Alright, I am ready to get back into the writing game. Hold onto your horses people it's going to be a bumpy ride.

"Espada?" Ichigo asked, sitting up, drawing his knees to his chest and cocking his head at Grimmjow. Grimmjow raised himself up onto his elbows and nodded.

"We're..fighters, i guess you could call it. Espada is the group name, we're each ranked by numbers, one being the strongest and ten being the weakest. We each have fighters ranking under us called fraccion." Grimmjow explained,

"Oh, I see, what rank are you?" Ichigo asked, grinning.

"Heh, I'm the sixth Espada, the sexta." Grimmjow purred the last bit, smirking predatorily. Ichigo flushed and huffed, looking away.

"So, where do I fit in in all this?" Ichigo wondered, almost to himself, was he a fraccion?

"We don't know yet, you were going to start your training soon but now I guess we'll have ta wait huh?" Grimmjow teased, Ichigo just looked at him annoyed.

"So you guys are what... a gang?" Ichigo asked.

"Well sorta. On the outside, we look like a company that extends from one corner of the market to another, clothes, food, art, music, you name it, Las Noches has got it." Grimmjow said, rolling his eyes.

"Las Noches?" Ichigo said questioningly.

"Our company, you're actually in it, this is a wing of the building. As you can imagine, most of us get pretty banged up on our jobs. We're on an Island off the coast of Japan called Hueco Mundo." Grimmjow said, but before Ichigo could respond the door opened to reveal a pink haired man in a white lab coat that hugged his form slightly. He looked up as he entered and grinned at the teen on the bed.

"Feeling any better, Ichigo?" He asked, coming over and pressing his hand to the orange haired youths forehead. Ichigo nodded slightly, trying not to jostle the hand on his head.

"Yes, thank you..." Ichigo glanced over at Grimmjow.

"Thats Szayel Ichi, he's your doctor." Grimmjow supplied, Szayel grinned and nodded saying,

"And I'm happy to say Ichigo seems to have made a full recovery, I'm glad, you've been asleep a long time." Szayel said, patting the orange head, flicking his eyes to Grimmjow, a question in his gaze..

"I've reminded him about all of us, that he lives here, and how his training has been put on hold for a while." Grimmjow said to Szayel, guilt reared it's head again at the lie, making him look away.

Szayel hummed in understanding, so Grimmjow had manufactured a past for the boy. He sighed and proceeded to give a full checkup in case he missed something in his earlier analysis, however unlikely. About ten minutes later the pink haired man puled away, a satisfied grin on his face. Ichigo looked at the man, and asked,

"So I'm alright?" Szayel nodded, Ichigo let out a breath.

"What was wrong anyway?" He asked confused.

"Tetanus, a disease that comes from rusty metal penetrating the skin and getting into the bloodstream, causing the body to sieze up and spasm." Szayel replied briskly, removing the plastic gloves and throwing them away.

"Oh, how did it happen?" Ichigo asked, slightly glad he didn't remember that part.

"You got into a fight." Grimmjow said, gruffly.

"But how did I lose my memory?" Ichigo inquired, Szayel looked thoughtful and said

"I suppose that your history of fighting could have something to do with it, perhaps your mind and body just finally snapped with the strain, it's tricky to say. Minds are fickle things." Szayel replied smiling.

"Oh, I see, will I remember anything?" Ichigo asked, smiling slightly at the joke, Szayel paused minutely but replied swiftly,

"It's rather doubtful, your version of Tetanus was extreme." Then, seeing the downcast expression on the boy's face, he added "But don't worry, Ichigo, no one will fault you for it. It just means we'll all have to get to know each other again." The man was cheerful in his words but deep down, he couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of guilt in his heart when the teenagers eyes brightened. With a forced smile Szayel left the room, his thoughts swirling in his head. Ichigo certainly was a little bit of something else, Szayel shook his head, he had a feeling Ichigo would change things.

Grimmjow opened the door to his house, the apartment he had first taken Ichigo to had just been temporary, he didn't stay there often. No, this was his place. Ichigo entered after the man and stared, eyes wide. The flat was open, wide. A large dark blue lounge couch with a footrest dominated the area, a matching rug underneath on top of the hardwood floor, in front of the couch was a black low coffee table, and last was a flat screen t.v on top of a black entertainment center that matched the coffee table.

