Oh Scrooge, Where Art Thou?

A/N: Woo! 8D I finally got this thing done! Took waaaay to long for my tastes x_x but what are you gonna do? xD I had this planned to be done for around Christmas time, but of course the original laptop I had this on crashed and I barely got what I had as it was Dx And winter break stuff took over and bleeeeh x.x Just couldn't get it done xD

This giant fluff ball was meant to be a one shot, but the whole thing turned out to be roughly 27 pages, so I felt I had to cut it down and post it as a two shot xD The second part will be up when I can get my lovely beta, Daisuke Kazamatsuri, to edit the second half :P She got most of it done, but I just kinda finished it now at… 2 am XD; and she's busy reading other stuff atm so I'm out of luck for getting it up till at least tomorrow probably :P

Anyways! :D Enjoy the KaiShinny goodness!

Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan or any other things of the sort D: I only own the idea and what not.

Chapter 1: The Riddle

Early to bed, early to rise, and three quarters shy,

Ghosts are what you pass by,

Only when at the crest,

What you seek is abreast.

Love, Kaitou Kid

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la la la la la! Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la!" Kaito sang as he made his way into Edoka High. A giant box was in his hands and a bright red Santa hat on his head. Kaito walked down the halls of the school, a cheerful grin on his lips. The other students moved towards the walls as Kaito walked by, not sure what he was up to and not planning on finding out.

Soon Kaito made it to his class room, the box still in hand. Quickly looking around and noticed that all of the students were present and accounted for. Grinning widely, he also took note that everyone was so engrossed in what they were doing, they failed to notice that Kaito was standing in the door way.


Moments after Kaito reached the door way, the classroom filled to the brim with red and green smoke. Loud screams of surprise sounded out from the room, causing people passing by to look on curiously. The screams soon died down as realization crossed the minds of the students. Kaito had once again pulled a prank on the class.

Soon the clouds of smoke dissipated and Kaito's trick was revealed.

Just about everyone in the room was now wearing a green elf costume, pointed shoes and hats included, and giant paper snow flakes surrounded the room, with a miniature Christmas tree sitting on the teachers desk with blinking lights and small fake gifts under the tree. Stockings with everyone's names on them hung at each desk, small candy canes hanging over the edge of the stoking. A wreath was placed in the middle of the chalk board at the front of the class, fake snow covering it. A model of Santa and his eight reindeer (with Rudolph at the front of the other reindeer) was hanging from the ceiling, small bells on each of the reins of the reindeer jiggling every few moments. And as a small final touch, mistletoe was hanging in the doorway of the class, waiting for two unfortunate souls to walk under it and be forced to kiss.

Aoko stood in the middle of the room, a wide smile on her lips as she looked around at the Christmas decorations that suddenly filled up the room. Instead of being dressed up as an elf, Aoko was currently wearing a female version of Santa's outfit. The skirt was just low enough to cover everything, and the shirt was just low enough to tease whoever looked, but not reveal too much. Aoko continued to look around the room, the ball from her hat falling in front of her face. She blew it away, almost causing her hat to fall off completely. The inspector's daughter giggled merrily at the sight of all the decorations, and really, she wasn't the only one. Every person in the classroom looked around in awe, their eyes lighting up with a sparkle that only Christmas could bring. For once, no one suffered from Kaito's pranks.

Well…That was unless you counted Hakuba Saguru, that was.

Hakuba huffed as he sat as his desk, his face completely void of amusement. Instead of an elf costume, or even a Santa costume, Hakuba was currently wearing a Rudolph outfit.

And he did not appreciate it one bit.

"Aw! Hakuba-kun!" Aoko said, walking up to the blond's desk. "You actually look rather cute!" she poked Hakuba's bright red noise, causing it to start to blink. Hakuba's eyes twitched as he sat back, his antlers shifting ever so slightly with the movement.

