Hey guys who are still here. I'm really grateful to all those who waited for this chapter and read this story through till the end. Sorry for the long wait if you were here from the very beginning. I'm happy to finally finish this! Tell me what you think, reviews are always welcomed. Also if I have time I might try my hand at writing some ninja assassin fanfiction Mika/ Raizo because they totally needed to have more of a romantic storyline. Anyway read away and bye!
Chapter 6
"You don't really want to be with me do you?"
"Where is this coming from Naruto?" Sasuke asked only barely paying attention to what the blond was saying.
"I mean sexually. Do you want to wait or something? If that is it, I'm okay with it. You don't really strike me as the waiting person but I will if that is what you want. Just let me know." Naruto leaned forward and brushed his hand against his boyfriend's face softly. He pushed himself up from where he was leaning against Sasuke's desk.
The Uchiha didn't even raise his head from the papers he was currently looking at. "What are talking about? Who said anything about waiting?"
"Then what is it?"
"Naruto I am really busy here. Can't this wait?"
"I'll leave you alone, just answer me one thing."
"Why is it that every time I try to go further than making out you stop me? Why don't you want to sleep with me?"
"That was more than one question."
"Fine, just pick one and answer it."
"Listen, unlike you, I am busy and I don't have time for you right now. Give me some space for the rest of the day! We can deal with your insecurities later." Sasuke was still not really paying attention. His eyes were still glued to the papers in his hand. "You're such a girl sometimes."
"Okay you know what? You can have all the space you want. I won't bother you anymore. Oh and I am going to ignore that fucking inconsiderate 'girl' comment because I know that you haven't had the chance to discover that I am all male!" Naruto left the room slamming the door behind him.
Finally Sasuke looked up from his papers at the closed door, "What just happened?"
Sasuke had been looking for his blond all over Konoha for the last three hours with no luck.
"Why, hello brother," Itachi said with a smirk.
"Itachi' Sasuke said acknowledging him, "Have you seen Naruto?"
"Oh did the two lovers have a spat?" The older brother teased, "No, I haven't seen your handsomer half but I'm sure he'll come home sooner or later. Then you both can have made up sex."
"You don't understand! I think I really messed up this time."
"Really, why does not surprise me at all, did you do something stupid?"
"If I tell you this, do you promise not to tell anyone?"
"Please like anyone who isn't Sakura would care, now spill before I lose interest."
Okay, okay, Naruto thinks that I don't want to sleep with him."
"What? You guys haven't done it yet? I'm shocked that you haven't jumped his bones yet. You've wanted to get into his pants for years! Now that you have him what's stopping you?"
"It's not that simple! Urgh, I've never felt like this before, not for anyone. I don't just want to get in his pants. I think this is it for me. I love him Itachi. So much so that I am afraid that I will sleep with him and that will be it, the magic will be over. I don't want to lose that between us."
"Foolish little brother, you of all people should know better. I thought that you were smarter than that? If you really love him the sex won't ruin everything. It will make it everything even better. Then it would be like you have given all of yourself to him, not just in words. Have you even tried to explain to Naruto how you feel?"
"Actually he tried to get me to open up about it but I may have pushed him away and called him a girl."
"Do you want him to leave you?"
"I didn't mean to say the things I said. I was busy and he was bothering me."
"Is that really why you snapped at him? Naruto can be annoying as hell but he understands the importance of what we do. If you really needed the time he would have left you alone. Though what he was trying to talk to you about was important too."
"Maybe I really snapped at him because I didn't want to have the conversation that he wanted too." Sasuke face palmed. "I really fucked up didn't I?"
"Well it's up to you to fix it, before you lose him. If you really loved him you'd tell him the truth no matter what happens."
"Where have you been?"
"Why do you care?" Naruto walked into the kitchen without even looking at Sasuke.
"Naruto look at me."
The blond in question pushed past him and headed towards the door but Sasuke grabbed him before could he turn the handle.
"Don't leave me please. I'm afraid to lose you." The Uchiha hugged Naruto from behind, nuzzling his nose into his neck and planting soft kisses in-between his speech. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier."
"I want you to talk to me Sasuke." Naruto leaned back into Sasuke's warmth. "It not really about you not wanting to have sex with me, it's just that you don't want to talk to me about whatever is going on in your head. I feel like I'm bothering you for sex or something. God I hate feeling like that! I want to be physical with you but its' not all I want."
"Its' not that I don't want to have sex with you Naruto, I'm just afraid that I'll disappoint you or the magic will disappear and you won't want me anymore."
"Why would you think something like that?"
Sasuke spun Naruto around to face him and stroked his cheek gently. "I've wanted you for so long, now that I have you, I can't lose you."
Naruto leaned in and gave Sasuke a deliberately slow kiss, "You know for a smart person you can be pretty dumb sometimes. You're not the only one who wanted this. Now that I have you, do you think I would really let you go?"
A few weeks later Naruto came home and found flower petals leading from the front door to the bedroom. When he opened the door he saw Sasuke sitting on the edge on the bed smiling at him. "What's going on?"
The raven haired boy didn't answer he just walked up to the blond and held his hand in his. "Kiss me."
Naruto didn't need to be told twice. He had been away on a mission and missed the other boy immensely. When their lips connected it was as great as usual but there was also something different. There was an intensity to it that he'd never felt before. If Sasuke kept kissing him like this stopping would be very difficult. He could already feel himself responding in other places to Sasuke's heat. He was surprised when the Uchiha reached down and ran a finger along his clothed erection. He pulled back and stared into his eyes, "If you keep kissing me like that and touching me like that, it's going to be hard for me to stop."
"Who said anything about stopping?"
"Are you sure?"
"Does this answer your question?" Sasuke kissed Naruto even more passionately than before and he grinded up against the blond so he could feel how ready he was.
That was all it took and soon they were both on the bed pulling each other's clothes off and fighting for dominance. The room became warm until it seemed like it was boiling. The feeling of their bodies caressing was more than either of them could take and they came more times than either of them could remember. By the end of the night they were both exhausted.
Naruto turned and kissed Sasuke's head, "That was…amazing."
"Amazing doesn't even cover it."
"Yeah, you're right."
"I love you, Sasuke don't ever forget that."
"I love you too Naruto and I always will."
The end.
So guys did you love it or hate it? Let me know...CIAO!