It's been a while. I've been busy writing Stop and Stare (God, I really love that series); so I'm sorry for the delay! I'm also sorry that this is short.

We munched on the strawberry shortcake, curled up on my couch. The television flickered, and on screen people were running around in chaos.

"I can't believe we started a forest fire." I breathed out, sipping my hot cocoa.

Cooper shrugged. He was playing checkers with himself, and shoveling cake into his mouth at the same time. "People start forest fires all the time."

"No they don't; this is the wettest town in America - we haven't had a forest fire in like . . . forever."

"I thought they did. Oh, well."

I looked at him, eyes narrowing. "Cooper, we burnt down the edge of our town. I don't see how you're so casual about this."

"And so school will probably be out for a few days; people will love us!" He said.

I rolled my eyes, but I'll give him that. No school was always a plus.

We got bored of the news after a while, and I switched off the television. It was pretty late anyways, so I ushered Cooper out of my house.

I would have called Alice, but Charlie had taken my cellphone away because I was grounded - you know, because of the whole stabbing thing.

Instead, I resolved on visiting her tomorrow morning.


Alice's POV

Despite my pissy mood, I could help but burst out laughing at the scene before me.

Rosalie was sitting outside, stretched comfortably on a lawn chair with a magazine. She was shining a flashlight on herself.

"Rose, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Sun tanning." She replied, flipping her page with just one finger.

"Er . . ." I said, looking up at the overcast sky. I decided not to ask. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you."

"Who doesn't?" Rose said.

"About Bella." I continued.

Rose snapped her magazine shut.

"Oh, you mean the girl that Edward stalks and you revealed our most important secret to? That one, stupid girl who talks too much and then not at all; who was born 70 years after you; who could end our family with her crazy-as-shit friend who seems to know about us too; that human chick who you all seem to be obsessed with?" She said with a sarcastic sneer.

I faltered a little bit. "Uhh- yeah, her." I said.

Rose hopped up to her feet, holding her flashlight and magazine close to her chest. "Not interested. Bye!" She said, smiling. Then she disappeared, and I heard a door slam shut somewhere inside the house.

I sighed. Fine; I would just have to bring this to Edward.

As I entered Edward's room, Miley Cyrus drummed in my ears from his laptop.

Edward was sitting in the middle of his floor, multitasking. One hand was expertly knitting a tiny green sweater, the other hand was flipping through pages in his scrapbook, and his mouth was belting out lyrics from The Climb.

"I don't want to talk about Bella, Alice." He said, not looking up from his activities.

I arched an eyebrow. "Well, it looks you do." I said, indicating his scrapbook.

The current page was labeled "Bella eats."

It was a compilation of Bella, well, eating. The pictures were categorized by the foods she was consuming - pastas with the pastas, salads with the salads; that sort of stuff. The next page was close ups of her chewing. Wow.

"If you're going to judge me, you can leave." He muttered, reading my thoughts.

I side-stepped a furry Edward - yes, Edward named one of his cats Edward, and sat on his bed.

Waiting, I giggled at the vision of Edward trying to place the sweater he was knitting on cat-Edward - the sweater was much too small. Vampire-Edward snarled.

"Well, spit it out." He breathed.

"You already know what I'm thinking." I said.

"Alright, well the answer is no."

"Why not?"

"You'll eat her." Edward said, and I crossed my arms. "No one has more control than I do." He stated.

"I haven't eaten her thus far." I countered.

"But you will."

"I'm the one with the visions, Edward. Death by Alice isn't on the list." I pressed on. "And if Jasper's right-"

"-If Jasper's right, then that would be terrible." He finished.

"For you." I said.

"No, for her." He responded, looking at me with a stern eye.

The perfect picture of seriousness was ruined however, because another cat scurried up Edward's outstretched arm and perched upon his bushy hair.

"Nice." I muttered.

Edward's glare broke, only to be replaced by a scowl. "Nobody understands me!" He yelled, turning his back on me, cat still on top of his head.

I received the vision of him slamming his door to my back, and decided I would beat him to the punch. I was out of his room in half a second.

I was barely out of the house as Jasper was entering, and I halted in front of him.

"He's playing Miley Cyrus; you must really have upset him." Jasper said, grinning.

I shrugged. "It was playing before I got there."

Jasper shrugged too. We would never understand our brother; at least he got that right.

"Are you still confused?" Jasper asked me.

"I'm not confused." I replied.

"Good." He said, smirking. "Because I can hear Bella's truck coming this way."


Bella's POV

I shifted my feet as I sat in the truck. It was pulled into the Cullens' driveway, but I had spent the last 10 minutes building up nerve to go in. The need to move, however, was dashed because Alice walked out of her house and stopped at my window.

"Hi." She said.

I gulped. Here goes nothing, regardless of that fact that my sentence came out at light speed. "Hi Alice I drew you a picture and I also wanted to see you wanted to hang out and possibly get dinner and it's not a date because I'm not gay and I know you don't eat but we can get dinner anyways and possibly a movie and then we can get dinner. You also look lovely and smell like rainbows."

Alice blinked and before she could get a word in, I shoved my picture into her hands.

Damn this nervousness!

She inspected the picture, and I relaxed as a smile broke out across her features.

"You drew this?" She asked me.

I nodded.

"Why is Edward under the tree?" She questioned, pointing to the sparkly Edward.

Okay, maybe I didn't draw that picture; maybe it was the one that Edward had given me a few days ago. She didn't need to know that, right?

"Because he's part of your family and I really believe in family values." I smiled.

Alice reached into my car and hugged me, and Bohemian Rhapsody played in my head because I was just that happy.

"That's really sweet of you, and the picture is perfect. You're really good at drawing."

"Thanks," I said. "So . . ."

"Dinner sounds great." She said.


"Did you want to go now?" Alice asked.

I smiled sheepishly. "If that's okay with you."

"That's fine."

"Okay, we need to take Cooper home first." I said. On cue, Cooper emerged from the back of the truck, smiling.

Alice looked confused. "Uhh,"

"Bella made me come." He explained.


Cooper grinned, and winked at Alice. "To make sure she wouldn't turn back."

About time Bella starts making her moves, eh?