The kitchen was connected openly to the living room with a bar cutting the room in half,, behind it was a sink and stove connected to the bar by a counter that curved so that the bar was in front and the other two were in the back, the silver metal refrigerator was next to the sink. It all looked very clean, and very, very expensive.

The walls were a light sky blue that made Ichigo feel like he was outside. He turned at a chuckle and saw Grimmjow leaning against the couch with a smirk.

"Ya like it?" He asked, Ichigo blushed and nodded.

"It suits you." He replied softly, and indeed it did, the room seemed to make the blue haired man stand out even more, intensifying his presence, it was obvious where the decorator had gotten his idea for the apartment, because Grimmjow's cerulean blue eyes were staring into Ichigo's. They made his stomach turn in knots and fire race in his veins.

Grimmjow smirk widened and reached out to pull Ichigo flush to him. Ichigo, not expecting it, let out a small gasp of surprise. Grimmjow adopted a grin and leaned down to whisper huskily in his ear.

"Ya haven't even seen the best part yet." Ichigo blushed as Grimmjow tugged him over to a set of stairs Ichigo had missed next to the kitchen, they climbed the stairs, Grimmjow leading him by the hand. Ichigo could do nothing but go along with the motion, hyperaware of Grimmjow's hand in his. They came upon a hallway, Grimmjow went to a door and opened it, it opened into a bedroom, the walls were a matching blue, in the middle of the room was a large king sized canopy bed, the blankets were similar to the ones back in the other apartment. A nightstand stood next to it and there was a sliding door that Ichigo assumed was a closet.

"T-the bedroom?" Ichigo squeaked (manly he would demand), nervously. Was this what Grimmjow had meant?

Grimmjow chuckled and looked over his shoulder, smirking mischievously,

"Thinkin' rather dirty aren't we Ichi?" He said seductively and Ichigo blushed harder than he already was. Grimmjow just smirked wider and continued tugging Ichigo farther into the room to a glass door ichigo hadn't noticed. Grimmjow opened the door and tugged Ichigo in front of him, covering his eyes with a hand, Ichigo inhaled in surprise and brought his hands up to grasp at Grimmjow's forearms to ground himself as they stepped forward. Ichigo could hear seagulls and smell brine, were they outside then?

Grimmjow leaned in to murmur in his ear, "I love this place, its a good place to think if you ever have too many thoughts in your head." At that moment he removed his hand, allowing Ichigo to see the beautiful sight before him. The orange haired teen gasped, casting wondering eyes onto the view.

The balcony extended over the ocean, beautiful blue waters sparkled and crested in the wind and the setting sun lit the sky on fire, painting the blue to an intense orange that mixed with yellow so that at times you didn't know which color was which. The light clouds looked like wisps of white smoke, floating across the sky lazily. Ichigo was amazed, stunned beyond words. He heard the crashing of the waves upon the rocks below them that sounded like the sea was laughing, a light breeze caressed his face, bringing the smell of the sea even more, it whispered words he couldn't quite catch. The wind seemed to swirl around them, ruffling his hair. Ichigo leaned over the railing and saw the crashing waves spray up as if it was jumping up at them, trying to reach up to them with its white foam fingers. Ichigo looked up with a small excited laugh, trying to see it all at once.

A pressure on his hand reminded Ichigo that he wasn't alone. He looked over to Grimmjow with excitement and mirth shining in his eyes, on his lips curved a wide smile. Grimmjow chuckled and moved closer, pulling Ichigo so that one arm was around the boy's waist and the other brought his hand to Grimmjow's lips.

"I didn't think you would like it so much. I'm glad I was wrong." He breathed. Ichigo shivered, the breath hot on his skin and he looked up at Grimmjow saying softly

"It's so beautiful, I love it." Grimmjow smiled at the lithe teen in his arms, happy the boy liked it so much. Their eyes locked onto each other, the sea breeze danced around them, happiness flowed into Grimmjow, and it was all because of the younger male in his arms, Grimmjow was struck by how beautiful the orange haired youth was right now, his face illuminated by the setting sun and his bright orange hair was lit on fire as bright, honey eyes peered up at him. Unable to resist, Grimmjow brought his hand up to Ichigo's hair and caressed it, gently pulling his fingers through the silky strands slowly. Ichigo looked solidly up at him and leaned into the touch, placing his hands on Grimmjow's chest.

