Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Kampfer or Mai Hime, they belong to their respective creators. I'm just borrowing the characters, please don't sue me.

Kampfer/Mai Hime: Family

"This is so bogus," Nao Yuuki muttered as the redheaded young woman waited in the office. She had been summoned to meet with her father, who apparently had decided to re-enter her life after abandoning her and mother years go.

Nao sighed, knowing her mother would probably scold her if she heard such thoughts. Mom would probably say something about how the breakup was mutual and best for them both, or something. She loved her mother dearly, but sometimes she thought her mother was a sap.

"I think I'm rather looking forward to meeting him," Mashiro Kazahana said mildly, the light purple haired girl sitting nearby in her wheelchair.

"So can I leave and you meet him?" Nao suggested dryly.

"I think you should be here," Mashiro answered dryly.

"Huh," Nao scowled, sitting back with a sigh.

Her father arrived a few minutes later, looking much like Nao had remembered. The brown haired man looked like your average salary man, if Nao was being charitable. Mr. Mishima nodded respectfully to Mashiro, then gave Nao a oddly searching look.

"Nao, I'm truly sorry,." Mishima said meekly, "I only found out about your mother's injuries a few weeks ago." Somewhat plaintively he added, "Why didn't you call me? I would have helped..."

Nao felt her mouth flatten in controlled annoyance. "You're remarried with a family," she said flatly, "and Mom made it pretty clear you wanted us to stay away."

He visibly flinched, then sighed. "That's true," Mishima conceded, "but you're family too, Nao. I would have helped you."

Nao looked away, frowning.

The older man sat up straight, his expression becoming more determined. "Miss Kazahana," Mishima said firmly, "I came to inform you I am officially applying for custody of Nao Yuuki."

Nao looked at him in shock, "WHAT?"

0o0o0o0o Several Months Later o0o0o0o0

"Big sister Nao! It's time for school!" her little sister Akane Mishima called cutely, banging on Nao's door.

With a groan Nao rolled out of bed, wishing her new younger sister wasn't so damn sweet. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," Nao growled, grabbing her clothes and trotting in just her panties out the door to the bathroom.

"Nao!" Akane flushed, covering her face with her hands.

"What, we're both girls," Nao said dryly as she washed up, then quickly pulled her new school uniform on.

"But still...," Akane sighed, her red-brown hair neatly held back by a headband and her round glasses gleaming.

Nao bit back another sigh as she emerged in the white shirt and black skirted version of a sailor uniform. "Did some perverted old man design this?" she asked, tugging at the skirt.

"It's not that bad," Akane sighed as the two girls said goodbye to the parents and headed out.

"Yeah, yeah," Nao sighed.

Nao thought about what she had heard about her new school and sighed again. Seitetsu Gakuin High School was a co-ed school, but a decidedly odd one. Instead of students mingling the school was seperated into a girls and boys wing, and a literal check point between them to allow access. In Nao's opinion it was nuts, and worse it would prevent her from doing her usual money making schemes.

"You don't seem excited about going to a new school, big sister," Akane said tentatively as they walked to the bus together.

"Oh, I'm just thrilled," Nao said dryly. She frowned as she saw a blue haired young man waving and asked, "Friend of yours?"

Akane looked where she was pointing, then went the cutest shade of red. "N.. no!" she blushed.

'Yeah, right,' Nao thought, then waved her arm to the guy, "Hey! Come on over!"

Akane blushed even brighter as he trotted over. He was about Nao's age, she'd guess, and seemed reasonably fit. Didn't look too bright, but most guys didn't in her opinion.

"Hi," he smiled, "I'm Natsuru Seno, are you one of Akane's friends?"

"No, I'm her older half-sister," Nao answered bluntly, "Nao Yuuki, pleased to meet you."

"Oh, uhm...," the younf man looked uncomfortable, which was exactly Nao's intention. As he scratched the back of his head his sleeve rode up, revealing a blue wristband, one similar to what Akane also wore.

"What's up with the wristbands?" Nao asked. She smirked, "You two aren't dating are you?"

"No!" Akane yelped, blushing furiously.

Natsuru blushed too but he said, "We're just friends."

From the cross look on Akane's face she wasn't too happy with the just friend's bit, which Nao found kind of cute, oddly. "How long have you known each other?" she asked curiously as they boarded the bus and headed out.

"A.. about a year," Akane admitted shyly.

'Wonder what's taking them so long?' Nao wondered, then decided it wasn't any of her business. "I hope you two will help me out in school," she asked mildly.

