Disclaimer: I dont own and I dont want to own Naruto or its characters...except for maybe Gaara and Lee and well Shikamaru, but those are for other reasons =)
This is so sad. This was supposed to be a christmas gift, but its late...SO MERRY CHRISTMAS DANI! you still got your fanfic, but its just going to be a bit longer than either of us thought..but who cares...thats better for you...
Anywho to everyone else read and review....
"I don't like you." It was the first thing Gaara said to Sasuke after he found out the Uchiha would be his escort to the hotel he would be staying at in Konoha.
"Then you understand how I feel because I hate your guts too." Sasuke sneered, "But I'm doing this as a favor to Naruto, since neither he nor green jumpsuit could do it."
The two walked in silence until Gaara spoke up, "Just out of curiosity, do you still sit outside Naruto's house waiting for him to come home, or having you matured to actually going inside."
Sasuke turned and stared at the Kazekage in surprise. "How…how did…how do you know that?"
"You're not the only one who checks up on our friend from time to time."
"That's funny; I didn't think you'd have time for anything that didn't involve Lee's picture. I guess hugging it from time to time, works for you."
Now it was Gaara's turn to be surprised. "Why the fuck would you say something like that?"
"That's for me to know."
They both glared at each other for a while until the red head muttered a quiet "whatever" and continued walking.
Soon they came to the hotel and saw Lee and Naruto talking amongst themselves and smiling at them.
Sasuke turned towards Gaara, just before they reached in earshot of the smiling duo and murmured, "I'll keep your secret if you keep mine."
"Seems fair enough," was the kazekage's reply.
"What seems fair enough?" Naruto asked barely catching Gaara's words.
"Nothing," The two stoic teens said at the time, looking away.
"Convincing Gaara to spend the night here with you until your birthday was easier than I thought." Naruto smiled at Lee.
"Well it's only until after my birthday party tomorrow, but thank you Naruto, it is a nice surprise. Thanks for helping me set up spare bed as well and with groceries. Are you sure Gaara doesn't mind staying here with me?" The youthful nin sat at the edge of the bed, tugging at the end of his friend's jacket in slight worry.
"Hey I'm sure. That idiot likes being your friend, even if he doesn't admit it to our face. Besides it's the perfect opportunity to tell him how you feel."
"What? Surely I do not know what you mean by that."
"Come on Lee, I know most people think I'm stupid, but I really know my fair share of things. For one, you always get a little extra energetic whenever you know who is around and don't think that I don't see that way you look at him or those small touches."
"Naruto, Gaara lives in a different village, so it's not uncommon for me to feel a bit more youthful whenever he visits." Lee's tugging on Naruto's jacket increased slightly.
"Yeah right," The blond held on to the hand that was currently tugging on his jacket. "'Youthful,' is that what they are calling it now? Dude I know that you can make every one of Gaara's favorite dishes. Admit it, you so what him."
"That doesn't mean anything. Who knows when the time is going to come when I'll have to cook for him." Lee sighed, "Alright maybe I do like him but what about you? Are you going to tell our dear Uchiha how you feel?"
"Feel about what?"
"I know that you still have Sasuke's headband from before he left. I have seen you holding it in your hand when your hand when you going to sleep. Are you going to tell him what you feel?"
The hand around Lee's tightened and the blond set up to look at the other's face. "You're not going to tell are you?"
"Of course Naruto, we are friends. I would never tell your secrets as I know you wouldn't mine."
"I'll keep yours, if you keep mine?"
"Definitely" Lee reached over and patted Naruto's head playfully.
"What the fuck is going on here?"
Sasuke and Gaara walked into Lee's house. After meeting Naruto and Lee at the hotel they had been told of the sleepover plans. Gaara agreed and he and Sasuke left to report to the Hokage's office of the kazekage's safe arrival. The other two took the entire luggage back to Lee's place.
Now that they had informed Tsunade of his arrival and his sleepover plans, Gaara and Sasuke hurried over to Lee's place. Lee had given them a spare key so that they could get in the house with no problem.
The house was unnaturally quiet considering both the ninja of youth and Konoha's number one knuckle headed ninja were supposed to be there.
Sasuke was just about to call out when he heard voices coming from a room nearby.
"Umm what do you mean? Uhh, why do you guys look like you're going to brutally murder someone?"
Naruto stole a glance at his bedside companion. He could tell that Lee could also see the dark aura coming from the two at the door.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Sasuke asked before he could stop himself. He and Gaara had walked in to see their crushes leaning over each other. Naruto's hand was still over Lee's and Lee's other hand was in Naruto's hair.
"Umm what do you mean? Uhh, why do you guys look like you're going to brutally murder someone?" Naruto asked, but neither one answered.
"Well…how about I show you where your going to be….uh…sleeping." Lee got up, a bit hesitant to pass through the dark mist by the door, but when through anyway, pulling Gaara along after him.
The same thought were going through both Gaara and Sasuke's mind as they were being led to separate places, "Were they just about to kiss?"