Grimmjow trailed his hand to the back of Ichigo's head, all the while Ichigo smiled with a soft, easy gaze. Grimmjow tilted Ichigo's head up and leaned down slowly, hovering over that tempting mouth, giving the boy time to pull away. When Ichigo didn't, Grimmjow moved closer and pressed his lips over the nineteen year olds'.

The kiss was soft and gentle and contentment reverberated throughout Ichigo at the feeling, he put his arms around Grimmjow's neck and clung to him. Grimmjow inhaled through his nose and tightened his grip on the boys waist, bringing him up with one arm as the taller man straightened. He tilted his head and swiped his tongue across the bottom lip above him, Ichigo groaned and parted his lips and felt the man below him's tongue enter and devour him, Grimmjow's tongue coaxed Ichigo's to come out to twine together.

Grimmjow pulled at the locks beneath his hand, earning him a moan from Ichigo who nipped his tongue gently, Grimmjow groaned and pulled harder, intoxicated with the college student's taste. Sweet and cool, but an underlay of spicy fire that was easily addicting, the boy was just as responsive as last time and, although this was the third time they had kissed, the electricity came back just as strong as before.

Ichigo was overwhelmed, Grimmjow's taste, that he was sure he had tasted before, made him gasp. He moaned as Grimmjow gripped his hair, his legs had wrapped around the larger males torso when he had been hoisted up. Grimmjow backed up until they were in the bedroom, Grimmjow twisted while he was falling so Ichigo landed under him on the bed with an 'oomph'.

Soon, air became annoyingly necessary, they broke apart gasping. Ichigo leaned his head forward and buried his head in Grimmjow's neck, panting. Grimmjow tightened his grip on Ichigo and nuzzled the orange hair. Grimmjow raised himself up onto his hands and looked down at the boy below him, the picture of Ichigo flushed and panting made him groan, he leaned down and attacked the arched neck. Ichigo whined as Grimmjow's teeth found a sensitive was so hard right now, and judging by the hardness pressed against his own, so was Grimmjow. Ichigo arched as Grimmjow bit the heated flesh beneath his teeth, twin groans were heard as their clothed erections pressed together.

"G-grimmjow.." Ichigo moaned, clutching at the blue haired man desperately.

Skin to skin contact made them moan as Grimmjow removed their shirts, tossing them onto the floor. Grimmjow kissed and licked the sun-kissed skin, leaving love-bites in his wake. The taller man unbuttoned the boys pants and drew them down, they joined the shirts on the floor. Ichigo, brought his hand up to press against Grimmjow's chest.

"Wait, have we, um-" Ichigo stuttered, looking away nervously, blushing even harder

Grimmjow leaned down to kiss the blushing boy lightly, drawing away and saying,

"We haven't done anything yet Ichi, and we don't have to do anything you don't want to." Ichigo looked relieved and nodded, Grimmjow smirked and added,

"Though that doesn't mean I still cant make you scream my name." Ichigo couldn't help but moan at the low growl, Grimmjow swiftly pulled the boy's boxers off, Ichigo gasped as the cool air hit his member. Grimmjow hovered over the boy's cock, flicking his tongue out laving it over the heated flesh and trailed his fingers over the quivering thighs. The gasps and moans the younger male let out were delicious, Grimmjow doubted that his little berry knew just how utterly irresistible he looked, flushed and panting under his fingers. Without warning Grimmjow slid his mouth completely over the boy's member.
Ichigo arched and practically screamed when Grimmjow took him in completely. Grimmjow peered up at the flustered boy and hummed, making Ichigo let out a choked moan at the sensation.

"Fuck! Grimmjow!" He cried, Grimmjow hummed again and started making a slow bobbing motion, relishing in the cries and moans he tore from Ichigo. Soon the boy locked his muscles and cried out loudly as he came. Grimmjow felt the warm seed hit the back of his throat and swallowed.