"Of course," Natsuru agreed, the bus trundling along.

The school was about as bad as Nao was expecting, though there was one other unusual complication. As the teacher was introducing her to her classmates, Nao was faintly startled to see unbridled lust in some of the girl's eyes.

'What the hell...?' Nao blinked as the class totally ignored the teacher's command to settle down and rushed her.

"Oh Nao-chan you're so cute!" one woman squealed.

"Back! Back!" Nao clawed, wishing she could just summon her element. Too bad she was trying to keep a low profile here...

"Nao, could you just breathe on me?" another girl asked perkilly even as Nao kicked someone in the face.

"Get off her," the teacher growled, bodilly pitching people around the room. "Sorry, Miss Yuuki," she apologized, sighing, "they're not usually this bad."

"They'd better not be," Nao growled.

Class settled down, and Nao found out why the girls were so rowdy. Apparently one of the three shool idols was 'missing' and the girls were looking for someone to take her place. "Better not be me," Nao told them flatly.

"But you're so cute, Nao!" one of the girls sighed dreamilly.

"Trust me, I am not cute," Nao growled back again dangerously.

Deciding it might be best to escape class during lunch, Nao pushed through the adoring girls and headed to the library to visit with Akane. 'She's even in the library club,' Nao thought, shaking her head, 'how pitiful can you get?'

The library was one of the few places boys could visit with girls, though there were only a few around. Amusingly she saw Akane and a dark purple haired woman both talking to Natsuru, who looked deeply uncomfortable.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" Nao smirked, walking up to the group.

"Ah, Nao-chan," Natsuru actually looked relieved while Akane pouted a bit and the other woman looked Nao over thoughtfully.

"And who is this?" she asked thoughtfully, looking Nao over.

"Shizuku Sango, meet Nao Yuuki," Akane said quickly. "Nao is my half sister."

"Charmed," Shizuku nodded.

"You did say Shizuku, not Shizuru right?" Nao confirmed, her eyes slightly wide. She looked at the dark purple haired woman curiously, "You're not the Student Council President, are you?"

"Yes I am, actually," Shizuku conceded gracefully.

Nao shook her head as she muttered, "This is just too much of a coincidence..."

Just then the doors to the library slammed open, and a brown haired woman was revealed, leading four other women. "Natsuru, I've found you!" she declared then pointed, "White Kampfers, attack!"

"What the FUCK!" Nao yelped as the girls suddenly summoned up weapons and charged.

"Nao, down!" Akane suddenly sounded much more determined and confident. Nao blinked in shock as the girl's mousy brown hair turned red, her glasses disappeared and she suddenly looked just like Nao.

'I guess we really are related,' Nao blinked, stunned even as a pistol appeared in Akane's hands and she opened fire.

Shizuku gestured as twin knives appeared in her hands, connected by a long chain, "We will not let you take Natsuru, Kaede!"

Reminded of the young man Nao looked back, only to gape in shock. Natsuru's clothes shredded away and reformed as his body reshaped itself into a girl's! She blushed when she saw Nao looking but charged forward, throwing fire balls from her hands.

Nao watched as the three girls did combat, and had to admit they were doing pretty well. But the women attacking outnumbered them, and the three looked like they were trying not to hurt the others. Which, in Nao's opinion, was fucking stupid.

"I guess I better take a hand," Nao said as she stood up, stretching out her hands as she muttered, "materialize!"

"Fuck yeah! Come on!" Akane yelled as the redhead winged one girl, then scooted aside from another attack. As confident as she was trying to sound it was five against three, and they were gonna get nailed eventually...

Just then a length of what looked like spider webbing shot by her, entangling one of the White Kampfer. Akane turned then blinked in astonishment as she saw Nao with some kind of red and gold... gloves? Or something. Which were firing off the webs, entangling the attackers even as Natsuru and Shizuku attacked. In moments it was all over, most of the girls tied up and the other fleeing.

"I'll be back!" Kaede yelled as she ran away.

"And to think," Nao sauntered up to them with a smile as she said, "I thought this school was going to be boring." She looked at Akane, "What's with your and Natsuru's new looks?"

"It's a long story," Akane said, looking at her near twin with a grin.

"I got time," Nao shrugged, laughing.

To be continued...?

Notes: Well, maybe continued. We'll see. Inspired by how Akane's Kampfer form looks just like Nao from Mai Hime. I got to wondering if Akane and Nao might be related, and came up with the idea they might have the same dad.