"I should have known that idiot would cook something up like this." Hakuba said, looking around the room and trying to find Kaito. "He's been plotting something for weeks. It was rather obvious that he would do this." He said, pulling on his costume a bit. Aoko giggled once again, the smile still plastered on her face.

"Hey it could be worse! I like what he did! It's not humiliating in any way this time, Hakuba! So why not just get with the Christmas spirit and enjoy Kaito's merry mood." She asked with a wink. Hakuba sighed and shook his head, but couldn't help the small smile that adorned his lips.

"I do see your point, Aoko-kun." The half Brit started. "But really. Rudolph? Does that idiot have no shame?" the blond sighed once more. "Though, I feel I should be grateful. At least Kuroba-kun didn't force me to dress up as Scrooge."

"That's the spirit, Hakuba! I know someone who'd make a much better Scrooge anyways!" A voice said from the doorway. Hakuba and Aoko turned and looked at the doorway, confusion in their eyes. Aoko couldn't help the amused grin that crossed her lips, and Hakuba couldn't help but roll his eyes at the magician's antics. "Ho ho ho! Merrrrry Christmas!" Kaito shouted as he walked into the classroom, dawned in, naturally, a Santa suit, white beard included. Kaito had a massive grin on his lips as he sauntered into the room, making his way over to Aoko and Hakuba. "So, Rudolph-chan," Kaito said as he flicked the detectives antlers. "Shall you be leading my sleigh next week?" he asked, amusement flashing in his eyes. A smile filled with malice appeared on Hakuba's lips as he looked up at the grinning idiot, barely containing his anger.

"You shall pay for this, Kuroba-kun. No one makes a fool out of me." Hakuba said in warning. Somehow, Kaito's grin only grew.

"But my dear Haku-chan, doesn't Kaitou Kid make a fool out of you at every heist?" he asked. Hakuba stood up, about to ensue another argument between himself and the thief, before Aoko stepped in between them, laughing nervously as she stood in front of Kaito.

"Now now, Hakuba-kun." Aoko said, trying to dismiss his anger. "It's a time for joy, not anger. So behave." She said huffing as she turned to Kaito, her smile once more appearing on her lips. "By the way, I really do love what you did to the classroom, Kaito." She said to the magician. "You know I love Christmas!" she said, jumping slightly in excitement.

"And I love the outfit I came up for you, Aoko~" Kaito said, lifting up her short skirt enough to see under it. "Ah~ I see you even have Christmas panties~ That's a new one, Aoko~" Kaito said, quickly backing up away from Aoko, whose face was bright red with both anger and embarrassment.

"Kaitooooo!" Aoko said, beginning to advance on Kaito. Kaito was about to take off before he received a mop to the face, but Hakuba placed a hand on Aoko's shoulder, amusement all over his face.

"Now now Aoko-kun." Hakuba said, the amusement clear in his voice. "Weren't you just the one saying that this is a time for a joy and not anger?" He asked, looking at the shorter girl. Aoko blinked up at Hakuba and stared at him for a few moments before turning her glare back onto Kaito.

"That was then, this is now." She said, lunging for Kaito, who let out a noise of surprise and started running around the room, following after with her broom in hand. Hakuba let out a sigh and moved out of the way of the rampaging childhood friends, trying to avoid getting hit by that mop of all costs.

"Gee I wonder…" A voice from behind Hakuba said. Hakuba jumped and looked behind him, his body beginning to relax when he noticed that it was only Akako. "If you are not Kaito-kun's Scrooge, then who could it be?" The witch asked, titling her head to the side. It was then that Hakuba chose to look the girl over. He blinked a few times, noticing how she currently had what appeared to be blue skin, and a short blue dress that had icicles around the edges of the skirt and sleeves. The witch had a blue hat on as well, with a small snow flake at the top.

"What in the world are you supposed to be, Koizumi-kun?" Hakuba asked, raising an eyebrow curiously. Akako blinked herself and looked down at the outfit, as if just noticing that she was wearing anything at all. After a few moments, she looked up at Hakuba, a small smile pulling at her lips.

