I'm not cut out to be a mercenary."

Florina doesn't say a word.

"…All my life…I wanted to be a knight…for the people…now that dream is impossible…" he said solemnly.

"…Wait…I can ask Lyn to see if you can enlisted as knight for Caelin." suggested Florina.

"W-What?" Heath wasn't expecting this at all "A-Are you sure?"

"Of course!" said Florina confidently "You're a noble person and good friend. I'm sure Lyn will accept you as a knight of Caelin."

"…Thank you Florina…"

Ending: After the war, Heath carries out his duties in the name of Caelin along with Florina. When Lyndis abdicated rule to Ostia, Heath and Florina return to Illia where they continue to do mercenary work. Heath was going to propose to Florina…but both died while defending their homelands.

Yeah, not very good *laughs*guess that means I shouldn't do romance fics. I'm not satisfied with this. I should just stick to friendships and family pairings cause that was pretty awful.

Next chapter will be for Sacred Stones, which in mu opinion, is a very underrated game. It won't be romance…more like family.

Should I continue? State your opinions in the reviews. Logging out.