Maharl100: Guess who just updated :3

Goku: No not this story again.. T-T

Taoren46: What happened to updating more frequent.

Maharl100: It fell though XD

Sanzo: Like most things you do.

Maharl100: yup :D I was about to work on it a week ago but never found inspiration to come up with something good for the story (That I'm making up as I go, Yaaaay for not plotting things out.)

Hakkai: Perks of having such a creative mind I assume.

Gojyo: What with the sudden update then.

Maharl100: Honestly this Chapter was inspired by what I saw on the site my anime list . net under the later tab of upcoming anime. I saw it. Though it doesn't have an air date, Lets all pray for Saiyuki reload blast anime and then hope for English adaption I need my Yuri Lawenthal Goku. Who voices a lot of Chars I like. lol Anyway lets get on to the chapter. Goku turned into a girl Chapter 12 enjoy.

After everything that had happened that night. Jumpy was laid on to the bed, unconscious. The boy had really knocked him out cold, hours passed since the boy had left. Goku had explained to the others that he had came telling him what he knew leaving out the Popsicle bit. Goku sat at the table cross-legged. The words that mystery boy said remained fresh in his mind. 'Hell, I don't even know if there is a cure.' Staring out the window Goku looked at the moon. His mind wondered back to the day of the dart, before that fight. Goku replayed the memory of the event before hand in his head.

"Sanzo, I'm hungry can we break for food now." Goku leaned forward hugging Sanzo from behind. "Then we'd have to camp out monkey." Sanzo hissed annoyed. Goku groaned leaning back into his seat. Just before a thud hit his lap. Making him jolt in surprise to see a gold apple sitting in his lap. Goku looked around along with Gojyo. "Must of rolled down the hill." Gojyo concluded. Goku laughed anyway. "I'm so lucky." He smiled biting into the apple with out a second thought. Gojyo snorted a laugh, "Yeah, yeah." Goku swallowed but soon shook his head throwing the apple. Spitting at the air, and rubbed his tongue. "Eww that was gross." Sanzo cracked a smirk, "Your own damn fault, for eating an apple you don't know wheres been." Hakkai chuckled, "Please re-frame from eating anything else that falls into your lap from now on Goku." Goku sighed, "But I'm so hungry." he whined. "Well it looks like you'll be waiting longer." Sanzo's voice caught their attention. Goku and Gojyo looked up seeing the horde of demons waiting for them.

Goku sighed, coming back to the present, shifting his attention back to Jumpy who whimper shifting on the bed. "Jumpy probably knows more about him..."

Jumpy sat up on the bed with a whimper. "Ouch, he hits hard.." shaking his head his ear flopped around.

"Dose it hurt Jumpy?" Goku's head turned to his bed where Jumpy was laying. Jumpy looked to Goku, and quickly averted his eye's. After he was caught lying to him how could he bring himself to look at him. "Jumpy?" Getting up Goku made his way to his bed and looked at Jumpy, for any bruises. "You don't look hurt." Jumpy face lowered, how could he act as though it never happened. "That's good I was worried, you been out hours." Goku smiled relieved.

"But I..."

"You had your reason, that boy left a note in between your collar when he knocked you out." Goku turning back to the window. "Who was he anyway?"

Jumpy looked down., finally he sat and looked up to Goku. "He's the guardian of the apple. He goes by the name Aoi Kaida."

"Kaida... That's a weird name for a boy." Goku thought folding his arms think about the name.

"That cus' its not a boys name." explained Jumpy. "Did you think you were the only one in that boat." Jumpy sat preparing to explain.

"Then he.."Goku looked down remembering the apple they were speaking of. "Jumpy tell me everything you know about him don't leave anything out."

"I don't know much about him, to be honest he doesn't know much either himself." Jumpy turned his head to look at Goku. "He's been in this boat a lot longer then you. An I mean a lot longer. Even longer then me." Goku pressed his hands to the bed turning to meet Jumpy's gaze. "Wait your saying you ate that apple too?!"

Jumpy gave a slight bob of his head, before standing one last time. "Lay down." blinking Goku tilted his head. "Lay down?" Jumpy nodded, "It be easier just to show you." Sliding further on to the bed Goku laid back resting his had on the pillow. Jumpy pressed his head to Goku's. Goku closed his eye's and the back of his eye lids showed the forest he had found that apple in. A whimper caused his attention to turn to the source. A younger version of Jumpy limped holding his right front paw up at he walked. Finally he began licking his injured paw.