"I believe I am meant to be Jack Frost, Saguru-kun." She answered, resisting the urge to chuckle. Really now, this was a bit over the top. Hakuba nodded, as if understanding the implications behind why Kaito choose Akako to be Jack Frost and coughed into his hand.

"As for who Kuroba-kun's Scrooge might be, I have not even the slightest clue. I was expecting it to be me, quite honestly." Hakuba stated. "Who else is left to be Scrooge? I doubt that it would be Nakamori-keibu. If anything, Kuroba-kun would make him be Frosty the Snowman." At that, Akako's lips turned further into a smile. "And knowing Kaito, he needs to tease someone about being a Scrooge. I'm guessing you don't have an idea either, Koizumi-kun?" Hakuba asked, tilting his head to the side. Akako grinned before turning around and beginning to walk towards her seat, the bell for class ringing just then.

"I wonder who it may be…" She said mysteriously. Hakuba stared after her for a few moments before shrugging it off and heading towards his seat as well. By now, Kaito and Aoko had stopped fighting and were sitting in their seats, Aoko sending glares at a grinning Kaito every few moments.

As the teacher began class, trying to ignore his suddenly Christmasy classroom, Hakuba let his mind drift back to the question that Akako brought to his attention.

Who was Kaito's Scrooge?

"I refuse."

"Aw! Please! It's only for a little while! It would mean so much to me!"

"No. Christmas isn't my thing."

"But it isn't even a Christmas event! It's a small shop that's been decorated for Christmas!"

"That makes it so much better."

"Aw come on! I promised my friend I'd bring you with me!"

"The answer is still no. I'm busy this afternoon."


The brunette tensed as he risked a glance at his childhood friend. Indeed, Ran was glaring daggers at him, her eyes narrowing the longer he went on being silent. Shinichi sighed and looked out the classroom window.

By now, the last bell signaling the end of the day rang, and the only people left were Shinichi and Ran. All day Ran had been talking about meeting a friend after school at this cute little shop in town, and she wanted Shinichi to come.

Shinichi outright refused her invitation, much to the girl's dismay.

It was a week before Christmas, which meant people would be everywhere, out shopping for gifts for the big day, and Shinichi would rather avoid big crowds if he could help it. Big crowds usually meant somehow, someway, someone was going to end up dead. And Shinichi needed his mind off of dead bodies while he tried to figure out Kid's latest note. After thinking about the note all night, as well as a good portion of the day, Shinichi still had no idea what Kaito was after, and where the heist was taking place.

Shinichi was forcibly pulled out of his inner musings as pain shot up from his ear. A startled cry escaped his lips as he was suddenly on his feet, being dragged out by his childhood friend. Shinichi flailed, grabbing his bag before it was out of reach.

"Itai! Matte! Ran!" Shinichi called out, tripping over his own two feet as Ran continued to drag him by his ear. "Alright alright! I'll come! Just let me go!" Ran only gripped his ear tighter and pulled harder. "Itai!"

"I'm not falling for that, Shinichi!" Ran huffed, dragging Shinichi out of the school. "As soon as I let go you'll take off and bury yourself in some stupid Holmes book! Now hurry up! We're already late!" Ran sped up, causing Shinichi to almost fall flat on his face.

"Gah! Ran! At least slow down a little! You're gonna pull my ear off!" The brunette continued to whine. Ran, once again, only proceeded to tug harder, the duo already a few blocks away from the small cafe Ran mentioned.

"You're overreacting." Ran said, no sympathy for the pain that she was causing. "We're almost there anyways. I'm sure your ear's fine." She smiled widely when they reached the small café, and walked straight into the building, finally letting go of Shinichi once they walked inside.

"Ran-chan!" someone shouted. Ran quickly surveyed the café and her eyes lit up when she saw who she was looking for.

