Okay, here's the deal. You all write fan mail (reviews) to Harry, Ron, Hermione, or any of the other characters in the Harry Potter series, and they'll answer your questions here.

I'll choose at least three peoples' questions each week (depending on how long it takes to get my geometry homework done). If you want, you can put a name you want me to use on your review. Otherwise I'll just use your screen name.

Dares for the characters are welcome!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that J.K. Rowling made up.

"Oh, look. It's yet another letter from someone happy that Harry saved the world!" Ginny said as she untied a scrappy and torn-looking envelope from the leg of an equally disgusting-looking owl. Ron cleared his throat and Ginny added quickly, "Of course, Ron helped to save the world."

Ginny handed the envelope to Harry, who ripped it open. His brow furrowed.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Well, it's just that this letter isn't for us at all, in fact, it's addressed to Malfoy!"

"What!" Ron gasped.

"Yes, look here: it says 'Dear Harry, Will you please ask Draco Malfoy this question for me?'" Harry said.

"Well, what does he want you to ask Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"Actually it's a she. It's signed Kyra. She wants me to ask Malfoy who the love of his life is. Can you imagine that? Malfoy in love? He always seemed the type to be in love with himself, not anyone else," Harry grinned at Ginny.

"Hmmm. I'd like to find out who Malfoy fancies himself in love with…" Ron mused, "It should be a laugh anyway!"

"Yes! Let's find out. I've got a plan," Hermione said. It turned out her plan wasn't very complex, but it was dependent on the fact that Draco was living at Malfoy Manor.

"Okay, Harry. Here's your floo powder," Ginny said, giving Harry a handful of what looked like dark green ashes.

He stepped into the Weasley's fireplace and declared, "Malfoy Manor," before disappearing in a billow of green fire.

It turned out that Malfoy wasn't at Malfoy Manor, and the only living creature in the house, besides some creepy-crawlies, was a small and ugly house elf. The Malfoy family had purchased her after Harry had tricked Lucius Malfoy into granting Dobby freedom.

"Hello," Harry said cautiously to the little wrinkly bundle of rags.

The house elf glanced furtively from side to side, as if looking to make sure her master wasn't listening.

"Hello, Harry Potter," she said in a quiet velveteen voice.

"You know who I am?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Of course Sneezy knows who Harry Potter is. All house elves do, sir," the house elf replied proudly, puffing up her tiny, bony chest. "Harry Potter is a hero, sir."

"Thank you, Sneezy. Now, I was wondering if you could tell me where Draco Malfoy is." Harry asked.

"Sneezy cannot tell Harry Potter where young Master Malfoy is. Sneezy is forbidden." Sneezy said sadly.

"You can tell me, Sneezy. It can be our secret," Harry whispered. At the word 'secret,' the house elf's huge chocolate brown eyes lit up.

"A secret, Harry Potter? A secret of Harry Potter and little lowly Sneezy?"

"Yes. Would you like that, Sneezy?"

"Sneezy would like that very much, sir," her tiny body shook with excitement. She glanced around once more, and motioned Harry close with a long, rather dirty finger. He knelt down, and she stood on her tiptoes to reach his ear. She whispered into it very softly. "Master Draco is at his Auntie Shelly Coddleman's house, sir. He is there with Master Malfoy and the Mistress."

"Do you know where Shelly Coddleman might live, Sneezy?" Harry asked.

"Sneezy doesn't know, sir," Sneezy said. "Harry Potter must keep his word and keep his secret with Sneezy secret."

"Yes, Sneezy. I wouldn't dream of telling," Harry said reassuringly. Sneezy sighed gratefully, and resumed dusting the long ebony dining table. Harry stepped back into the fireplace, unsure of what to say. He decided to try simply "Shelly Coddleman's house," and he vanished.

He appeared in the kitchen of a cheery–looking cottage. He thought something must have gone extremely wrong. Harry couldn't imagine anyone related to the Malfoys living in a house like this. He seemed to be quite mistaken, because just as he made up his mind to go back to the Burrow, he heard a familiar voice. A voice he had grown to loath.

"What is all that racket?" came Draco Malfoy's voice, and in a half a second, his figure had appeared in the door frame. "Potter," he spat, "I should have known. How did you find us? Nevermind that." He whipped out his wand, "Now go, before I kill you."

"Listen, Malfoy, I don't want to fight. I just came to ask you a question," Harry said calmly, despite the wand pointed at his throat.

"Yeah, right. And next Weasley will be showing up, claiming he just came to ask my sister to marry him. I don't even have a sister!" Malfoy snarled.

"I didn't say anything about a sister you may or may not have," Harry said.

"I don't have a sister!" Malfoy growled.

"Okay. Good. You don't have a sister. That's not really the issue." Harry said, wondering why Malfoy was so adamant about it. "See, look," he added, pulling the tattered piece of parchment from his trouser's pocket, and handing it to Draco.

"Ha! Like I'd tell you that!" Draco said, reading the letter. "Go. Now. You have until I count to three. Otherwise you'll be dead within the minute. One."

"But…" Harry started.

"Two," Harry decided not to argue, and stepped into the fireplace. He vanished a millisecond before Malfoy said 'three.'

Draco, alone again, slumped back against the wall. 'How cruel the world is. What a cruel joke to play on a pureblood boy from a renowned pureblood family. Imagine what they would think if they knew I was in love with a squib. Ahhh, my darling Sophia…' he thought to himself.

R&R Please! Bitte! Por favor?