HI EVERYONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's something I've had in the works for a while now, just decided it was time to start posting it. Slightly AU, loosely based on the first and second seasons, without much of a timeline.


"Oh! Why didn't somebody wake me up? OOOOOOHHHH I'M TOTALLY LATE FOR SCHOOL! Thanks for lunch Chad!" Rei added as she ran out the door, uncharacteristically late. Luna, the blue feline flowed curiously.

"So which battle stopped you from getting up this morning?" she asked, dropping down from the wall to Rei's shoulder.

"None," Rei panted, "I was meditating and did a fire reading last night. I've had a feeling for a few days now, but nothing has come of it."

Before Luna could say another word, she was thrown from Rei's shoulders and landed in a huff. Luna opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it when she realised that the pair had come across a boy, no older than eight. He was crying and calling for his mother.

*This kid must be lost* Rei thought *A great excuse for being late* She approached the child, her long black locks falling across her face.

"Are you lost? Can I help you find your mummy?" she asked.

"Go away and leave me alone! I don't need any help! Especially from a girl!" He poked out his tongue at Rei.

"What if I said I have a boyfriend who could help?" she thought quickly, lying about Darien. *He'll back me up if we need it, boy would Serena be mad though* she nearly giggled at the thought, "Would you talk to me then? I can get him if you really need me to."

The child looked at Rei as if in deep contemplation. Finally he spoke.

"That depends on who he is- "he paused, "I'm looking for someone, but mummy and daddy have sent me to find them. I don't know what they really look like, but I do have pictures."

"Could I look at them? I promise I won't tell anyone," Rei smiled her most convincing smile. The boy relaxed visibly.

"Ok. But you promised."

When Rei saw the photos she was astounded. It was her friends and fellow Sailor Scouts in the middle of a battle with a youma. The girls looked a bit older, and judging by their expressions stronger, but you couldn't mistake the sailor fuku.

"Where did you get these?" she gasped.

"My mummy gave them to me before I left. She told me they would protect me…" he mumbled, taking back the pictures. He looked at Rei, looked at the pictures and then back again.

"Rei? Is that you? I almost didn't recognise you!" at those words the boy lunged at Rei, tackle hugging her.

Rei was shocked. She froze in place. She sent a psychic thread to Luna. *Luna? What's this kid doing here? A little help?" Rei struggled out of the boy's grasp.

"Hey kid, would you kindly tell me what's going on? You're kinds freaking me out."

"Sorry," the child said, "I forgot that you don't know me as well as I know you. I'll try not to do that again."

"Right," Rei shook her head, "Anyway, what's going on? Why are you here looking for me and my friends?" by this stage Rei had completely forgotten about school.

"They're your friends? I thought they were enemies?" the child looked hopelessly confused.

"One enemy we are fighting; or so it appears to be one enemy. Most of the girls look the same. Just get back to your story." Rei was getting impatient.

"where do I start?" the boy began to pace.

"How about your name and then start from the very beginning while we walk to my place? Grandpa's working so it should be deserted."

*hopefully I can make some sense of all this* Rei thought as they began to walk back to the temple.

And I'm gonna leave it here. I'm sorry for not updating Chronicals, I've been busy with work and life. I should have a new chapter for that out in the next few weeks. Any helpers would be much appreciated.

Ideas? Questions? Comments? PLEASE REVIEW! I wanna hear good and bad.