"Aoko-chan!" She all but squealed as she ran up to a girl who Shinichi thought was eerily similar to his childhood friend. "Goman nasai! I would have been here sooner if this idiot," Ran said, smacking Shinichi upside the head, causing the boy to wince. "hadn't slowed me down!" Shinichi glared at his childhood friend as he rubbed the back of his head, still contemplating fleeing before Ran could do something else.

"It's fine, Ran-chan!" the other girl, Aoko, said, smiling as she waved the comment off. "Those two idiots haven't even shown up yet." Aoko sighed, her shoulders sagging in defeat. "I got tired of waiting for them to finish arguing, so I just left them behind, saying that if they didn't come I'd get the mop again." Ran laughed nervously, noticing how Aoko was smiling as she said this. "Oh! And is this your friend you were telling me about?" She asked, finally noticing Shinichi.

"Yup!" Ran nodded, patting Shinichi on the back slightly. "This is Kudo Shinichi! He's not a very festive person, though." Ran said, puffing out her cheeks. Aoko blinked, recognition crossing her features.

"The Kudo Shinichi-kun?" She asked in disbelief. "The famous detective?" Shinichi just nodded and opened his mouth to comment, but was cut off as a loud squeal pierced the air, causing him to cringe. "You're always after that stupid thief! I'm sure you'll catch that nasty Kaitou Kid! Oh!" Aoko suddenly got way too close to Shinichi's face, way to fast. "Have you solved the riddle that that stupid thief sent out last night? Both Hakuba-kun as well as Kaito have no idea!" Shinichi just blinked, it taking his mind a few moments to process what the fast talking girl had just said.

"Sadly, I have not figured out what Kid is after, or where the heist will take place." Shinichi said, scowling. "I did figure out that it will take place at six o'clock, though." Aoko sighed, a look of pure defeat on her lips.

"That's all Hakuba-kun and Tou-san could get too…" She said. But her mood quickly changed again as she took Ran's hands. "Oh! Ran-chan! You remember my idiot friend I was telling you about? He actually did something amazing today! He decorated the whole classroom for Christmas! He even put everyone in Christmas costumes!" Aoko squealed in delight. It was at this moment that Shinichi took note of Aoko's outfit. She was in what appeared to be a female version of a Santa suit, but clearly more revealing.

"Is this the outfit that Kaito-kun gave you, Aoko-chan?" Ran asked, grinning from ear to ear as she looked over Aoko's outfit. Aoko simply grinned and twirled so that Shinichi and Ran could get the full 360 of what she was wearing.

"Just about everyone else was dressed up in elf costumes. Akako-chan was dressed as Jack Frost, and Kaito and Hakuba-kun were-"

"Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?" Shinichi asked, cutting off Aoko. Aoko blinked and looked in the direction that Shinichi was looking. A wide smile made a way onto her lips as she waved the two boys over to them.

"Hakuba-kun! Kaito!" She called, catching the two boy's attention. The two boys quickly made their way over to Aoko, Ran and Shinichi, ignoring the snickers from some people at Hakuba's outfit. "What took you so long?" She asked, once the boys had gotten close enough to hear.

"We would have been here sooner," Hakuba started, annoyance mixed with a bit of amusement in his tone. "but Kaito got stopped by little kids who wanted presents. And of course, the idiot just had to perform for them." Hakuba rolled his eyes, flat out ignoring the grinning magician.

"Aw Kaito! That was sweet of you!" Aoko said, smiling at Kaito. The Santa clad magician just shrugged his shoulders, grinning widely.

"What can I say? An excited audience of little children is the best kind of audience to have." The thief said. It was then that Kaito noticed that there was someone standing with Aoko. He blinked and tilted his head, walking up towards Shinichi. Shinichi himself blinked, going cross eyed when Kaito moved his face close to his own. For some reason Shinichi could not fathom, butterflies erupted into his stomach, and his heart picked up slightly in pace. Kaito blinked again before poking Shinichi in the face, causing the butterflies to die horrible deaths, and a glare to make its way onto Shinichi's face. "Hakuba...?" Kaito said slowly. "…Koizumi-kun didn't say anything about making a copy of me…did she?" Kaito asked, poking Shinichi's face a few more times. The thief heard a faint chuckle from behind him, but continued to poke Shinichi's face.