"Hey, don't lick it." called a young boy dotting to him. The familiar brown hair and hazel eye's made it easy for Goku to tell it was Aoi Kaida. Kneeling by Jumpy he pulled a rag from his pocket and wrapped it around his paw. "That was stupid of you to take on that bigger dog like that." He sat back against the near by tree. "Where did you even come from..." lowering his gaze back to the puppy, the boy held a sympathetic smile. "Let me guess you were abandoned out here too." Goku's heart sunk at the word abandon. Kaida pulled Jumpy into his lap petting him over and over. "Yeah, I'm just like you. I don't remember anything but a pair of hands leading me around. Last I thing I remember back then was being dragged along and then I was pushed coming air born falling till I hit something cold and wet taking my air from me sweeping me along knocking me out. After that I some how lived and found my way here, starving and alone." His gaze shift to the sole apple hanging on the branch above. "I guess this tree saved me." Lifting Jumpy from his lap he stood plucking the apple from the branch. Sighing he slammed it to the ground and slammed his foot on to it crushing it further. Sweeping his foot back and forth over the apple to completely destroy it. Looking back up to the tree the boy rubbed his head. "It's ironic the life this tree saved is the exact life that has to destroy its apple every month. Stuffing his hands into his pocket Kaida's gaze shifted to Jumpy. "Wait here okay. I'll bring you some of my dinner." Turning the boy left.

Time zoomed forward with the boy taking care of Jumpy cleaning and replacing the bandages on Jumpy's paw. What seemed like mere minutes was in fact a complete month. Jumpy was alone dotting around the forest now free of his bandages that had limited his movement. Peeking from the bushed he lowered to the ground and wiggled his butt preparing to pounce. Dotting out of the bush he began barking, scaring off a flock of birds. Finally continuing to dot away happily. Before stopping again spotting a cat just in the distance. Barking he began Pursuing after it slamming into tree after tree. Stopping at the tree were the cat had fled up he continued to bark bouncing up and down like he always does. The cat hissed in reply as he began pawing and scratching at the tree trunk shaking it's apple loose from its branch. Landing on Jumpy's heads knocking him back on to his butt. Shaking his head his eye's reflected the Golden apple that lied before him. Standing up he sniffed at it and nudged it with his nose. Finally he picked it up in his mouth taking a bite of it. With in second he was shaking his head spitting it out. "Hey dog you here?" just coming into view Kaida's eyes shifted to Jumpy and the apple. Dashing to him he quickly examined the apple bite. It was small and there were scatter remnants of the bite on the ground from Jumpy spitting the apple out. "I told you not to touch this apple!" Sighing he disposed of the apple. "You're just lucky you didn't swallow most of it." Falling back against the tree Kaida pulled Jumpy close to him closing his eye's "What am I going to do with you?"

The scene faded back to black and Goku opened his eye's once more to sit up. "He's was abandoned." Jumpy scratched his head, "To be fair we both were." Jumpy turned to the door at it opened with Sanzo entering. His gaze shifted to Goku, "What are you still doing up. Go change." Sanzo hissed. Goku didn't need to be told again, hopping off the bed he grabbed his clothes and dotted to the bathroom. Sanzo glare shifted to Jumpy, who shrunk under his gaze. "I don't know what the Merciful goddess has planing but she better have a damn good reason for letting his happen when she expect us to head west."

"I know nothing of the Merciful goddess on Kaida does." Jumpy defended himself.

Sanzo eye'd Jumpy, before folding his hands. "Kaida? I assume you mean are unwelcome visitor." Jumpy gave a slight nodded, "and just where is he now?"

Jumpy looked up to the night sky. "If I had to guess he went to see the Merciful goddess right now for the exact same question."

Maharl100: Ooo back story :3 but with little to no questions answered.

Taoren46: Hard to think your really making all this up as you go.

Maharl100: Only thing I have planned it the end but with know clue how I'm getting there. "When Kaida says he doesn't know if there is a cure." It cus I don't know either lol X3

Hakkai: Then its a good thing your creative. (Shaking his head)

Maharl100: Well I'm off to go work on another story, with my other fictional boy friend.

Goku: Wait you got another aside from me.

Maharl100: His names Matthew he's from the otome game Seduce me. He also an incubus who has a similar personality. I recommend it the first games is free and its all about consent it that's what you prefer. Well bye. (Run out of the room Taking Goku with her.)

Gojyo: Her taste is limited.

Taoren46: She has a thing for demons that are childish but have that toughness too them.

Sanzo: Maybe now her hold on monkey won't be so tight.

Taoren46: why were you getting jealous.

Bang bang bang.

Taoren46: I'm take that as yes close the chapter.

Bang Bang Bang.

Hakkai: Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and hopefully we'll see you all again soon. (Walks after Sanzo) Sanzo please put the gun down she was only joking.