Grimmjow pulled himself up and looked down at the spent boy, Ichigo was panting slowly and flushing, it was an arousing sight that made his hard cock twitch almost painfully. Grimmjow smirked at the sight of the boy slowly falling asleep and knew he'd have to take care of his little 'problem' somewhere else. Grimmjow moved the boy to the middle of the bed and pulled the blankets over him. Then he grabbed a towel and made his way to the bathroom.

When Ichigo woke in the morning he felt very sleepy and sated, he smiled slightly and burrowed deeper in the heat that surrounded him, he heard a low chuckle and cracked his eyes open slightly to see Grimmjow peering at him with a lazy smirk planted on his face, the bluenett's arms tightened around Ichigo as he blushed.

"Hi" Grimmjow said lowly.

"Hey" ichigo said sleepily, yawning. Grimmjow chuckled and bent his neck to kiss Ichigo.

Suddenly a loud noise pierced the silence, a loud knocking. Grimmjow growled and unwrapped himself reluctantly from Ichigo and got up slowly. Ichigo snuggled back into the covers, Grimmjow smiled at the adorable sight, but scowled at the continued knocking, which got louder. He stumbled out of the bedroom and went downstairs sleepily, yawning.

As he wrenched the door open he snapped, "What?"

"Aww Grimmy-kun! why are you so mean to me!" A woman with sea green hair exclaimed, pouting.

Grimmjow sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes, leaning on the door frame "Shut up Nel, its too early for this."

"But Grimmy! Szayel said you had a friend over and I wanted to meet them!" Nel said, jumping.

Grimmjow growled, Damn Szayel and his big mouth, he was about to tell Nel to go the fuck away when a sleepy voice interrupted him.

"Grimmjow? Who's that?" Ichigo yawned, Ichigo was wearing a pair of grimmjow's sweatpants that rode low on his hips, Grimmjow smirked and said

"It's no one Ichi, go back ta bed."

"Heeeey! Im not no one!"

"Nel, it's too early in the morning for this shit."

"Well, you're grumpy this morning aren't ya?

"Thats because you woke me up woman!" He snapped, suddenly he felt Ichigo come beside him and Nel's attention snapped to him, she grinned excitedly,

"Hey Ichi! Szayel told me you were sick so I came over to see how you were doing!"

"Oh, well, thanks ah, Nel" Ichigo stammered, grinning slightly, Nel smiled and turned back to Grimmjow her face becoming more serious,

"Im actually here because Aizen-sama sent me, he wants to meet with you two today." Grimmjow sighed but nodded,


Nel grinned again and bounced off, waving goodbye she got in her silver porsche and peeled out of the driveway Grimmjow shook his head and shut the door.

Ichigo was standing a few feet away, staring at the floor with his brow furrowed.

"Its not gonna burst into flames Ichi," Grimmjow said in his ear, Ichigo jumped and smacked his arm, huffing.

"I know that Baka, I just- I was trying to see if I remembered her." He said softly.

Grimmjow's face softened and he pulled Ichigo against him.

"It'll be okay Ichi, we'll help you. We wont leave you." He said soothingly.

"Promise?" Ichigo said hesitantly

"I promise." Grimmjow murmured and meant it.

"Okay." Ichigo said smiling.

"Now, we should go meet with Aizen pretty soon so lets get dressed yeah?" Grimmjow said.

"Awwwww, do I have to?" Ichigo said playfully.

Grimmjow growled, "Yes, because only I can see you like this."

Ichigo shivered pleasurably and tilted his head back to look at Grimmjow,

"Oh really?" he countered

Grimmjow leaned down and captured those pouty lips in a possessive kiss.

"Yes." He breathed.

"Alright then!" Ichigo said grinning, twisting out of Grimmjow's arms and winking.

"I guess I'll have to go put on clothes then." He said heaving a dramatic sigh and darting up the stairs.

Grimmjow was left stunned at Ichigo's playful behavior, then he grinned madly, dashing up the stairs after Ichigo. Aizen was gonna have to wait a little while.