"Iie, Kuroba-kun." Hakuba said, an amused grin on his lips. "That would just so happen to be Kudo Shinichi-kun. You know, the famous detective." Realization crossed Kaito's features, his poking ceasing for a few moments.

"Well, you weren't kidding when you said he looked a lot like me, Hakuba-kun." Kaito said, going back to poking Shinichi. A vain burst on Shinichi's forehead and he quickly snatched Kaito's wrist, holding it in a death grip.

"Do you mind?" Shinichi said, the annoyance apparent in his tone. "You're giving me a headache." Kaito tilted his head to the side, giving Shinichi the impression that this boy was like a puppy.

"Want me to kiss it and make it all better?" Kaito asked, using his Poker Face to hide the smirk that wanted to crawl its way onto his lips. Shinichi's eyes widened, his cheeks burning a bright pink.

"N-nani?" The detective stuttered, causing a small grin to appear on Kaito's face. Both boys, however, completely missed the amused and knowing looks that their childhood friends sent them. "W-why the hell would I want that, baro?" Shinichi said, glaring at Kaito, his cheeks still burning.

"Because kisses make everything better~" Kaito said, puckering up his lips and leaning closer to Shinichi. The Detective of the East's cheeks turned a brighter pink, those damn butterflies coming back with a vengeance. Shinichi took a step back and kicked Kaito in the shins. "Itai!" Kaito shouted, jumping back and holding his shin. "You're a meanie, Shin-chan!" Kaito said, pointing accusingly at Shinichi. Upon hearing the nickname, Shinichi's cheeks darkened once more.

"D-don't call me that, baro!" Shinichi huffed and looked off to the side, avoiding looking at Kaito as much as he could. "You're being this annoying, and I don't even know your name!" Kaito's face lit up, having just about waited for this moment.

"Kuroba Kaito, at your service, Shin-chan!" Kaito bowed towards Shinichi, holding out his hand as a white rose appeared in his hands. Shinichi stared at the flower, something akin to horror on his face.

"B-baro! Do you realize what a white rose means?" Shinichi cried, his face the same color as Kaito's outfit. The thief looked up at Shinichi, that glint in his eyes stating that yes, Kaito was well aware that the color signified marriage.

"Stop bothering Shinichi-kun, BaKaito!" Aoko shouted, kicking Kaito to the floor. Kaito cried out, releasing the rose, causing it to fly into the air. The rose landed on top of Shinichi's head, causing the detective to blink and look up in an attempt to see the damn flower. Shinichi heard a chuckle from his side and the detective glanced at Ran, noticing that she was holding back snickers.

"Hold on, Shinichi." Ran said, moving closer to Shinichi. "I'll fix that flower for you." Shinichi sighed, letting his shoulders slouch as his blush finally began to die down.

"Arigatou, Ran." Shinichi said, sounding rather tired. Ran just nodded as she raised her hands up, grabbing the flower. Not a second later, Shinichi felt something wrapping gently around his ear. His shoulders quickly tensed as he looked at Ran with betrayal and shock. Ran grinned as she backed up, standing next to a giggling Aoko. Shinichi's hand raced to his ear, only for his suspicions to be confirmed. Ran had tied the white rose around his ear, causing it to stay attached to his head.


"That looks great, Ran-chan!" Aoko said, beaming as she clasped her hands with Ran's, looking straight at the highly annoyed Shinichi. Ran grinned and nodded, staring at her childhood friend as well.

"You didn't actually think I'd take it off did you, Shinichi?" Ran asked, giggling as the young detective glared at her.

"Ran, you're getting coal from me for Christmas." Shinichi deadpanned. Ran pouted before sticking her tongue out, and blowing raspberries at the annoyed detective.

"I think you look adorable, Shin-chan!" Kaito said, appearing behind Shinichi, his arms wrapping around his shoulders. Shinichi's face flushed, but he made no move to shove Kaito off of him.

"Baro! I-I'm not cute!" Shinichi said, looking away from Kaito. The thief simply 'hmm'ed, before moving his hands to around Shinichi's waist, letting his chin rest on the detective's shoulder. Shinichi tensed slightly and made a move to smack Kaito's hands away, but Aoko's next comment stopped him dead in his tracks.

"I think it is rather fitting for him don't you, Ran-chan? Hakuba-kun?" Aoko said. Ran only giggled and nodded in response, while Hakuba only blinked and looked at the girls curiously. "Oh oh! Ran-chan!" Aoko said, turning her attention fully onto her look-a-like. "Let's go shopping! I need to pick up a few more gifts anyways!" Ran thought for a few moments before grinning and nodding.

"Great idea! I need to pick up something for Tou-san anyways!" she replied. Aoko smiled widely before snatching Hakuba by the wrist, totally catching the detective by surprise.

"Let's go then! Come on, Hakuba! You can help us little ladies carry the bags!" Aoko said merrily, beginning to make her way out of the small café with her two companions. "Ja ne, Kaito!" She called over her shoulder. "Behave yourself, you hear me!" Kaito only chuckled and waved bye to Aoko, not saying anything back.

"Ja ne, Shinichi!" Ran called, walking backwards as she waved to her childhood friend. "You should stay and hang out with Kaito-kun! If I hear anything about you heading home you'll be in trouble!" she said menacingly before walking out the door.

"A-Aoko-kun!" Hakuba complained as the younger girl continued to drag him outside. "Why must I go, and Kuroba-kun stays behind with Kudo-kun? I fear that idiot shall do something dreadful to the poor boy…" Aoko giggled as she stopped, letting go of the blonde's wrist. A knowing smile appeared on her lips as Ran stood next to her, her facial expression mirroring her friend's. "Um… Did I miss something?"

"You know…" Aoko said, moving her hand to her lips to attempt to stifle some giggles. "For a detective, you're not very observant." Hakuba scowled and opened his mouth to retort, but Aoko beat him to the punch. "I mean really. How could you not notice what was going on?" Hakuba closed his mouth, and opened it a few times, looking at Aoko in bewilderment.

"...What did I miss exactly?" he asked slowly. The girl's rolled their eyes simultaneously at him, shaking their heads as they did so.

"How Shinichi and Kaito-kun were acting around each other, obviously." Ran piped up, her eyes lighting up at the thought of the two boy's together. "Did you see how they were acting around each other?" the blond tilted his head to the side, confusion still on his face.

"They were acting normally, as far as I could tell. Kuroba-kun was flirty, as per usual, and Kudo-kun was his usual self as well." Hakuba reasoned. "They were not acting differently at all." Once more, the girl's rolled their eyes.

"Yes, Kaito was flittering with Shinichi-kun," Aoko offered. "But he was a lot more flirty than normal. And he was all over Shinichi-kun! He's not usually like that, Hakuba-kun!"

"And Shinichi stuttered a few times, and was completely flustered! He's almost always so calm and composed!" Ran informed, a glint appearing in her eyes as she turned towards Aoko, instead of facing Hakuba. "Oh! I'm so happy with this idea! I think it's already working! What do you think, Aoko-chan?" Ran asked. Aoko bite her lip to keep herself from squealing, happiness and excitement radiating off of her.

"I think this plan is going perfectly! I haven't seen Kaito like this with someone since Hakuba-kun came to Ekoda!" Aoko said, taking Ran's hands in hers. Both girls squealed a little, jumping up and down. Hakuba blinked as he stared at the scene, trying to process the information that he was just given.

"Wait…" Hakuba said after a few moments. "What plan are you two girls talking about? And what do you mean Kuroba-kun hasn't acted like this since I first got here?" The two squealing girls looked at Hakuba, wide smiles on their lips. Hakuba instantly regretted asking.

"Why we're setting them up, of course!" Ran answered. Hakuba's eyes widened as he simply stared at the two girls, his mind trying to wrap around what he had just been told.

"…Set… up?" He asked, and Aoko nodded. "As in… dating?" another nod. Hakuba barked out a laugh, throwing his head back as his laugh escalated. "You're both insane! You're way off! Kudo-kun has never shown interest in anybody, except for possibly you, Mouri-kun, and Kuroba-kun's as straight as an arrow!" after a few moments of staring at Hakuba, both girls burst out laughing.

"You've got to be kidding, Hakuba-kun!" Ran said, holding her sides as she bent over slightly, still laughing uncontrollably.

"Kaito? Straight? Pfft! Hahaha!" Aoko said, her laughter only increasing. "He's the gayest person on the planet! He's far from straight!" Hakuba gawked at the laughing girls, taking slight offense to the fact that they were laughing at him.

"But he's always flipping your skirt up, Aoko-kun!" Hakuba challenged, pointing an accusing finger at the girl. Aoko continued to chuckle a few moments, wiping a tear away from her eyes as her laughter died down.

"He just does that teasingly!" She answered. "He means absolutely nothing by it, never has, never will. It's just what Kaito does! He liked you a lot more than he ever liked me!" Hakuba blinked a few times, staring at Aoko before a bright blush appeared on his cheeks.

"…Kuroba-kun… liked me?" He asked, completely dumbfounded. Aoko rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips.

"Of course he did! He was afraid that you were going to figure him out!" Aoko said. She sighed and let her shoulders slump, her expression turning slightly crestfallen. "He wasn't going to tell you, not if you didn't show any interest, but I guess his feelings just sort of… died down. He must have given up on you." She shrugged before her sad expression turned to one of excitement. "That's why Ran-chan and I decided to set up Kaito and Shinichi-kun! So that they'll both be happy!" Ran nodded, a large smile on her lips.

"For a while, I thought Shinichi might be in love with me," The karate champion began. "But I soon realized that he only thought of me as a sister figure at most. It was then I got to thinking, he'd only ever really shown romantic interest in Hattori Heiji," Hakuba involuntarily twitched at the name. "And even that was minor. It made me wonder if Shinichi wasn't just not interested in dating, but that he wasn't interested in girls."

"So realizing this," Aoko began. "After talking about the boy's for a bit, we decided that we might as well see if they would take a liking to each other. And clearly they have!" Aoko jumped up a little, no longer able to contain her excitement. "I'm so happy! Kaito looked ecstatic when he saw Shinichi! I have a good feeling about this!" Ran nodded, her smile still on her lips.

"I do too! I think Kaito-kun will be able to make Shinichi happy in all the ways that I couldn't." Ran sounded a little distressed as she said this, but she easily brushed it off. "I think Kaito-kun will be a good influence on Shinichi!"

"So let me get this straight…" Hakuba said, putting a hand to his chin in thought. "This whole hanging out idea today was solely to get those two boys' to meet?" Ran and Aoko nodded. "And once they met, you were planning on attempting to get them to click romantically?" another nod. "So that's why you said you wanted to go shopping! To get them alone! And you took me along to make sure they got that alone time!" Ran and Aoko grinned at each other, smirking before snatching Hakuba's wrists once more.

"We didn't say that! To the mall!" the girls cheered at the same time, beginning to drag the detective off to the mall. The blond let out an aggravated sigh as he allowed himself to be dragged away by the two young women.

He could only hope that Kaito would have a better afternoon than he was going to.

A/N: Whelp! There's the first part of my two-shot! :D Hope you all enjoyed it so far! Leave a review if you liked it! Please? D:

See you in a few days or so! ;D
